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Everything posted by Remij

  1. John also confirmed on ResetERA that you can run DLSS with different resolutions... it's not just a 4K thing. So he thinks that games like Metro and BF5 could find huge performance and image quality improvements by utilizing DLSS.. not to mention that both DICE and 4A Games have said that their Ray-Tracing settings can be decoupled from the rendering resolution so they can have different settings for ray-traced elements.
  2. -FF15 looks better to them with DLSS than 4K with TAA -Reduces/Eliminates ghosting around specific elements (looking through the windows in the car, the fishing rod, other elements) -DLSS is better for transparencies such as the characters hair -Infiltrator looks great with DLSS, but is also a heavily post processed tech demo -In motion John feels like it's not something he could even determine the difference of -Noticed that after a scene cut (much like other reconstruction menthods) the first frame reveals the lower pixel resolution the demo is running at with DLSS.
  3. Capcom are fucking KILLING IT! I can't fucking wait!
  4. Fucking Deeno man... You talk to him about the possibility of a PC release of MCC.. "nah man, the game is essentially 5 engines ducktaped together and barely functions as it is"... then you talk to him about the Xbox version "It's been solid for forever now... problems were greatly exaggerated"
  5. Then you buy a PSVR... and continue acting like Xbox doesn't exist
  6. It was never promised, just highly assumed to come over after one year of apparent exclusivity.
  7. I wouldn't be so sure of that Dumbocop
  8. Saying something will be best on PC doesn't mean I give a shit about it... take Super Lucky's Tale for example
  9. Bhytre buys an expensive Xbox... gets to play no games and no VR
  10. And I think you still haven't realized that Idgaf... the VR mode is some shitty 3h tacked on shit. Worst on Xbox either way LOL
  11. Oh darn... So I guess PS4 is the best version... LOL TLHBFR
  12. This isn't the first time you've been wrong about something
  13. Wrong on both accounts. Both modes are and will be best on PC... lmao acting like you don't know that
  14. Haha yea.. shit eh. I wonder if those controller plugs are regular USB ports though? I would assume so.. which means that if true.. we may be able to connect our DS4's or what have you. Which would be A-OK with me. Was any of this already known? I haven't really even looked into this thing yet, so I don't even know which games come with it or anything lol. I just saw it and knew that I would buy one. lol
  15. Nope. But you definitely are... every time PC comes up. You overly try to compensate for the fact that Xbox gets about 1/2 the games that PC/PS4 players get, and that it has no exclusives.. by trying to talk up the power and value of the system. Except you have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to that... There's less value in those $500... The console has about a year left until it's completely outdated by another console.. There's no making up for the fact that you spent $800 to buy a PC to play games that don't release on your console... there's no making up for the fact
  16. 3 posts in a row responding to me... and I'm the one losing my mind
  17. For most games you literally could.. since they don't exist on Xbox
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