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Posts posted by Remij

  1. DF confirmed that Wolf 2 isn't running with Variable Rate Shading in any of the benches either.. so it's likely going to perform even faster in the near future. :wow:  (not that it needs it lmao)



    What's all the more remarkable here is that I'm told that this build of Wolfenstein 2 does not include the Turing-specific variable rate shading optimisations we saw during Nvidia's press day during Gamescom, so there may be further improvements to come. All of which bodes well for RTX 2080 Ti. It's already phenomenal here, posting a 50 per cent improvement in frame-rates over GTX 1080 Ti.


    How Vulkan is performing in general in games like Doom and Wolf 2 is just crazy impressive.  It wouldn't be a bad thing for more developers to start supporting it.

  2. Just now, bhytre said:

    $1250 card to play Xbox games, Xbox controller and other components not included  :mj:

    $1000 on two Xboxes that don't have any exclusives and where it's games are best played elsewhere :lawl: 

  3. Actually... considering everything.. I would agree with you Lynux.  If you have a 1080 or 1080ti class gpu.. there's not much sense in buying these cards.. at least not yet.  We'll have to see how they perform with newer games that are better designed to take advantage of the improvements to the architecture.. but as it stands.. yea, you can safely pass on this and wait for 7nm next year.


    That said... the 2080ti is a fucking monster.  The 2080 is a pretty bad proposition atm, but the 2080ti coming off a 980ti or something is a fucking huge jump.

  4. The Vulkan performance with these gpus is just insane.  Wolfenstein 2 at 1440p maxed out hits 270+ fps average with like 250fps being the lowest :D 


    4K we're damn near 200fps and 150fps being the lowest. :wow: 


    Interesting to note that Wolf 2 is a game that utilizes FP16.  Could be an indication of things to come with games that properly support what GPUs with double rate fp16 can do.  Also it's not clear... (unlikely) that Wolf 2 in this instance is utilizing the Variable Rate Shading yet.. which I imagine would require a patch.




    This bodes well for Doom Eternal :whew: 

  5. 29 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

    Looks like the general consensus here is that it's not worth it. Like I said previously, this is definitely a generation to skip.

    Here?  lol.. this isn't exactly the place where I'd conduct a consensus of the worth of these cards.  Not to mention that... but it completely depends on who you're talking to and what their definition of "worth it" is... It's not just gamers who will use these cards...  and performance is strong all around.


    These results also are on games which aren't exactly built to take advantage of these cards.  Some of the results are astounding really... even despite that... still  35-50% faster than the previous gen card... I mean.. what are people honestly expecting?


    Give it some time.  There's a lot of new shit here not currently being exploited... and I'm not just talking about DLSS.


    Made a new post below.

  6. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    It's definitely a more unstable image, go to the city scape at the end of the video and look at the buildings, a lot of flicker and fuzz.

    Yea I noticed that as well towards the end, also there's a scene in the middle where he's climbing up the latter which you can see shimmering on compared to the Native+TAA side.


    I wouldn't say there's a lot though.. and I wouldn't call it fuzz.  I'd say there's some shimmering in highly contrasted elements.  Overall though.. quite impressive.  These are early implementations as well.  Nvidia did say that these neural networks could improve over time.


    Overall though, quite impressive... and this is sitting right in front of the screen. 

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