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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Dude... you're losing it NXGamer said... not me bitch. Cry to him about it... DF has fucked up before and... likely have again. They tend to do that with TAA, which John self admits that he has problems with. So the only thing you can think to say is "bu but you're threatened" lmao.. you're a clown man. I knew you were gonna say that shit as soon as I brought it up.. You have a problem with accepting ANY other source when it doesn't paint the Xbox in the light that you want it to be... you're the definition of a fucking fanboy bitch LMAO. Stop putting
  2. I'm not mad lmao.. I thought this would be a NATIVE 4K game on X1X... LOL.. you're the one that gets buttraped every time DF gets corrected Bu'BUT WE USE DF... YOU CANT USE OTHER SOURCE Funny how NXGamer got the same "average" resolution that DF did... except said that it drops... LOL.. yea, he MUST be wrong!!! I love that you think you have some angle that bothers me here...
  3. lmao... dude.. you're fucking ridiculous... By that measure the benchmarks Carlos posted are alternative sources and he has to wait for DF to chime in.. Stop being an idiot when someone challenges you. The FACT is that NXGamer said it's dynamic and drops to 3200x1800p... If you're mad about that then too fucking bad... ROFL You can believe it doesn't all you want... it doesn't change anything I'm saying LOL.. but it sure explains a lot
  4. I'm not being butthurt about anything... I'm disagreeing with you and giving very obvious reasons as to why that is.
  5. NXGamer says the Xbox One X version uses a dynamic resolution and drops to 3200x1800 at points.
  6. No it wont.. the 980ti wont have 200+ms of input lag
  7. There's nothing trivial about 2-3x the fps in games Aza...
  8. Dude... you're saying that because VISUALLY you don't imagine there's much difference... the FACT is that ultra settings can often over very little visual returns for the performance impact they incur. A SINGLE setting at Ultra on X1X could tank it's performance... and I bet if you set the 1070 to X1X settings.. the FPS will be a good bit higher.
  9. Nah, it's not no doubt very close lol.. Using Rise as an example the difference between high and ultra visually is not immediately obvious in certain settings... but the performance impact sure is. If you ran the Xbox One X at Ultra PC settings, the GPU would massively bottleneck... you know this... I don't have to explain it to you. And I noticed they used Driver 399.07 and not the GameReady 399.24...
  10. The consoles aren't running at "maxed out" settings...
  11. Care. Worse input lag than Rise on Xbox One? LMAO that's what made me and CM give up playing the game on Xbox.. Bu but it's pretty good!
  12. PRO's resolution mode is a joke. Game looks soft as fuck.. your version sucks Aza.. and lmao input lag
  13. Did you look at the Xbox One X version? lmao terrible dips and awful tearing... lmao tanking the fps anytime you jump into water or stress it in any way.
  14. lmao... you haven't used a PC since the early 00's have you?
  15. I think both modes fail at what they are supposed to do
  16. It always was... when you own a gaming PC
  17. While what you said isn't wrong imo.. Playstation definitely IS the home of JRPGs... it's a very notably Playstation fanboy forum.. These results aren't surprising coming from there.
  18. Oh and ouch man... both PRO and X1X versions are quite disappointing in both modes lmao. FPS modes that never reach 60... resolution modes that scale and never reach targets...
  19. Everything maxed... don't even pretend like the console versions are being stressed the way this is... lmao
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