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Everything posted by Remij

  1. lmao... you haven't used a PC since the early 00's have you?
  2. I think both modes fail at what they are supposed to do
  3. It always was... when you own a gaming PC
  4. While what you said isn't wrong imo.. Playstation definitely IS the home of JRPGs... it's a very notably Playstation fanboy forum.. These results aren't surprising coming from there.
  5. Oh and ouch man... both PRO and X1X versions are quite disappointing in both modes lmao. FPS modes that never reach 60... resolution modes that scale and never reach targets...
  6. Everything maxed... don't even pretend like the console versions are being stressed the way this is... lmao
  7. Steamspy isn't very accurate... especially for new releases It's selling in line with other Dragon Quest games on PC It's a full $60 game which wasn't really marketed at all.. And this isn't coming to xbox
  8. Pretty much called it... no wonder why it's being delisted Only announced platform so far is PS4.
  9. It's whatever to begin with. Expecting to be this big delta is just him looking for shit to hate on. The fact is that you're not going to be seeing the best deals on everything at the same time all the time. Publishers and Developers will alternate sales across platforms.. It's stupid to expect sales to be the same across all platforms. There's so many variables which contribute to when a publisher decides to put a game on sale, and by how much... Jon after a week or two of owning a new PC isn't going to have any realistic grasp on how sales patterning works on PC vs console...
  10. I don't have much faith in you to be able to find anything or look much further than your nose.
  11. Jon's a dumbo Look around... you can find prices regularly $15-$20 cheaper than Steam on various stores. Greenmangaming is a good one as well.
  12. At PSX I expect Sony to announce the PS5 formally.. Meaning we'll get the name/logo, and the specs. They'll unveil the console at E3.. and then PSX next year they'll demo some stuff.. with the release happening 2020 Rightmij
  13. I'm reading that the theme for the pre-show conference was to become a member of the Dual Shock 4 space crew and "travel across planets"... So it's still a possibility that this was nothing at all.. and just Japan being Japan... Don't celebrate too early just because I said it was more of a possibility now than before.
  14. This was Sony's Pre-TGS conference.... it's not their "pre-conference" for their TGS conference.... This was it. There'll be stuff announced and shown at TGS... but Sony's thing is done. The next thing is PSX.
  15. I'm admitting the possibility is higher than before because it's too much of a coincidence to not be related. You're here talking about it as a PS4 accessory for VR and couldn't even see what kind of fucking buttons it had.. DURR yea they are releasing a PS4 controller just before the console is about to be replaced...
  16. This isn't a fucking announcement Aza.... Jesus christ... It's POSSIBLY a TEASE due to that fact that it's split... It's not showing the ACTUAL fucking controller. God damn.. you can't even understand this shit properly
  17. It's possibly a PS5 controller... and PS5 is coming spring 2020.
  18. It's not going to be announced at TGS... and we wont see anything at PSX man.. This will be one of those things, probably at E3 next year when Sony unveils the PS5 where they'll show the controller and say "Look... we teased this all those months ago and nobody caught onto it..."
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