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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It's... real time ray-tracing. If you don't understand why it kills performance... you're ignorant. You think it's half assed and a mess because it tanks performance. In other words.. you don't know what you're talking about. You don't think it's worth it until it can be done more efficiently and with less impact on performance? Ok, that's perfectly understandable. Dismissing the technology (RTX cards) because of one game is stupid. It's like looking at just PUBG on Xbox One X and saying... this POS system isn't worth $500...
  2. By what metric? If it's the only example and you're writing off the technology completely... you're proving yourself to be nothing but an idiot. You're talking shit about the technology instead of the implementation. That's my problem with you. Of course... in 5-6 years you'll be talking about how great it is... I've demonstrated this with you time and time again. Nothing is important to you... until it's cheap and performant enough for you to like it. Which is wrong, because all forms of technology go through these cycles. If they weren't allowed to be badly implemented and
  3. Yea, before you posted it here. I usually watch Gamer Nexus' vids... what's the issue? It's new tech... you expected it to be perfect? That's why it's an option and developers can learn. You're taking this one example and dismissing an entire technology because of it... like technology doesn't improve If technology was up to you... you'd write this off as a gimmick and never improve upon anything Basically what I'm saying... is that you're a dumbo idiot.
  4. That's a good idea. Nvidia will have their 7nm refresh out and it will be better integrated and supported by that time as well. (Assuming that's what you go for) The RTX series has so many awesome architectural improvements which aren't being fully utilized yet. Mesh shading for one. https://www.dsogaming.com/news/nvidia-rtx-series-3x-faster-in-mesh-shading-in-vulkan-rtx2080-handles-20-billion-triangles-second/ 3x performance increase... insane amounts of geometry and objects.. Next gen games are going to be crazy. AMD was trying something similar with p
  5. Jon watching Gamers Nexus... hermit mode activated
  6. Yea I feel ya. This looks damn good though imo.
  7. Looks incredible. It's also HL's 20th birthday today! There's also going to be a No Clip Documentary on Half-life Hopefully the rumors about the Half-Life VR game are real and it turns out to be something special. Would be godly
  8. I'm going to laugh my ass off if Dead or Alive 6 is toned down in any way on PS4 compared to the other versions. Actually, now that I think about it... it was probably because of Sony that they tried not having any bouncing tits or ass in the first place, until people started complaining.. then it got added back in.. rofl
  9. What do you mean? Sry, I just don't understand what you're trying to say? (That vid though )
  10. NSFW (anime game scantly clad girl comparison PC/Switch/PS4) Sony are so retarded
  11. As we all know, Sony has apparently introduced new restrictions for developers on what they can and cannot show/do regarding their games and sexual content. It's mostly just affected small games from small developers at this point, with people thinking that bigger publishers and games would get a pass... but the new DOAX3: Scarlet game is also going to be censored... yep.. And what's worse is that the Switch version wont be.... rofl Times have changed.. Frome ERA: So... less jiggling and no skirt blowing.. even though the previous game su
  12. Remij

    DF on FF13

    They're so stupid if they don't do Lost Odyssey at some point.
  13. Bhytre (Oct 2023) Still playing - Red Dead Redemption 2
  14. Heh, yea. They're doing some good work in places, but they have to bring it next gen for sure. With regards to the PC, it's absolutely true that they're hamstringing themselves by not fully embracing the platform. Steam releases should be day 1 and the should be selling their games on any store that will have them. But more than anything... this recent X018 shows just how scared they still are to fully embrace it.. and it will be that way for a while. You had Sunset Overdrive ready to announce less than a week later, and you don't even mention it to give it a bit of exposure.
  15. Crying because of Sunset Overdrive not getting an Xbox One X patch alongside the PC version From your favorite youtuber CrapGamer: Watching the Ted Price interview you can see Larry catch himself when he says "This is exactly what you want to experience this game in" after Ted says it supports 4K/60. Oops, giving too much praise to the PC when there's no X patch Another day, another exclusive gone Lemmings begging for their own games
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