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Everything posted by Remij

  1. So? The base xbox version is fucking garbage.... can't you just be like.. shit yea.. it is. I mean look at it in the fucking video You don't have to get all defensive and be like bu but SHEEP
  2. Definitely YOU and Deeno... because you got all defensive as fuck about Xbox
  3. Well Jon made the remark that why should we care about people that aren't us? ...well, in that case I'm playing a WAY better version than they are at much faster fps. But then I remembered that I'm not playing this shit and neither are they... LOL It seems they just can't take any criticism of xbox
  4. Funny how you say this now but said this to me before Running to the PC...
  5. Dude... stop talking about "the whole" because there's BILLIONS of PCs out there... bu but a menial percentage... LOL dude... It's like you talking about the X's improvement over the XO as being dramatically bigger than the PRO over the PS4... NO fucking SHIT... the XO is garbage LOL... cmon son. Come back when you have BO4 sales numbers and let me know what's up... and then hopefully you'll have realized that Idgaf There's probably 3 million X1X's... probably 10% of those are playing BO4... most everyone is on base XO... the WORST version. lollz
  6. He was also right about Xbox being garbage
  7. But the ones that do... play it better than X1X...
  8. lmao... that's exactly what it is... rofl it's a glorified 1060 and close to a 1070 on the best days. That's fucking midranged these days. Anything 980+ basically shits on X1X
  9. I definitely think more people on PC are playing at 1440p and higher than Xbox One X users... also higher framerates. As of this point right now... I'd guarantee it.
  10. Like nobody gives a fuck about Xbox.. A console with no exclusives..
  11. I think if you don't stick to the topic I'll warn you, and then ban you.
  12. It IS true lmao. PC's user base is MILLIONS AND MILLIONS more than Xbox... of course RELATIVE to the entire user base the number is small... it doesn't change the fact that the number of PC's more powerful than X1X is BIGGER than X1X user base... ROFL.. please be stupid and contest this.. Number of X1X playing BO4 above 60fps = 0 X1X's average resolution is 8% higher than 1440p X1X spends most of it's time at ~1440p resolution PC spends all of it's time at full resolution
  13. No you shithead... lmao. There are MORE people playing BO4 at higher resolutions and higher framerates than X1X on PC. There's MILLIONS more PCs out there than X1X which can do so You bought at mid-ranged PC (X1X)... that doesn't play PC games
  14. Sure. More people on PC are playing at higher resolutions AND higher framerates than Xbox One X... That was easy. Idiot.
  15. Another funny statistic Most people playing Playstation are enjoying a better version of the game than most people on Xbox.
  16. That's not as impressive as you're trying to make it sound. The base XO is weak as fuck. So yes.. the XO is the problem.. because it's visually the worst... RUNS much worse... and makes the X increase look more dramatic.. the way you're trying to present it, anyway.
  17. Dynamite should be able to throw up some percentage numbers here in a minute.. we'll have a better idea then.
  18. The base Xbox One version looks like a youtube stream
  19. It's been too long...when will it be back up?!
  20. Glad ResetERA was able to foil another conspiracy! Name will be changed to Star Minority.
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