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Everything posted by Remij

  1. lmao idiot. Again, this is rich coming from yourself... the fuckhead who's so adamant that people state things correctly as to not leave any room for interpretation.
  2. This isn't an announcement.. just like Sunset Overdrive wasn't... Not being announced doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
  3. No... that's EXACTLY what they are stating. They aren't staying "There's no need to buy additional hardware to play classic games when you own an Xbox One" ... they are stating "if you own an Xbox One... you can play 500+ OG and 360 game TOTALLY for free" So you're factually WRONG... and you're doubling down on being an idiot. Great job
  4. Those games weren't rated... it's completely different
  5. No... as someone yourself who throws a fucking fit every time something is stated here by someone assuming that people understand the meaning of their comment.. you should be all over this shit. What they are saying here is that if you have an Xbox One, you can play 500+ OG and 360 games for free. Don't even try to state otherwise.
  6. It's coming... it's not a matter of if, but when. I think it's pretty clear they are waiting for after Spider-man settles down to release it. These ratings boards don't just invent these things.
  7. It is... but it's also wrong. You don't just have free access to those games... you have to buy them or subscribe to GamePass.
  8. Proof they have to pretty much give them away
  9. DF confirmed that Wolf 2 isn't running with Variable Rate Shading in any of the benches either.. so it's likely going to perform even faster in the near future. (not that it needs it lmao) How Vulkan is performing in general in games like Doom and Wolf 2 is just crazy impressive. It wouldn't be a bad thing for more developers to start supporting it.
  10. TLHBFR Watch the game will come out for PS4... use checkerboard rendering.. or target 1440p.. or even 1080p.. and will run solid and not have dialed back graphics..
  11. $500... and obsolete in a year or so
  12. Lems are ALWAYS the ones to get the most butthurt
  13. HDR AND Atmos support Xbox One X 30fps with drops and horrible input lag
  14. $1000 on two Xboxes that don't have any exclusives and where it's games are best played elsewhere
  15. Actually... considering everything.. I would agree with you Lynux. If you have a 1080 or 1080ti class gpu.. there's not much sense in buying these cards.. at least not yet. We'll have to see how they perform with newer games that are better designed to take advantage of the improvements to the architecture.. but as it stands.. yea, you can safely pass on this and wait for 7nm next year. That said... the 2080ti is a fucking monster. The 2080 is a pretty bad proposition atm, but the 2080ti coming off a 980ti or something is a fucking huge jump.
  16. The Vulkan performance with these gpus is just insane. Wolfenstein 2 at 1440p maxed out hits 270+ fps average with like 250fps being the lowest 4K we're damn near 200fps and 150fps being the lowest. Interesting to note that Wolf 2 is a game that utilizes FP16. Could be an indication of things to come with games that properly support what GPUs with double rate fp16 can do. Also it's not clear... (unlikely) that Wolf 2 in this instance is utilizing the Variable Rate Shading yet.. which I imagine would require a patch. This bodes well for Doo
  17. Here? lol.. this isn't exactly the place where I'd conduct a consensus of the worth of these cards. Not to mention that... but it completely depends on who you're talking to and what their definition of "worth it" is... It's not just gamers who will use these cards... and performance is strong all around. These results also are on games which aren't exactly built to take advantage of these cards. Some of the results are astounding really... even despite that... still 35-50% faster than the previous gen card... I mean.. what are people honestly expecting? Give it so
  18. haha I did that at first too until I found out about it. Much quicker this way :)
  19. Yea I noticed that as well towards the end, also there's a scene in the middle where he's climbing up the latter which you can see shimmering on compared to the Native+TAA side. I wouldn't say there's a lot though.. and I wouldn't call it fuzz. I'd say there's some shimmering in highly contrasted elements. Overall though.. quite impressive. These are early implementations as well. Nvidia did say that these neural networks could improve over time. Overall though, quite impressive... and this is sitting right in front of the screen.
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