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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Did I say there wasn't? Do those words not rhyme with "crane"?
  2. Kinda like you hiding behind PC in every PS4 game announcement thread Yakuza best on PC Nioh best on PC DQ11 best on PC Nier Automata best on PC (until the shitbox version came iyo) LOL Bloodborne isn't exclusive, it's on PC, no PS4 necessary "PS4's best games are all multiplats best on PC" - Jon2b LOL
  3. Nah, that game came to PC as well What does a lemming sound like though? They went extinct a while back LOL Wait, now that I think about it.. you do sound like Bodycount did when he USED to be a lemming... Till his dreams came crashing down and he abandoned ship...
  4. Yea, PC popularized everything that's good about consoles.. so? Well... they don't have: Free online FPS over 60 Full backwards compatibility Open Emulation of almost every system Ability to use whichever controller I want But most importantly... I'm not the one saying there's no chance of X game coming to X device in this day in age... Setting yourself up for failure.
  5. You're a purebred idiot Xbox used to only be on consoles as well
  6. That's referencing a game that IS on PC... ROFL... Rockstar Released the game on PC after the PS3/360 were at 45 million and they had the PS4/XO versions in development. They said PC was ALWAYS going to be made... And Read Dead is not GTA... But sales ARE sales... and the game IS coming to PC. You're done and you know it... lmao. I don't know why you keep digging your hole deeper.
  7. Cause there's SO many logical reasons for it not to You're fucked
  8. Dynawrong It's fucking coming And There's an Oculus parameter too.... which leads credence to article stating that R* was not done with VR... which RDR2 conveniently has the ability to play the entire game in first person... If RDR2 comes to the PC with full VR support... Dynamite will be the most raped poster on this forum in it's entire history
  9. You're dead.. not even putting in any effort... like Xbox
  10. Steam is one aspect of PC gaming... the biggest games on PC pretty much all have their own separate services... IDIOT And I'm not begging for it... I'm fucking telling you it's coming... Who has to beg? It's like Xbox games... you think we're begging for that shit... most people don't even want it on our platform and wish they'd fuck off The game sold over 100 million.... and about half of those people aren't playing it on two of those systems anymore. Those systems aren't continually generating T2 money every day... And a vast majority of the same people reboug
  11. In general... ROFL... It alone is as big of a market as the entire console market Steam is bigger and more popular than Xbox will EVER be. Real talk Dynamite... Xbox is the most irrelevant brand in gaming. Their console sucks... misses most games... has the lowest sales... and doesn't have any exclusives going forwards. They're turning to streaming in a haste to try to expand their market... RDR2 will hit PC... making the X1X version the middle child... ie the irrelevant one Gears 5 will hit PC... and be best on it. Halo Infinite will hit PC... and b
  12. It would be for me too, if mine was garbage like yours
  13. You're so dumb The online component of GTA 5 was a HUGE revenue driver for Take Two, and it's insanely popular and steady on PC. GTA 5 has sold over 10mil on PC... That pays for the entire development of all versions of the game alone.... BEFORE them making all this Online money.. They've reiterated that it's the future of the company to have consumers recurrently spending money on their games. The online components will be massively important in the future... and the PC absolutely plays a role in that LOL. It exists and will release when the time is right for Take Two.
  14. Because it's a stupid thought. They are focusing on the PC version of RDR2 now, DLC, and RDR2 Online... as well as preliminary work for GTA6. LMAO... thinking that Rockstar will bother going back to update GTAV when they're completely focused on the Online aspect. It already gets basic improvements on X1X in AF and loading. Nobody ISN'T buying the game on X or PRO because it's not updated.... they all already own that shit. So no. They have their plate full... and will for a while. Updates for PRO and X aren't even worth the bother.
  15. You said I wouldn't finish FF15 either.. idiot. I play more than you Gamefly2B I'm benchmarking your butthurt and it's off the charts
  16. I already made a thread. LMAO... late again Shytre
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