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Posts posted by Remij

  1. 2 minutes ago, Teh_Diplomat said:

    For some reason I get the following issues:


    Forza tells me I need to be signed into a Profile, and Xbox Live says it's unable to connect....





    try downloading the Xbox (beta) app from the store and see if you can sign in through that one.  Also try signing in to the app before opening the game.

  2. I absolutely love the demo.  It's great.  I will say though that this restarting after changing some settings is annoying as fuck.. the worst part being that it defaults to YES so if you accidentally click the button you have to wait for the game to restart. lmao.  Now that wouldn't even be so bad if you didn't have to sit through the intro Playground Games and MS Studio videos every time.


    Also, why have to repeat the opening race every time?  Once we beat it, why not just start us at the festival and if we want to do it again let us select it.


    The graphics (especially the lighting) are definitely better imo over FH3.  It's not the biggest jump in the world though.  Just more refined and the dynamic lighting on the cars from the headlights is really impressive.  I'm so glad that's in.  My only nit-pick with the graphics currently is that I wish they'd give us the option to push the foliage distance out even further.  Some hillsides can look a bit flat because the foliage isn't drawn in yet.  


    The controls are nice and tight.  It was TOO responsive in the beginning until I turned all assists off and drivatar difficulty to PRO.  Now it feels perfect :glad: 






  3. Ok... this is by far the nicest looking racing game I've ever seen.  God damn.  Runs perfectly smooth too.  


    Some benches I just took..


    4K Ultra



    5K completely maxed (above ultra settings)




    The lighting effects are so much better now.. and the headlights finally cast shadows on the other vehicles :wow2: 


    I'm gonna test out 4K maxed out and see how it compares to 5K.  I wonder if I can reach 60fps with it?

  4. 30 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    DynamiteCop was finally right about something.... well look at that. :ooh:

    The ironic thing is that DF was essentially wrong... meaning that they counted dynamic.. but called the developer to ask and they said it was fixed... lmao


    For all we know it really IS dynamic since now we know that that's what BOTH NXG and DF counted... but DF changed it after contacting the dev.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Game works a lot better on PC than FH3 did. I can play at high preset at a pretty consistent 60fps. Some areas bog down tho. Can probably drop some settings to medium and hit a locked 60. 


    Or just play the superior X version , yeah ill do that :smug:

    PC :blessed: 


    FH4 :blessed: 



  6. 16 hours ago, Carlos Vela said:

    I honestly didnt know that,  would have saved us both a lot of time if you just said that from the beginning.  LMAO

    I thought Eidos was developing for every system,   and if that was the case than input lag would likely by the same for all systems.  But since PC is getting NIXXES,  which fixed the input lag problems in the last game,  than yah,  PC probably wont have the Input Lag problems.


    Hopefully this time they actually fix this damn issue,  luckily i don't buy single player games like these until they're like $20 or less.   So im giving them plenty of time to fix it


    Does the PC Version have Dolby Atmos?  I know the Xbox version does,  and NXGamer was raving about the sound. 

    lol yea I guess.. I thought you knew... but anyway.. the point stands.  Just because a game targets 60fps across platforms doesn't mean the input lag will be the same.. even if it is the same developer.


    As far as Dolby Atmos, I don't think so.  I know you can enable it in Windows and it supposedly helps even non Atmos enabled media/software to have better spacial sound.  There a few games on PC that do support it though... but there's no mention of it for Shadow of the Tomb Raider on anything other than Xbox afaik.


    Another thing I want to say @DynamiteCop! is that I asked John from DF what was up with the discrepancy between his and NXGamers numbers.. and he said he initially thought it was dynamic too, but that he contacted the developer and they said it was fixed at 3584x2016, and since it was the consistent number he found, so he's confident that it is.  He said the specular light pass can look a tad bit chunky in Shadow, as they did in Rise, which might throw off some counts.   So considering he contacted the developer about it.. and they confirmed it was fixed.. I'll admit I was wrong.  Seems like it IS fixed... but it also doesn't change anything that I said regarding the performance profile of the game in comparison to PC.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Carlos Vela said:

    Becaue NIxxes fixed it ya idiot,  not because PC and 360 are some magical platforms


    All the input lag problems ive read about for Rise of Tomb Raider stem from The Xbox One version only 

    What the FUCK does that change?  Shadow is being developed for PC by Nixxes Carlos....


    Did I say that the PC and 360 are special in any way.. or that the XO and PS4 couldn't BE better than they were?  No... I said they ALSO targeted 60fps for Rise and STILL HAD input lag... meaning that YOUR POINT about the fact that "all versions were targeting 60fps" meant nothing.... jeez :shake: 



  8. 4 minutes ago, Carlos Vela said:

    Yawn you're boring




    In fact, there is a strong argument that in one sense at least, the Xbox 360 game is actually more playable than its current-gen sibling. On Xbox One, we complained about input latency and its impact on the game experience. It's not unlike Killzone 2 or the initial release of Uncharted 3 - there's just enough latency there to make aiming mildly frustrating at times. Moving to Xbox 360, we were stunned to discover that this same issue does not exist on Microsoft's older console to anything like the same extent.

    In fact, Rise of the Tomb Raider feels significantly more responsive here on Xbox 360. Pulling off headshots and manipulating the camera is a joy and the entire game feels more satisfying to play. So we decided to pop in copies of Tomb Raider 2013 on both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 only to discover that these versions feel similar to the last-gen sequel. We're certainly hoping that Crystal Dynamics can sort out this issue on Xbox One in the future but right now, for Xbox 360 owners, there is nothing to worry about.




    I'm not sure what you're trying to say... lmao 


    I think it's hilarious that you think you're making some point here....  The fact is that currently... Shadow on X1X and PRO have terrible input lag... to the same extent as they did Rise of the TR...  PC never had that problem.. and I don't expect it to be so here either.. both games have performance (60fps modes)... So your point about "all versions targeting 60fps" means nothing..


    Carlos... cmon man :D 

  9. 16 minutes ago, Carlos Vela said:





    Let's talk basics first - an on-site Square-Enix representative told us that talented Dutch developer Nixxes has handled the port on behalf of Crystal Dynamics. It's an interesting choice bearing in mind that Crystal produced the original Xbox One version. However, the benefits are obvious - Nixxes is responsible for the PC, Xbox 360, PS4 and PS4 Pro versions of the game, and this means that the X version runs with the enhancements made on the latest PS4 update. Case in point: Crystal never fixed the input lag issues on the original Xbox One release, while the X port retains the crisper right-stick control of the latest PS4 title update.

    That changes none of what I said man.  lol


    Rise was ALWAYS more responsive on PC than the console versions, regardless of visual or performance modes..  The console versions went from bad to ok.. through various patches.  This game apparently is just as bad as the original XO version was... on PRO and X1X at this very moment... that's not encouraging.  The PC version of Rise was fine while the others were not.  Maybe Shadow will be worse... but it stands to reason that again the PC version will be better in that regard compared to the consoles.


    We'll see I guess :shrug: 

  10. 8 minutes ago, Carlos Vela said:

    i edited it before you noticed.

    Jesus what is your problem.


    What makes you expect the PC version to have better input lag if  all versions  are doing 60 FPS?

    Because the same was true with Rise.. and input lag isn't only tied directly to fps... running higher fps is but one thing that affects input lag.  Monitors also have much faster response times and refresh-rates... not to mention disabling vsync and using gsync vastly improves responsiveness. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Carlos Vela said:

    GTX 1060

    Lowest Setting

    No AA



    Can’t hit  50 FPS



    LMFAO... did you see that AA setting you fucking retard?  He changes it part way through... it was at SMAA4X... ROFL... he changed it after to OFF and the fps jumped to 90... then turned the settings to Ultra and the fps was at 50...


    X1X = somewhere between a 1060 and 1070...  With horrible tearing, input lag, and fps drops :hehe: 

  12. Just now, Aza Team 2019 said:

    lol people zoom in 30x and can't even get the pixel count right, and you retards are arguing about resolutions sitting 9 feet away from the scren.

    You're being just as stupid... anyway I'm not arguing that one resolution is vastly better or worse than the other... what I AM saying is that this EXPLAINS the performance.. especially when you compare to the PC... which they did.


  13. 4 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Maybe nx gamer made the mistake 


    You can't admit that tho . Not even with fc5 


    You won't LOL

    You're right... I wont... because it's LESS likely...  What you idiots don't grasp is that NXG's findings fall in line with what I myself suggested before I even KNEW his video existed...  If you understand the bottlenecks of the given platforms and gpus.. it explains why we're seeing what we're seeing.


    All you come to the table with is "bu bu DF said so.. X1X is a super console" :grimaceleft:



  14. Just now, Jon2B said:

    Lol remij should be banned from DF threads since he doesn't think they are credible anymore .


    Dumb cuck lol

    You even have Dynamite right at the top of this page say that "they shouldn't be analyzing pre-release code"  lmao... 


    I'm fine with DF... but they make mistakes sometimes.  I can admit when they do because I don't have a fucking dog in this fight lmao... The lemmings are the ONLY motherfuckers who get butthurt about stuff like this.  Just deal with it idiots. 

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