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Posts posted by Remij

  1. 1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

    I'm a big Destiny fan (day 1 for every game and dlc pack) and it has had many faults and issues over the years but this is currently the best Destiny has ever been. This is peak Bungie. For anyone that doesn't have D2 at all, to be able to go and buy the edition with the base game and all the expansions for the cost of a regular game (or a little more) is insane. Incredible amount of content and even if you don't care about the whole end game grind it is still worth playing through the campaign and strikes once. The gunplay is as great as ever but now they have fixed many quality of life issues and mechanics with the grind. Added a whole new PvE/PvP hybrid game mode. Added a bunch of new quest lines and just so many different things to do. 

    The biggest negative it still has imo is that it is just soooooo much better in co op. Easily the best co op game this gen imo. 

    Damn.. I might have to install it again and see whats up. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    They are marketing the upcoming dlc pretty heavily so would be interesting to see if they want to overshadow that with a new game announcement so soon. Don't know what the easter egg you're talking about is but surely a new R&C game is in development after the last one did so well. 

    Yea I agree.


    Here's where the rumor started from:



    igTedPrice is his actual twitter handle, so people think that it could be an easter egg for an upcoming announcement next week.


    Probably just a joke from the devs, however.

  3. 1 minute ago, モンキー said:

    Whether it's the success of the PS4 (compared to the PS3), the increase in japanese PC game releases, or just gamers getting more interested in japanese games due to western game fatigue.... For whatever reason, this seems like the gen where people are trying their first games in long established japanese series.





    Dragon Quest

    Monster Hunter


    You're definitely right about that.  I've heard quite a few people say "X will be my first time trying this series.." for many different Japanese games this gen.  It's good to see, and I definitely think that after an excruciatingly long gen like the PS3/360, where western games dominated... people are ready for Japanese games this gen and next.  It also helps that the higher end studios are catching up to the west graphically.

  4. I'm really surprised to see how well this is still selling at full price, especially here in Canada.  It's $80.. and it's back to #2 after falling to like 5-7 before.  It's #5 in the global top sellers.


    That doesn't mean it's selling massively.. but with these games they usually sell high the first day then drop off hard afterwards... until there's a price drop.  I'm surprised to see this come back up.

  5. 28 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    The equipment management in general is pretty clunky overall. When you're buying something, it only shows you how it affects your defense, even though they usually affect multiple stats (like charm, magical might/mending, etc.). So I often find myself memorizing the rest of the stat differences, backing out of the vendor menu, going into my own equipment menu and comparing the differences. Theres no reason they couldn't have just thrown the rest of the stats onto the buy menu as well (same applies to the forge)...odd design designs especially coming from a veteran RPG developer like SE. Not a major thing but i just went back and forth between those menus at least 5-7 times so it becomes unnecessarily time consuming.

    Nah dude.. you press X or Square in the shop menu on the item you want and it shows all the details and all the stats if affects.  They wouldn't fuck up something so obvious as that.


    I'll say again, this game is one of the most polished JRPGs I've ever seen/played.  It's also stunningly gorgeous... especially with TAA forced.  Cleans up all the jaggies, even the ones when you reach pep with the blue glow.  That normally shimmers a lot, but not with TAA.  




    The animations and everything are just awesome as well.  The enemies are a highlight. :wow2: 

  6. 1 minute ago, MalaXmaS said:

    Seriously, they ruined this game, first with lootcrates, then the overly restrictive homologation system.

    The game is unplayable because of this.

    Yea, I've honestly hardly played it since Forza Horizon kinda turned me off from the main series.  Forza 7 just doesn't do it for me.  They made some bizarre choices with that game.


    I'll be more excited for the main Forza series when they actually make the next gen version of it, which hopefully changes things up enough and provides true customization and optimization without all the homologation bs.

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  7. 14 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    Ok, it slowly makes more sense now. So does the number of units that the bar goes up change depending on the item? I wish the game went into more detail into how that works.


    Also, am i missing something or is there no way to use the forge outside of campsites? So far, one annoying issue is that by the time you reach a vendor in a town or other settlement, theres a chance you can craft the same or better equipment, however theres no simple way to access the forge. You have to go back to a campsite, rest, and then use the forge, and then go back to the vendor and rinse and repeat until you're satisfied with where your characters are with their equipment.


    The forge should definitely be available for use in NPC settlements  (maybe the inn). That would be a pretty big quality of life improvement.

    Yea I think so.  Basically you hit the item, and it will go up a random incremental amount.. then you have to figure out how many hits it will take going up by that amount to get it as close as possible to the notch.  It is random based on the item, but goes up the same amount in subsequent hits.  It wouldn't make any sense if it was just completely random every time you hit it... you wouldn't be able to gauge very well how to get closest.  Either way... getting it perfect is more of a luck thing.. and I don't think it's really meant to be possible to do on every item you craft.


    And nah, at least so far in my game.. you can only use the forge at campsites.  You're right about there being a good chance that you can craft an equal or better item by the time you reach a new settlement.  That's often the case in my experience.  But that plays into the risk reward of either spending your money on new equipment vs crafting new stuff.  There'll be some stuff that you can only really get after learning how to craft it.  Equipment also starts shooting up in price pretty quickly and if you're being more casual with the amount of enemies you're fighting, crafting can be a good way to keep some of your characters relatively powerful.  It's not really possible early game to buy everyone new stuff every time you hit a shop.  At least that's what I've found.  There's also the fact that some equipment have other stats that you may want to keep for your character while being able to improve the strength(attack) and durability (defense) of your character.


    I think of it more as just another option at your disposal to upgrade your characters and don't really favor one over the other.  Sometimes one or the other, or both will make sense.


    But yes, only being able to use it at camp is a bit of an oddity.. but it's literally nothing to zoom to a campsite and use it, imo.

  8. 42 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Because pound for pound and dollar for dollar it's the best place to play these games with the most consistent operation and least amount of headaches. 


    Forza Horizon 3 on PC for example refuses to save graphical settings and has to optimize each time its loaded up, this is like a 10 minute process to get into the game. Several other people I've dealt with run into this same issue, also connecting online can be nightmarish.


    Xbox is hassle free with this stuff, install your game, play and don't look back.

    LMFAO this is completely false... omfg :D 


    The only time it has to optimize and select your settings is when you install new drivers because it has to build a shader cache... and it doesn't take 10 fucking minutes... less than 1 minute..  The game saves your options... OMFG Deeno :mj: 

  9.  For video games, this technology does make a lot of sense.  There's definitely potential there.  What people should be thinking about is not just interpolation to double the fps from 30 to 60.. but other, more practical ways it could help.  I've thought about this before for gaming shortly after VR came out and developers were figuring out all sorts of ways to deal with dropped frames.  It's very similar in principle to asynchronous timewarp.  They could essentially take a 60fps targeted game, and whenever the renderer drops frames they could insert a generated interpolated frame in it's place, smoothing out the experience and reducing judder.


    I think we'll continue to see a lot of 60fps targeted games which again sometimes get very close but fail to hit the mark consistently, so technology like this could be helpful. 

  10. 12 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    I've already see this game in operation from several different sources on that hardware at basically every pertinent resolution, 1080p, 1440p, 4K etc. On High settings at 1440p it basically operates at the same FPS threshold of the Xbox One X at 3456x1944 and for 4K it's hanging around 30 with some dips into the high 20's. 


    At Xbox One X settings which I'd wager are mostly High across the board the 1060 with a slight mix of medium would likely need to be at 1800p to match its performance. You could probably get Xbox One X performance out of a 1060 6GB if it were OC'd to the point of instability. 

    It's completely useless to try to compare these games across platforms because it's never like for like.  The only thing you can do is get a "general sense" of the performance... and between consoles you can kinda look at where the performance and resolution sit at.  On PC there's far more to customize but there's no dynamic scaler in the PC version.  If the Xbox One X version didn't dynamically adjust the resolution, the average framerate would be much lower... What you're seeing on X1X is impacted performance while the GPU is struggling to hit a given resolution and within a given fps threshold.  You're not often getting a 60fps during any active moments... and you're not getting a native resolution either.  So that means that unless nothing is going on at all... the game never chooses to stick to one or the other.. so we can't say one way or the other how the X would perform overall when locked to a given resolution.


    Anyway, I'd say they are still in the same ballpark.

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