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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Idiots... it's ABSOLUTELY coming to PC... Rockstar does this shit all the time. They know exactly how to milk people by getting them to double dip. The console versions will come out and a year later the PC version will come.. and people will buy it again because lmao 30fps, lmao not 4K, lmao low settings... ROFL http://www.denofgeek.com/us/games/grand-theft-auto-v/196516/rockstar-gta-v-not-coming-to-next-gen
  2. Too bad you couldn't work your magic with Xbox
  3. He's right. For a large majority of people, these cards aren't worth it. The 1080Ti can be had for cheaper (around $550 USD 2nd hand) and performs largely the same as the RTX 2080 as it stands right now. This is really one of the first gens in a long time where fundamental changes to the architecture and graphics pipeline are being introduced.. with no real world examples to take advantage of them. You're essentially promising people that something is the future without them being able to clearly see why that is... and that's a problem. Currently, out of what's been shown and b
  4. For sure. BF5 looked insane in the beta.. and that's the MP aspect.. SP will look incredible. Forza Horizon 4 is definitely the top contender for me personally... considering all it's doing technically as well.. we have full time-of-day cycles and 4 seasons which all look completely different. That can't be understated. While the different seasons don't change in real-time naturally.. it's still an incredible achievement to have designed all these assets to have 4 different variations with varying snow/leaves cover. There's lots of amaz
  5. Forza Horizon 4 is definitely up there... and so is Shadow of the Tomb Raider. I actually think Shadow of the Tomb Raider looks better than God of War in some cases if I'm honest. Spider-Man is also up there. But yes, those are all contenders for sure.
  6. You're a dumbass.. we all know you can't formulate your own thoughts when it comes to what's presented to you and need DF to do it for you without question.. And you calling anyone biased is fucking hilarious... riding my dick as hard as you could any time when I was defending Xbox One X Fucking Clown
  7. No... wrong when there's a valid reason to believe so... I even told your dumbass the exact reason why I think they are wrong when I do. Every time I've questioned them.. I've done so given the results of other testers who also have proven track records, whose findings fall in line and better explain my own thoughts regarding the performance of the hardware as compared to PC benchmarks for said games... knowing the performance characteristics of the hardware tested... I don't just blindly accuse them of being wrong... When two or more choices are presented to me, I tend to go wi
  8. Playing the Forza Horizon 4 demo... again. I can't wait for this fucking thing! Here's a couple pics. The environmental detail in this came is fucking amazing. If you look in the windows and shit the houses and buildings actually have modeled interiors too.. using what appears to be the same tricks that Spider-man on PS4 uses. It's extremely convincing.
  9. DMC5 is already #4 top global sellers within hours of it being available to pre-load on Steam This game is going to do well for Capcom I think lol.
  10. Wrong when they are wrong, and right when they are right... that's essentially the standard they should be held to dumbo. I never said don't trust them... I said don't trust that they are always right when numbers differ and are called into question. There's a whining thread for you if you have any more problems with that.
  11. Yea it looks impressive as fuck. I'll wait till I play them both though to reserve that judgement.
  12. Well... you said UE3... ...and it was a general statement... between this and RE2 looking so great. Different teams.. both great visually. So, I never said or implied that it was purely responsible for the game looking so good... I said largely.. because a good engine enables and empowers those artists to do what they do as well as they do. And yea, LOL I'd say the Engine is more capable than UE3... SSS support, TAA support, HDR support, photogrammetry.. there's lots here that that engine couldn't do.. I'm sure.
  13. Granted that's a large part of it too, but..
  14. Well, I think you have to be a bit understand of people like that.. because at the moment, Capcom APPEARS to be course correcting. People are visibly seeing that and coming to the conclusion on their own... not just being told by Capcom that they are. There's many ways in which IMO the same holds true for MS... but people don't see the same as me. For MS, they really need to get a couple hits out there.. and trim some of the fat which isn't working for them. Whether you like them or not, you have to admit that Sony has almost all of their big studios pumping out hit after hit.
  15. For sure, there'll definitely be aspects of that. I think MS was also rumored to have new things in the works for their platform wide progression system, rumored "Xbox Career" Things like leveling and questing with different kinds of loot... and how to better reward players who are into these kinds of things. It wouldn't surprise me if Sony is doing something as well which integrates all these kinds of aspects into it. Maybe watching streams, hanging together with others in groups will help your level increase.. or maybe even things like how often you meet, interact, and play, w
  16. They're making good choices lately. Getting the quality and brand recognition of their games up... bringing out past classics with remasters and leveraging them to draw attention to new projects. They're also making good tough decisions like closing down studios which are no longer performing well and cutting their losses... funneling the money presumably into better projects. They have the right kind of ability to not only target high end AAA visuals on the latest platforms.. but also have the IP to drive sales across platforms which are better suited to those IP. They also
  17. Yea, definitely not right away. They'll definitely look at their statistics and figure out when the best time is to launch new games into the service... They are likely working out a model for releases which is predicable for people so they know how and when to expect new content on the service. This, along with the rumors that Sony is greatly expanding the scope of their PSN service, and the news that AMD is working closely with MS on cloud stuff... it's easy to assume that they're doing the same with Sony, and that Sony is beginning to piece together how to leverage it within t
  18. This essentially makes the PS4 games on the service like gamepass. People could sign up to the service, and download and play those games natively instead of streaming them. No purchase of the game necessary. Now, the question is if they'll start offering new games on the service.. day and date?
  19. The Steam store page went up with these pics.. god damn This game is going to be batshit insane
  20. I didn't say they weren't to be trusted... I said they've made mistakes and can/could, and have been wrong... Apparently you think that saying someone is wrong means that they can't be trusted... You're dumb.
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