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Posts posted by Remij

  1. 16 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    I have a feeling it's multiplayer with some narrative derived stuff. 

    Well, I think he already confirmed that it would have multiplayer elements woven into the main fabric of the game..where what happens in our world affects the worlds of other players that we've connected with. It will be some kind of meta game and a commentary on how all the things we do are connected and how we affect life all around us...


    ...or something.  lol

  2. God I'm holding out hope for PC/XO/Switch versions announced as well when this finally gets announced.


    It just makes sense to release these kinds of games across all platforms.  PS4 obviously.. but the XO as well since SotN came to 360.. and the Switch makes obvious sense because it's portable and these games are perfect for that.. and PC as well since it's a brand new market and games like Bloodstained already show them that they'd do very well on Steam.


    Cmon Konami... stop fucking around :mad: 


  3. 10 minutes ago, -GD- said:

    the game will be a 10/10 with its fans. that's all that matters. i just don't see it being the massive jump 3 was, which i can see it getting docked points for. heck, even some of the best forza titles got 8's, because there were already several great ones out. 

    Like I said, I can see it getting docked points for the Showcase Events being basically the same thing as FH3's.  Scripted events which while kinda neat... don't really hide the fact that they are completely scripted and it takes the excitement out of it knowing that you can fuck up and be fairly slow sometimes and things still happen the exact same.


    However, I think there's other areas in which this game will make up for that.  I think progression is going to be MUCH better this time around.. making people want to play with more variety in cars and race types.  The stunt driver races are cool as hell and already better than the Showcase Events from FH3 imo.  Hopefully they do some cool shit with that.


    But yea, you're right.. FH4 will be an amazing game for fans of these games.  Just in my mind, I'd like to see this knock it out of the park because despite someone not liking racing games all that much, these really are high quality games.  They are pretty much the best in genre for car fans.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Stefanie Joosten is going to be a character as well.  It was pretty much confirmed.  One of the characters profile looks exactly like hers and has a Dutch flag.. and someone posted it on twitter and Stefanie's manager commented on it or something like that.


    Lots of characters in this one... I'm definitely of the opinion that there's a huge other side to this game that none of us realize yet.

  5. 13 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    This changes nothing I said, drops are a problem, consistent performance is not.


    How on Earth did you enjoy Bloodborne? Because the reality is you don't really give a shit, you forget about all of this dumb shit the second you start playing. 


    You're showboating. 

    Yea, drops and inconsistent fps are a problem to people who are sensitive to it...  there are also people who are completely oblivious to them.  There are people who prefer certain framerates regardless and you should try not speaking for them.  How did I enjoy Bloodborne?  Fine.. Because I can deal with it when there's no other option.........  Just because I prefer to game at high fps when possible doesn't mean I'm not able to enjoy games that aren't able to....  Saying I don't give a shit isn't accurate, because I DO care, and if given the choice will always choose better performance.  Lots of people complained about BB's fps.  Dark Souls 3 on PC makes it hard as hell to go back to BB for me.  Jeff made it quite clear that if given the option he'd choose 60fps FH4 over visuals... which in your opinion makes him a bullshitter because he was fine with 30fps on Xbox before...  


    One does not mean the other... just because he never complained about it before doesn't mean that he never wished or felt that it would be better at a higher fps.

  6. 13 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Yet I get along just fine, dramatics.

    And yet you're the person parading the fact that you've played PC games at high framerates for years so you're more sensitive to fps issues than others and can tell when things don't feel right....


    You get along fine now because your PC hasn't been pushing 100+ fps at 1440p in the latest games for a long time now :D 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    The funny part is Jeffery has a 1080 but plays on a 1440p monitor at an unlocked framerate LOL

    Why's that funny?  He has a monitor that can display 144 frames per second...  You only need to play a game once at that framerate to realize it's hard going back to 60... and damn near impossible to go back to 30. LOLOL

  8. 2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    If I still had a 1080p TV hooked up I would choose the latter but it really doesn't matter either way, the game is buttery smooth in either instance just as it's always been. 

    Yes.. and if there was a 4K option with the same gfx and 60fps on your 4K tv.. you'd choose that without question.. which is the point.  Jeff made it pretty obvious that he prefers 60 for a racing game... and said that he'd sacrifice the resolution for it.


    You were basically calling him a bullshitter because it was apparently good enough before that he never complained about it...  Well, in that case... anyone who prefers to play the game on console at 60fps instead of 30 is a bullshitter in your eyes... because it's stupid to play the game at a lower visual fidelity at a higher framerate when 30fps was fine before.

  9. 6 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Lol your making up stories . Seems to be all you do .  Load times are bad on PC too .


    Massive LOD problems on PC lol . The verdict is clear . And the winner , as always ...is X 

    The LOD issue happens when you change a setting and then then go back into the demo without restarting.  If you change the settings before starting the demo, the LODs are fine.  The full game doesn't have the issue and is exactly the same as the Xbox version.

  10. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    Strange how Forza Horizon was always playable and no one complained about its rock solid performance until another option presented itself.



    Yes, well.. that's how things work.  People settle for things until there's a better option out there.  Nobody is going to say a racing game is better at 30fps than 60fps given the option... you're only saying that it's fine... because YOU have to compromise one to get the other.  lmao

  11. 11 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    He said he'd play 60fps he didn't say it was garbage at 30 . Stupid fuck :D


    The only thing that is garbage is the PC port :D ruuuullfffff

    He said 30 was garbage without saying "30 is garbage"... lmao needing shit spelled out for you :mj: 


    And my god... the load times on Xbox are fucking horrendous..  :kaz: 


    The PC version shits on the Xbox version LOL...  Jeff made the same choice as anyone else would if they had the option :pavarotti: 

  12. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Why are you such a massive faggot who cries like a bitch when he's wrong? Boo fucking hoo I didn't get some inside reference, shut the fuck up.





    Oh ok, how stupid of me to not take your feelings into consideration when I'm arguing with someone else about something not pertaining to you.... idiot. :roll: 

  13. 3 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    I'm sure Capcom is kicking themselves still . 

    Like when cows thought dmc was gonna be ps exclusive :D

    maybe they should have actually bought sf5 . Lmao

    Yea, cause I'm sure the problem was that it didn't release on Xbox and not that they completely botched the launch with hardly any content. :roll: 

  14. Just now, Jon2B said:

    No he didn't .


    So when you go back to 1080 for Ray tracing , does resolution matter then ? 


    ROFL PC gaming is a JOKE SCAM 

    Yes he did.. lmao.. it's in the quick look.  He's playing it on his PC at 1440p at 70-110fps and said that if he had to play the X1X version (the one they play in the video) he'd be playing at 1080p because 30 doesn't feel great for a racing game. LOL


    1080p with the latest in graphics technology vastly superior to the other offerings... or 3x the fps and 4x the resolution.... Whichever I decide, I win :pavarotti:

  15. Just now, Jon2B said:

    I thought resoultion doesn't matter to hermits now ? Lmao 


    Massive LOD issues on PC it's broken . No surprise . All.pc games are broken LOL 

    It always matters... it especially matters when it comes at the cost of 1/2 the framerate dipshit :kaz: 


    Even Jeff was like... if I played this on my Xbox One X (he's playing on PC btw B) ) he said that he'd play at 1080p 60 because 30 feels garbage :fatcruise:



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