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Posts posted by Remij

  1. 2 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Hmm PC ultra settings at native 4k . Never thought you'd see that happen , eh ? (Over and over again )

    Funny you say this when it was me arguing with him about it.... and yet here you're trying to claim that I'd be saying it's fake.


    Remij, you were good to argue with Jehurey all those times before about X1X... but now when you say stuff about X1X you're just a liar :cry: 


    Fucking IDIOT. :shake:

  2. Static geometry does not look better on X1X ffs... it looks exactly the same lmao.  Just stop with that shit.


    And this is an instance where it's not that it's so impressive for the console.. I mean it is.. it's a gorgeous game... but MS isn't going to go above and beyond to really differentiate their games across Xbox and PC.  It's going to be largely the same, with some odd details better on PC.  F7 was exactly like this as well.  The way they will entice their PC players is with framerate for the most part.  They aren't trying to make their own console look bad.


    Vegitation, geometry, LODs... everything could be MUCH better on PC... but we're stuck with mostly X1X level stuff because that's just the way it is.


    2-3x the fps makes up for it though :juggle: 

  3. Resident Evil and Playstation are like bread and butter. :reg: 


    PC will undoubtedly have the best version of this game, but you have to respect the original platform of the series.  The platform the BIRTHED the franchise and the entire genre! :wow2: 


    PS and PC :blessed: 


    Xbox getting pitty versions since RE5 and 6... two of the worst games in the series.  :sabu:

  4. 3 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    PSVR is slaughtering all the other headsets combined and the only reasons you see PC exclusive VR games is due to the limitations of the PS4 or the fact they are indie games with limited means.


    I for one I'm glad it's console gamers that are leading this market. I want VR to be affordable and easily accessible.


    And Sony shouldn't port their VR games to PC, they need a selling hook. Don't give me that Spencer bullshit.

    Uh, the reason why you see PC exclusive VR games is because Oculus is partnering with notable developers to make them...


    If it wasn't for Oculus... Sony wouldn't even be attempting this at this moment in time.


    Of course, I don't think Sony should port their games to PC either... that's just ridiculous.  VR exclusive games for platform (PS4/PC) are perfectly fine... just like 2D games are.... The problem is that the headsets are proprietary.  If PSVR could be used on PC (I know it can with hacks) so people didn't have to buy another headset to be able to play PCVR games, then it would be fine.  Similarly.. if the Rift and Vive headsets worked on PS4.. I could just connected it and away I go..


    That's the problem.  People don't want to spend $350-700 on a headset and then have to buy a different one just to be able to play all the games.


    But it is what it is.  Who knows though... maybe in the future that will happen?  On the PC they are unifying the headset connection to a single USB-C port called VirtualLink.  Maybe the PS5 and X2 will have one, and games will just be made with general headset / control requirements in mind (and then tailored to specific sets based on the hardware it's played on for enhanced capability) and we'll be able to do that?


    The only thing really stopping me from buying a PSVR is that I really just don't want to spend more money and have another headset lying around.  It's that simple. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    6 more days until Astro Bot. :juggle: 


    and I'm getting Valkyria Chronicles 4, Dragon Quest XI and Fist of the North Star. I can barely keep up with all the great games. I even decided to skip a few VR titles like Firewall and Creed. 


    Not enough time.

    I want to get Creed.  I have a Mike Tyson's Punch Out itch that needs scratching.  


    Will play it sometime during the winter. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Ramza said:

    He is talking about Astro Bot. Dude, the minigame platformer in The Playroom VR is the inspiration behind it and that shit, while simple was dope as hell. Everyone who played it was begging for a full game.


     If it's that x10 then yeah, VR is getting it's first true fantastic platformer. I wouldn't go as far as to call it Super Mario 64 but it is going to be groundbreaking for VR, definitely.


    I'm getting it %100 sure.

    Yea it seems like the most likely bet.  

  7. 2 minutes ago, Ramza said:

    Production value looks amazing.


    More VR games is always a plus, even if I'm not getting it on PSVR. (maybe one day I'll dabble with PC exclusives VR games) :fblike:

    For sure.


    Apparently some guy from Venture Beat said that VR is getting it's "Super Mario 64" moment next week..





    I have no idea what it could be.  Some people think it might be that Astrobot game.  He was asked if it was hardware or software related and he said software.  He's probably over-hyping whatever the hell it is, but it's kind of exciting.  I hope something awesome comes that really convinces people of VRs worth. B) 

  8. Just now, Jon2B said:

    I'd imagine so . Didn't notice anything about clubs in the reviews I watched 

    Yea, I haven't been watching too much of the reviews and stuff either because I basically just want to go in fresh.  I'm pretty sure there will be a tab for club management and info.  I'll get it set up tomorrow night anyway.  At least we have a LFG club now and will maybe get some new people coming around.  Mala joined and Alphonse joined as well.  Gonna send GD one right away.  Anyone else just search for Tobias Israel on the Xbox Dash or App and I'll add you.

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