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Everything posted by Remij

  1. 10pm for me. CDT Isn't that 11pm for you, or are you the same as me? I forget.
  2. I've been clicking the game icon periodically.. just testing to see if it's unlocked... I have a problem Some people are playing already.. and although the store says 10pm for me tonight.. I keep trying
  3. I really don't care lmao. He's saying it could be x or y because there's little to no visual or performance difference between a lot of the settings. It's obvious that they designed the game with the X1X in mind, and they realized that on the majority of gaming PCs out there... that spec was fine... and don't really offer much in the way of scaling for FPS beyond MSAA. Let's just call it the PC version at Extreme at 30fps. I'm good with that.
  4. Yea, I mean.. I laugh...but this shit is actually devastating. I totally get the draw of game collecting and having a nice gaming room setup.. and would never really consider the fact that accidents can happen as a reason against them. That's fucking brutal and judging from the pic, he likely doesn't have insurance. That's a harsh lesson.
  5. DynamiteCop simply doesn't like it because he can't physically collect the Gwent cards
  6. Not to mention, a card game RPG with an actual good story, characters, world, and fully voice acted.. could be amazing.
  7. Probably... but then he either wastes it on buying those games back.. or... he doesn't have any games anymore.
  8. Do insurance policies bring back the memories and all your games?
  9. This looks REALLY good. Damn.. I've totally been sleeping on Gwent. Just looking at the pictures and stuff it reminds me of something like Darkest Dungeon except you play Gwent instead of battle.
  10. Funny you say this when it was me arguing with him about it.... and yet here you're trying to claim that I'd be saying it's fake. Remij, you were good to argue with Jehurey all those times before about X1X... but now when you say stuff about X1X you're just a liar Fucking IDIOT.
  11. No I wouldn't. Did I say anything about DF's FH4 XO/X1X comparison video? No... I ONLY say something might not be right... when it technically doesn't seem logical in comparison to other data. You're a dumbo idiot though... and you guys are fucking hypocrites
  12. He's technically minded... and not NEARLY as biased as we are... think about that for a second. He got the job because he's objective.
  13. And LMAO you guys being butthurt about the PC guy Everything DF says is right.... until it's the guy saying that the PC version is better
  14. Static geometry does not look better on X1X ffs... it looks exactly the same lmao. Just stop with that shit. And this is an instance where it's not that it's so impressive for the console.. I mean it is.. it's a gorgeous game... but MS isn't going to go above and beyond to really differentiate their games across Xbox and PC. It's going to be largely the same, with some odd details better on PC. F7 was exactly like this as well. The way they will entice their PC players is with framerate for the most part. They aren't trying to make their own console look bad. Vegit
  15. Resident Evil and Playstation are like bread and butter. PC will undoubtedly have the best version of this game, but you have to respect the original platform of the series. The platform the BIRTHED the franchise and the entire genre! PS and PC Xbox getting pitty versions since RE5 and 6... two of the worst games in the series.
  16. Uh, the reason why you see PC exclusive VR games is because Oculus is partnering with notable developers to make them... If it wasn't for Oculus... Sony wouldn't even be attempting this at this moment in time. Of course, I don't think Sony should port their games to PC either... that's just ridiculous. VR exclusive games for platform (PS4/PC) are perfectly fine... just like 2D games are.... The problem is that the headsets are proprietary. If PSVR could be used on PC (I know it can with hacks) so people didn't have to buy another headset to be able to play PCVR games,
  17. I want to get Creed. I have a Mike Tyson's Punch Out itch that needs scratching. Will play it sometime during the winter.
  18. For sure. Apparently some guy from Venture Beat said that VR is getting it's "Super Mario 64" moment next week.. I have no idea what it could be. Some people think it might be that Astrobot game. He was asked if it was hardware or software related and he said software. He's probably over-hyping whatever the hell it is, but it's kind of exciting. I hope something awesome comes that really convinces people of VRs worth.
  19. Fuck YES! Ready at Dawn https://uploadvr.com/lone-echo-ii-officially-announced-for-the-oculus-rift/
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