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Posts posted by Remij

  1. It's dumb to think this game wont come to PC.  Sure, Rockstar can do whatever the fuck they want... but it seems pretty obvious that with GTA5 being their most massively successful game... RDR2 will follow a similar release pattern... especially considering RDR isn't nearly as big of a series as GTA is.  They'll want to be expanding this series as far as it'll go I'm sure.


    That, alongside the Linkedin post from a programmer stating PC as a platform for the game... I don't think it's unreasonable to assume it will hit the PC at some point.


    And the original thread/post for this "news" was that RDR2 would NEVER come to PC... and then was corrected as a misquoted translation.  They quickly fixed it and said they never said it would NEVER come to PC.. just that it's coming to PS4 and XO.


    So literally nothing changed between last week and this week... there's still all the reason in the world to assume this will hit the PC... and as typical... Deeno can manage to understand every possible reason why X game could potentially come to Xbox... but never any other platform.  What a clown LOL

  2. 1 minute ago, Aza Team 2019 said:

    Rockstar has been pretty anal about remasters and extremely inconsistent. They won't even bother to do a patch lol for Pro or X with it selling millions a year still and having a huge ass online community. Where are our GTA patches and that had a rerelease this year in store shelves with come complete edition bullshit.


    They remastered LA Niore released it on Switch, but not GTA5. Explain the logic behind this.

    GTA5 doesn't have PRO or X patches?  LOL


    The LA Noire thing.. lmao who knows?  GTA5 could still come to the Switch though...


    I think it's pretty clear what Rockstar will do with RDR2.

  3. 27 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Double dip lol? The PC version of GTAV accounts for like 11% of the install base, not exactly turning out amazing number relative to the whole. Also what happens with GTA is not indicative of a completely different franchise where the first game is already excluded from it. 

    Yes double dip.. LOL.  What does the % of the total install base have to do with what I said? 10 million sales on PC comes from somewhere a lot of them are double dips...  just like the fact that a LARGE portion of the 90 million console copies are double dipped...  Unless you're under the impression that not many 360 and PS3 owners bought the XO and PS4 versions a second time... :tom: 


    They WANT people to buy these versions... they're not going to announce or even entertain any ideas that other versions exist until they are ready to...  It's standard.  What happens with GTA doesn't mean that it will happen with this game, sure.  However I posted proof of Rockstar saying something doesn't exist, or is not happening, or there's no plans... and yet it happened.  This is what they've done, and will always do.  PC gaming now, and the consoles these games are developed on are more intertwined than ever before.  The landscape isn't the same as when RDR1 released.  You don't sell massively like GTA5 and then for no reason exclude a huge amount of sales...


    This thread... like all the others.. is gonna end badly for you.  You already know it. :smug: 

  4. Idiots... it's ABSOLUTELY coming to PC... Rockstar does this shit all the time.  They know exactly how to milk people by getting them to double dip.  The console versions will come out and a year later the PC version will come.. and people will buy it again because lmao 30fps, lmao not 4K, lmao low settings... ROFL





  5. 3 minutes ago, The Mother Fucker said:

    This guy said the 2080Ti / 2080 is straight NO BUY





    I say buy what you want that makes YOU feel happy.  :batzone:


    He's right.  For a large majority of people, these cards aren't worth it.  The 1080Ti can be had for cheaper (around $550 USD 2nd hand) and performs largely the same as the RTX 2080 as it stands right now.  This is really one of the first gens in a long time where fundamental changes to the architecture and graphics pipeline are being introduced.. with no real world examples to take advantage of them.  You're essentially promising people that something is the future without them being able to clearly see why that is... and that's a problem.


    Currently, out of what's been shown and benchmarked.. Wolfenstein 2 shows us what could potentially be a game taking better advantage of the Turing architecture because it already supports  dual rate FP16 and async compute.  Something which Nvidia has improved greatly for Turing... and it shows in those benchmarks.  With Vulkan, that game fucking flies.


    Other than that.. the other tech they are demonstrating doesn't have real-world controllable examples.  Yes, in the FF15 and Infiltrator demos it works.. it can sometimes look a bit better and sometimes look a bit worse.. and the performace is greatly improved.. but there's no games that actually support it yet.. so it's still an unknown.


    RTX... the biggest aspect and focus of the new cards... wont be available until the October Windows Update and when BF5 launches and Tomb Raider gets patched.  So that's another thing largely unknown.


    The hesitation to recommend them is understandable.  They aren't immediately necessary.  But in the future, you'll start to see these cards pull away from the previous gen I'm sure.  The 2080 seems like a wash to me.. but the 2080Ti from someone on a 1080 or less will see a huge performance jump.

  6. 2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Don't forget Battlefront/Battlefield, those games always look insane.

    For sure.  BF5 looked insane in the beta.. and that's the MP aspect.. SP will look incredible.


    Forza Horizon 4 is definitely the top contender for me personally... considering all it's doing technically as well.. we have full time-of-day cycles and 4 seasons which all look completely different.  That can't be understated.  While the different seasons don't change in real-time naturally.. it's still an incredible achievement to have designed all these assets to have 4 different variations with varying snow/leaves cover.







    There's lots of amazing looking games though.. and yes, a lot of them are Sony first party games.  They're definitely hanging at the top.  The Last of Us 2 is yet to come as well.



  7. 55 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    Current best graphical games on the console market:


    God Of War

    Uncharted IV

    Horizon Zero Dawn




    Forza Horizon 4 is definitely up there... and so is Shadow of the Tomb Raider.  I actually think Shadow of the Tomb Raider looks better than God of War in some cases if I'm honest.


    Spider-Man is also up there.  But yes, those are all contenders for sure.

  8. 1 hour ago, Jon2B said:

    I don't believe what they said about op is true. 


    Why ? Same reason as you. 


    You fucking fruad :D stfu biased idiot lol 

    You're a dumbass.. we all know you can't formulate your own thoughts when it comes to what's presented to you and need DF to do it for you without question..


    And you calling anyone biased is fucking hilarious... riding my dick as hard as you could any time when I was defending Xbox One X :danylol:


    Fucking Clown :pffft:

  9. 59 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Funny you only think they are wrong when it comes to Xbox :D


    41 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Far Cry 5 and whatever game he swears DF is wrong about , but nobodyxgamer is right about 


    No... wrong when there's a valid reason to believe so... I even told your dumbass the exact reason why I think they are wrong when I do.  Every time I've questioned them.. I've done so given the results of other testers who also have proven track records, whose findings fall in line and better explain my own thoughts regarding the performance of the hardware as compared to PC benchmarks for said games... knowing the performance characteristics of the hardware tested... 


    I don't just blindly accuse them of being wrong...  When two or more choices are presented to me, I tend to go with the one that makes the most sense to me given the information I've seen, and know myself.


    I'm not like you... someone who really doesn't understand or care why DF say what they say, just that they say it... which you blindly assume is true.  If it was an Xbox thing then I'd be doing it all the time... for all native 4K that DF tests for it... cause yea... I've really done that :roll: 

  10. Playing the Forza Horizon 4 demo... again.  I can't wait for this fucking thing!


    Here's a couple pics.  The environmental detail in this came is fucking amazing.  If you look in the windows and shit the houses and buildings actually have modeled interiors too.. using what appears to be the same tricks that Spider-man on PS4 uses.  It's extremely convincing.






  11. 11 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Wrong when you want them to be Right when you want them to be :fatcruise:


    You're starting to be like aza with all this junk . Keep it in the nerd thread 



    Wrong when they are wrong, and right when they are right... that's essentially the standard they should be held to dumbo.  I never said don't trust them... I said don't trust that they are always right when numbers differ and are called into question.


    There's a whining thread for you if you have any more problems with that. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, Aza Team 2019 said:

    How large? Would the poly count drop by 30%, would it have worse textures, would it be able to display less particle effects etc? I really doubt it.


    Its like FFXV's lumious vs FF7/KH3 UE4 engine results, FFXV would probably look as good in UE4

    Well... you said UE3...


    ...and it was a general statement... between this and RE2 looking so great.  Different teams.. both great visually.  So, I never said or implied that it was purely responsible for the game looking so good... I said largely.. because a good engine enables and empowers those artists to do what they do as well as they do.


    And yea, LOL I'd say the Engine is more capable than UE3...  SSS support, TAA support, HDR support, photogrammetry.. there's lots here that that engine couldn't do.. I'm sure.

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