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Everything posted by Remij

  1. GamePass means you can get the Game and Pass on the console After years of being abused, Xbox is down for that open relationship.. no commitment required
  2. Butthurt consolefags Mom... he was picking on me Fagtre
  3. @Twinblade Not sure if you've tried it yet, but they released the orchestral mod for Dragon Quest 11. It's pretty amazing, and sounds a lot better than the MIDI tracks they used for the game. I completely recommend it if you dislike the MIDI tracks. I was actually surprised though that the MIDI music wasn't as bad as I originally thought it was going to be. I was definitely used to the music and wasn't even going to try this, but decided to since I'm nowhere close to being done with it. Not sure if you'll bother at this point, but it's out there anyway.
  4. Isn't it fucking amazing? A thoroughly well designed game. Great art, controls, music.. and surprisingly deep story. Also, lots of cool secrets in that game. One of the best games of the year. The OST is godly as well, and just fits the world of the game. I love the build up with the piano Oh, and Undertale is another one of those games where if you allow it... draws you in with interesting characters and a world with deviously deep meanings behind everything. The fact that Undertale was created by a single person, who did all the art, ga
  5. I've pretty much stopped drinking. I'll have a Rye and Coke the odd time in the winter, and a beer the odd time in the summer when BBQ'ing or with my old man. Just chill shit.
  6. Well, I think he already confirmed that it would have multiplayer elements woven into the main fabric of the game..where what happens in our world affects the worlds of other players that we've connected with. It will be some kind of meta game and a commentary on how all the things we do are connected and how we affect life all around us... ...or something. lol
  7. God I'm holding out hope for PC/XO/Switch versions announced as well when this finally gets announced. It just makes sense to release these kinds of games across all platforms. PS4 obviously.. but the XO as well since SotN came to 360.. and the Switch makes obvious sense because it's portable and these games are perfect for that.. and PC as well since it's a brand new market and games like Bloodstained already show them that they'd do very well on Steam. Cmon Konami... stop fucking around
  8. Like I said, I can see it getting docked points for the Showcase Events being basically the same thing as FH3's. Scripted events which while kinda neat... don't really hide the fact that they are completely scripted and it takes the excitement out of it knowing that you can fuck up and be fairly slow sometimes and things still happen the exact same. However, I think there's other areas in which this game will make up for that. I think progression is going to be MUCH better this time around.. making people want to play with more variety in cars and race types. The stunt driver ra
  9. If they turn out really good, let me know and I'll youtube that shit
  10. Stefanie Joosten is going to be a character as well. It was pretty much confirmed. One of the characters profile looks exactly like hers and has a Dutch flag.. and someone posted it on twitter and Stefanie's manager commented on it or something like that. Lots of characters in this one... I'm definitely of the opinion that there's a huge other side to this game that none of us realize yet.
  11. Jon doesn't even have faith in MS' best franchise from their best studio.... It'll be reviewed fairly I'm pretty sure. 9's everywhere... some 10s and 8s. Maybe a 7 from some disgruntled Gran Turismo fansite.. but a solid 9.
  12. That is badass. I really like the idea of both of those bonuses. PC gets nothing I see
  13. This thread is serving its purpose well I see. Good. I've got a bit to add to it. Fucking Nvidia still hasn't shipped my card and I got an email saying that they'd update me soon... Meanwhile these fucking influencers are getting 2080ti's left and right.. teee hee THANKS NVIDIA Fuck you assholes Ok I'm good
  14. Yea, drops and inconsistent fps are a problem to people who are sensitive to it... there are also people who are completely oblivious to them. There are people who prefer certain framerates regardless and you should try not speaking for them. How did I enjoy Bloodborne? Fine.. Because I can deal with it when there's no other option......... Just because I prefer to game at high fps when possible doesn't mean I'm not able to enjoy games that aren't able to.... Saying I don't give a shit isn't accurate, because I DO care, and if given the choice will always choose better performance. Lots
  15. And yet you're the person parading the fact that you've played PC games at high framerates for years so you're more sensitive to fps issues than others and can tell when things don't feel right.... You get along fine now because your PC hasn't been pushing 100+ fps at 1440p in the latest games for a long time now
  16. GS - 9 IGN - 9.2 Meta - 92 I'm pretty confident in those.
  17. Why's that funny? He has a monitor that can display 144 frames per second... You only need to play a game once at that framerate to realize it's hard going back to 60... and damn near impossible to go back to 30. LOLOL
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