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Posts posted by Remij

  1. 13 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

    Wow, he made a stream and defended this abomination? The kid obviously learned absolutely nothing then, or he secretly went watched a bunch of tech tuber PC build videos to educate himself. Either way, that dude should be apologizing for making the worst possible PC build ever, published it as an educational video, and the editor-in-chief should be re-evaluated for his position for green lighting this dumpster fire. :tom:



    There ARE people out there who would watch that video assuming it was correct information... and start freaking out because their cases don't have those "insulating pads" so that the PSU doesn't short circuit when coming in contact with the case.... :lawl: 



    • Haha 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

    Yeah man, it's fuckin' BAD. :rofl: He also didn't even remove the factory thermal paste. :mj: I mean the dude didn't even mount the cooler's bracket to the backplate properly. He actually missed a mounting point. :danylol:






    I guess he could just use some "tweezers" to tidy up that mistake. :kaz: Good thing he's got his anti-static wrist band on to keep the components safe. :rofl:

    I know :D  omfg.... He also put the PSU in with the fan facing inward :snoop: 


    After the backlash and reactions to his video he even made a stream defending it playing Black OPs 4 saying that people were making a big deal out of nothing and that he fixed a lot of stuff off camera and that "they're just mad because he has a better PC than them" and that it couldn't have been too wrong because "it's still working"  :tom: 



  3. 2 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    He's no one, he's just the biggest PC advocate on the forum so people automatically assume he knows the most. I've been PC gaming longer than him and probably anyone on this forum. 

    You've been registered on Steam for less than a year more than me.... That doesn't mean you've been a PC gamer longer than I have...  My first PC was a Tandy 1000 RSX which I gamed on :reg: 

  4. 34 minutes ago, lynux3 said:


    This is gold. :danylol:

    Yea, I saw The Verges video... lmao what a fucking train wreck... and Bitwit's reaction to it was the first reaction I clicked on... I fucking lost it when he said "It's a CPU... you're not icing a cake"  :ovolol:



    The guy was so fucking clueless...  What a terrible video.  Embarrassing for The Verge and Capital One :shake: 

  5. Long post is long :reg: 


    First off.. I get that people here don't care about this.. I'm fine with that.  I love you all. :-*  Anyway, I'm just posting this shit because it's super fucking interesting to me, and maybe some of you will also find it a bit interesting as it really does have implications of the future of 3D rendering and image processing.  I made posts before about Ray Tracing, but the Turing architecture is so much more than just that.. which people don't seem to realize.

    Nvidia unveils a new alternate shader pipeline with Turing

    This series of GPU absolutely IS Nvidia's biggest and most significant architectural advancement since the introduction of programmable shaders.  If I wasn't convinced before, I'm convinced now. There's so much new technology in this GPU that it's kinda crazy that we're getting all of this at once.  Not only does the new family of GPUs have all this new Ray Tracing and AI technology, but the entire shader pipeline is undergoing changes that are going to help with massive amounts geometry that future games will have by reducing the amount of stress processing that amount of geometry puts on the CPU. 

    Advanced Shading Technologies


    Mesh Shaders:

    The biggest change in the pipeline is what are called "Mesh shaders".  These introduce two new steps in the pipeline, a "Task Shader" and a "Mesh Shader".

    Before, the CPU was responsible for determining LODs and Object List Processing, as well as the draw calls per object... then the Vertex Shaders would produce the polygons for those objects to either be tessellated or submitted directly to be rasterized and then pixel shaded.  Now instead of the CPU having to calculate LODs and Object List Processing, the task can become bundled as shader which can be efficiently parallelized on the GPU called a "Task Shader". This essentialy combines those steps of deciding what needs to be rendered or not.. and then passes that to the Mesh Shaders.  The Mesh Shader is then responsible for deciding the level of detail those objects should be rendered at.  Meaning how many polygons to generate/display for any given geometry.  Not only that.. but developers can segment objects into smaller meshes (called meshlets) and optimize the amount of verticies of each segment individually based on their needs.




    So for example a large object with tons of individual parts connecting and moving.. like say a car engine.. can be segmented into these meshlets, and then the number of verticies (triangles) per meshlet can be optimized reducing the amount of data fetching required.  Essentially, they can process more geometry while at the same time reducing the bandwidth required to do so.




    This is a HUGE advancement in the efficiency of the pipeline, and incredibly important in reducing the amount of work submitted and performed by the CPU... which is a BIG bottleneck on games with tons of unique geometry... which games of the future most certainly will be.


    Variable Rate Shading:


    The goal of this technology is to reduce the amount of unnecessary shading work done by the GPU that doesn't visibly improve the image quality of the final rendered frame.  Most of the time, there are various elements to a scene which don't need the same level of quality as other elements which are in focus.  There have been methods of reducing the work done by the GPU in this regard already.  As I said before that intelligent methods of rendering for VR would trickle over to standard gaming.  We've had multi resolution shading.. where the periphery of an image could be rendered at a fixed lower resolution in a fixed portion of the screen..improving performance.  But this new Variable Rate Shading method takes that same basic principle and makes it much more flexible.




    VRS can now be fully dynamic.  Every 16x16 set of pixels can be shaded at different rates.  This means that they can take a scene, segment it into 16x16 pixel boxes, and then shade those pixels in any fashion they want completely separate from the others... A single triangle can actually be shaded using multiple rates across the grid.. This is some crazy shit!


    The example they gave was Forza Horizon 3. (just an image not an actual functioning example) You can see the different colored segments which are shaded at different rates.. Important elements such as the Car, and the environment on the horizon appearing at full rate, while the sides of the roads and the road closest to the camera are shaded at a much lower rate due to the fact that they are high motion elements of the scene.    As the car slows down or stops, the scene dynamically adjusts the shading to full. This comes at no noticeable visual degredation to the player.


    It's not just racing games.. but all games could utilize this for elements which don't require full shading for every pixel.


    There's 3 notable algorithms for VRS:


    Content Adaptive:  Which basically adjusts the shading rate of slowly changing detailed elements.  Say the sky, or walls, things of similar colors... or anything that basically doesn't change rapidly.  This can be used to tell the next frame that it doesn't have to be shaded at full resolution again because it already has relevant information from the previous frame. Saving performance.  Developers can essentially dictate tiny details that require full shading rate, and separate them from others which aren't as detailed and don't require it.




    Motion Adaptive:  The way our eyes work and perceive motion is linear.. we see the same detail in motion as we do when objects are stationary.  Display technology doesn't work like that.  An image is scanned to the screen and updated at a variable/fixed rate.  As the image is drawn top to bottom, left to right... the object motion shifts causing blurring between frames.  The resolution of a display may be 4K or 1080p or 1440p.. but when it motion, the percieved resolution is lower.  Detail gets blurred the faster the motion... it's unavoidable.  Higher refresh-rates can help.. and black frame insertion can greatly improve this...  (You may have heard of LightBoost or ULMB) but it's never going to be perfect.  So in that case, it's wasteful to shade fast moving objects at full resolution.  This can be used in conjunction with Content Adaptive shading... which the Forza example above would make use of.


    Foveated Rendering:  This is basically the example of what I said above where the periphery, or the outer elements of an image can be rendered at a lower resolution due to it not being in the focus center of the image.  Some VR games utilize this technology, and even though this mostly makes sense for VR, Shadow Warrior 2 actually makes use of this kind of technology already.




    Developers are able to create their own algorithms which work best for their own use cases and can use the technology how they see fit.  Apparently Wolfenstein 2 will utilize Content Adaptive Shading and the press who saw a demo said it looked damned fine with no perceptual change in quality.  The demo let you toggle it on and off and Nvidia said it can boost frame rate by 20fps or more when targeting 60fps on a mainstream GPU.  Impressive stuff.

    That's not it for Turing though, then there's the AI side of the GPU.. which isn't just about being wasted when Ray-tracing isn't involved...


    NGX Technology (Neural Graphics Accelleration)

    We already know that huge performance gains can be had by intelligently rendering computer graphics.  Whether it's checkerboard rendering, temporal injection.. whatever the case may be.  The goal is to improve performance by rendering less and intelligently determining the values of neighboring pixels without having to expensively render them.  In many cases, the visual reduction is negligible, especially when considering that the performance improvements can be massive.  Nobody will argue that these technologies will be important for the future.  AMD, Sony, and MS are working on their own solutions, developers have their own solutions.. and Nvidia of course, has solutions of their own.  All of these solutions can co-exist and regardless of how it happens or how it's implemented, the goal of increasing performance with as little impact to visual quality is universal.. and we should all be excited for what it means in the future.


    Nvidia has a few new technologies for improving performance and image quality that they are introducing with Turing, which take advantage of their Neural Network services and utilizes thier efficient Tensor cores to accelerate those operations for the end user.


    DLSS (Deep Learning SuperSampling)


    DLSS actually has two different modes.  There's "DLSS" which is the standard mode which uses supercomputers to train neural networks how to generate a full target resolution image by rendering an image with half the pixels.  They train the network by gathering images of extremely high quality from developers for their games.  These "ground truth" images use 64x supersampling, which essentially creates an image with perfect detail and anti-aliasing quality. At the same time they take "raw" versons of those images actually rendered by the GPU at half the resolution, then run it through their supercomputer, asking it to match the target image.  They weigh the difference each time and the network adjusts its algorithm until it keeps getting closer and closer to the target image. Eventually it matches resulting in an image rendered at basically half resolution with presumably very little to no discernable difference from the full 4K resolution image with TAA.. and at the same time has the added benefit of reducing/eliminating the ghosting of TAA.



    The second mode is "DLSS 2X" which instead of having the goal to improve performance, is meant to purely improve image quality further.  This mode has the GPU render the full resolution image and then combines that with DLSS to produce an image which is essentially a match for those high sampled 64xSS images.  So this is like rendering with 64x the samples meaning that the ghosting and loss of detail with TAA is virtually non existent.  TAA blurs when in movement because it utilizes the motion vectors of the moving objects from the previous frame.  This causes high movement scenes to lose detail.  DLSS 2X eliminates that and avoids the issue altogether.  It provides a much more temporally stable image while retaining clarity.





    DLSS is gaining a fair bit of traction.  With over 25 confirmed games already and Nvidia has stated that it will be possible for previously released games to implement this technology relatively quickly.  It remains to be seen just how easy Nvidia can make this for developers... but considering the fact that most of the heavy work is done by Nvidia's super computers and their drivers.. and that it's completely free, means it has a good chance at being highly adopted.  It's not something only big AAA developers have the capability to implement.. thankfully.


    So you have these new technologies, along with the fact that the CUDA shaders are ~50% more performant than the Pascal architecture, and memory bandwidth has been improved by ~50% as well, means that I think Nvidia was quite right to introduce RT cores and AI cores onto the chip and make up that difference and more with advancements in their shading architecture and memory subsystem.


    Yes, performance takes a massive hit with Ray Tracing.. but the technology is undeniably pushing real-time graphics forward.. allowing things never before possible.  The thing is,  Nvidia didn't skimp on general raster performance just to introduce this.  The new GPUs are still massive leaps over their predecessors in standard raster graphics.


    This just isn't possible elsewhere atm.  MS and Sony are undoubtedly working on this stuff too.  I think we could all be surprised where this goes.





    • Like 1
  6. Couple pics I took from the demo..  This game is fucking glorious :wow2: 






    Crazy to think that we have an open world racing game with full time-of-day transitions and all 4 seasons.


    I took a bunch of pics that are much better than these but I can't access them because I did them in with the photo mode... which we aren't able to share or access yet.  Hopefully when the game launches all those pics will still be there ready to share.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Then you should rephrase, 'cause that's not what it sounded like you said when you responded to Cookster.

    There's nothing wrong with how I phrased it.  The Switch online service has always existed... and Nintendo charging for online ISN'T a new service... nobody said it was.  Cheating has been an issue in Splatoon 2 for a while... but NOW it's relevant and important to discuss because now people will be paying for the online service.  That's what the thread means... "starting off with a bang" ... because despite the fact that they introduced Anti-cheat, cheaters are still prevailing... and this is being announced RIGHT BEFORE they start charging people.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    It's bad enough cloud saves are locked behind a paywall ( that get deleted if you unsubscribe) but now Nintonto is locking controllers behind a paywall LOL 


    In any case, potential purchasers should be aware that these special NES controllers can only be used for a handful of classic games, and they will become completely unusable if you stop subscribing to Nintendo's online service. That makes them more of a novelty than anything else, in our view.

    Jesus :tom: 

  9. 6 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    No, it's been happening for months now.  The anti-cheat when in a few weeks ago.




    Literally all the service does is lock the multiplayer behind a paywall.  That's it.  It's not adding any additional hurdles for cheaters to get over that we know of.



    That's my point...  Now that they'll have paying customers for online... the onus is on them to provide a cheat free experience...  


    Nintendo added measures to the game a while back to combat this... what this is doing now, and what the timing is saying is "Hey Nintendo... we can still cheat... and soon people will be paying for the privilege to have to deal us..."


    That's why it's relevant.  

  10. Just now, Cookester15 said:

    But the service isn't running yet

    The service IS running... it's their network..  Games already use the network... Now they are simply starting to charge people to use it.


    The whole reason why this is of relevance is because RIGHT BEFORE they go to start charging people to play online... this happens.

  11. 1 minute ago, Cookester15 said:

    This game already had online, Nintendo's new service has nothing to do with a cheater currently playing splatoon before the service launches :|

    It has something to do with the service... because now this happens just as they are beginning to charge people to use it :| 

  12. 11 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    I was downloading planet coaster and steam kept cutting out .


    Went over to origin and was getting 25MB 


    Battlenet 25MB 


    Xbl 25MB


    Steam :D

    What do you mean cutting out?  lmao.. that sounds like a Jonb issue :hest: 

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