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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I've always known that a spit controller had a decent possibility... the tablet shit.. lmao no chance.
  2. Presumably it would have a shell that it slots into for a traditional experience... and if this IS the case with the actual DS5, then it will be 100x more comfortable than the Joy-cons because THESE THINGS AREN'T CONNECTING TO A FUCKING TABLET! lmao. They can actually be round and ergonomic. I'm sure if Sony does it, they will feel quite nice.
  3. Again... keep in mind that this isn't any kind of announcement... it was a trailer reel which animations playing between them of a "DualShock Spaceship" flying around to galaxies and shit... that's why there's the BOOSTER shit lmao... I think it seems like an obvious hint though.
  4. I did... and it looks like it has a d-pad to me... It looks like a DualShock controller that's been split apart... They probably have some sensors on there and a "grip" buttons and likely reworked triggers with more throw. This isn't a fucking PS4 controller lmao... and I doubt it's a strictly VR controller since it's a DualShock.. which leads me to believe that this is a hint towards the PS5. LMAO get the tablet dreams out of your head
  5. Why the fuck would you think they'd release a new controller for PS4? So wait... you think this is referring to a controller for the PS4 and not a tease about the possible PS5 controller?
  6. Nothing about the design there looks like it will slot into a fucking tablet idiot
  7. It's not confirmed... but now it's probable. I'm admitting that.
  8. It wasn't an unveil. Their whole shtick for the conference was a trailer reel which this "DualShock" space ship was flying through space and reaching new nebulas and clusters searching for announcements or some shit... lmao it was unquestionably aimed at the Japanese gamers... It's just too much of a coincidence that it was designed like that though... I personally take it as a clue as to the DS5, which will very likely (now ) be a split default controller like you said.
  9. No.. this isn't confirmation... That'll have to wait until 2019.
  10. Idiots. Keep making threads about it and you'll be banned.
  11. I know, right! The original trailer was in 4K, but because it went down we have to settle for this 1080p version... but the texture details are pretty incredible. Can't wait for this one.
  12. Ok thanks for the heads up. I'll definitely have a look into it first before I go playing/buying anything.
  13. That's enough for me. I completed Rise of the Tomb Raider 100%. I really enjoyed that game for some reason.. enough to do that. I'm in the mood for some more.
  14. Yea, I realize that I'd have to buy it. I think it's $40 for people who own the base game. What I basically mean though is that if it's finally great again, then I'll have more interest in playing through the base game and getting into the MP.
  15. I saw that on reddit and thought it was awesome. Gaming
  16. Damn.. I might have to install it again and see whats up.
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