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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Lord help us if VGTech or NXGamer count something different... the meltdowns and denial would be overwhelming. Assuming they don't... then Rockstar did some damn fine work. Not much else to say.. I'm impressed.
  2. I'll wait to see what VGTech says about the situation... it wouldn't be the first time that DF fucks up and counts a native 4K image on a game with TAA
  3. Remij


    The PS4 looks better than the PRO in half those shots... wtf
  4. It's one game... And it's a certified hit LOL you bought a $400 PS4 for Knack Idiot
  5. Using the ones that people don't buy? It's over. My predictions for X018 -Halo MCC for PC -BC for PC -Sunset OD for PC It's happening... Phil's got the content lined up The amount of Deeno rape will be unheard of
  6. I said after this coming gen... This coming gen is the transition gen Dynamite... it's over.
  7. Yep... they've been building up that content. It's coming
  8. I wasn't trying to convince you. I'm telling you what I know will happen. You're a straight up idiot if you think MS will continue building consoles and stop development on PC for them to only stream to it. Yes.... let's spend tons of money developing console hardware and then put that new hardware which only functions for gaming purposes, in our data centers... instead of just using more powerful PC parts... which already run our platform, and use the same tools and platform that our developers build our games on....
  9. Dynamite... offering PC gamers Streaming will be an option... but only ever an option. You don't make inroads into the PC gaming community by offering NON NATIVE games as your main hook for the system... give me a fucking break I said this shit on Sidescrollers... MS is unifying the entire thing... it's running on Windows and DX12 with UWP... and they are building and porting everything so that they can completely drop designing a console in the future. In the future if they release an actual box... it's going to be a Xbox branded small form-factor PC. After this co
  10. Dynamite is gonna get raped. I also LOVE seeing him in this thread argue against the notion of MS developing an emulator for PC.... It's basically their fucking specialty at this point. And I also love how he brings up the "specs" issue... when literally any PC in the last 10 years has a CPU more powerful than the XO..
  11. ^yep And native 360 backwards compatibility is coming whether Deeno likes it or not MS best just get ahead of it and profit as much as they can
  12. Who knows? Could be... but I have my doubts. They were looking into armor design too, weren't they? Sounds like it's a multiplat anyway
  13. Wasn't there supposed to be a MGS movie being made? Maybe it's a CG movie and they will be voicing the characters?
  14. I'd be down as fuck for that, since it's my favorite one.. but I can't see it being that as Paul Eiding wasn't in that one. The video in the OP said something about Sniper Wolf's voice actress as well iirc. I'm pretty sure it's MGS1 related.
  15. Seems quite likely. Despite my feelings towards Konami, if Kojima has given the game his blessing, and assuming they do justice to the source material (if that IS what it turns out to be) then in a way it makes me happy. We'd get the REAL Snake back, Kaz, AND the Colonel himself back for another round... with Kojima's support. That's some family reunion, let's put the past behind us, type shit that quite frankly Konami NEEDS if they want this series to continue. Of course it could be something completely different... but I don't think they'd be teasing quite this much
  16. They are likely bringing them. They probably got 3rd parties in on it too. Their streaming service isn't ready yet.. and making it available on PC right now would completely undercut the new box that is supposed to launch alongside the X2. My guess is that they are working on bringing the entire library over to PC natively, which will form the basis for their streaming service in the future.
  17. Nope. Game Pass is DOWNLOAD and play. MS has been very vocal about the benefit of game pass over services like PSNow is that you play the games natively. The streaming service will be a completely different thing. Be afraid Dynamite... Phil's coming for your ass
  18. How much of a mind fuck would it be if Death Stranding actually tied into MGS somehow? Another thing... what if that "MGS1 intro remake" was actually a tease for an actual MGS1 remake? I remember thinking that it looks too damn good for a single person to do... but these days you never know? Still though, Hayter, Atkin Downes, and Paul Eiding all definitely appear to be involved. Robin A Downes wasn't in MGS4, so it's less likely that it could be related to that. It could be an entirely new game of course... but there's definitely s
  19. Probably the stupid depth of field effect they're using that blurs the entire background Should be said that's a Maxwell Titan X.. which is around a 1070... further leading credence that the X1X is somewhere between the 1060 and 1070.
  20. https://m.windowscentral.com/xbox-game-pass-expanding-pc We all already know that Game Pass is available on PC for MS first party games... but could this signal MS bringing over more games into the service? Backwards compatibility titles maybe? Phil has said before that they were looking into BC on PC... Maybe they'll start with select titles and go from there. There must be some big 3rd party publishers on board to make this happen.. because now that it's official... they've got to "support" it. Probably an announcement at X018... Dynamite... Master Ch
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