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Posts posted by Remij

  1. 12 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    But doesn't this defeat the logic of your other post?


    "I even specifically said that they were using an old driver in those benchmarks too.." 


    According to you those PC's are using old unoptimized drivers whereas the X would be running basically metal to metal, so which is it? How can something which is metal to metal bear indicative representation of something running old and unoptimized drivers?





    Uh...because it can? Judging from the theoretical performance of the part :cosby2:   PC ALWAYS has overhead that isn't there on consoles... this is a constant...


    Given the INFORMATION WE HAVE... It's very indicative... and explains exactly why I think the way I do..


    And what the developers do in their patches and what Nvidia does in their drivers are two different things....  

  2. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    Yet you're ignoring that it's pre-release code and which generally differs from release code where most games get day one updates or simply a final build is released. It being at 3584x2016 doesn't mean it's dynamic, it could be 100% fixed with the final release update not having been applied yet. In terms of dynamic scaling only a three step shift is pretty much unheard of, it's a totally lopsided shift as well if you weigh the counts in between shifts. These kind of coincidences don't seem to ever crop up, and not once have differing orgs come up with same numbers for obscure counts, it's never happened. 

    Oh for fuck sakes... Just a bit ago you were fine with comparing it to those PC benchmarks...  I even specifically said that they were using an old driver in those benchmarks too... I didn't see you holding off judgement until the final game is released with patch and driver... :roll: 


    And I never said there was only 3 set dynamic resolutions... I said it doesn't shift line by line every second...  You're speaking out of your ass right now Dynamite... you can get away with this with other posters but not me.  I see right through you.


    It's not 100% fixed... that much is obvious to me already.  It's dynamic... and reaches native 4K at points... and drops as low as 3200x1800 :shrug: 

  3. 15 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    You don't find it a bit odd that NX Gamer came up with the same obscure resolution figure DF did of 3584x2016? The exact number they did? That doesn't strike you as the least bit odd with all the variables a dynamic scaler could have that he came up with that exact obscure figure? Well let's say it doesn't peak your curiosity, the statement of "NATIVE 4K ULTRA HD  - HIGHEST GAMEPLAY RESOLUTION" can also mean that the game is running at "NATIVE 4K ULTRA HD" which for consoles is the " HIGHEST GAMEPLAY RESOLUTION". Also again they are testing a pre-release build of the game which as many or basically all games do they get a day one update. 


    It's not about believing what I want, it's about making sense of available information, about making sense of the operation of the game. Even on the Pro DF got no resolution variance just as they got no resolution variance on the X, none yet they picked up the Pro's checkerboarding without issue. 

    The fact that he came out with that number isn't odd at all... the dynamic scaler doesn't shift line by line... it has set values that it will drop to or raise to given a certain performance metric...  It's not odd.. it's understandable... and lends credibility to him that he's right about it being dynamic.


    I already explained to you that I understand the ways the statement can be interpreted... but I'm slapping you in the face with very rational reasons why it's likely NOT the way you want it to be...  If the normal res is 100% 3584x2016... as both DF and NXG agree... then the fact that NATIVE 4K is the higest resolution it reaches... CONFIRMS that there's a dynamic scaler dumbass... and if you agree with THAT... then you can agree that it might DROP lower...


    I told you again.. John has admitted that he's fucked up with TAA before... the fact is that the dynamic nature which the other outlets suggested lends credence to MY views on the performance given the available information... 

  4. 5 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    You're applying context to a double entendre as you don't even know if that is what it means. That statement can be read two ways with two entirely different meanings, also you're forgetting that what these guys have are pre-release builds, don't get too confident. 

    I know that NXGamer counted a dynamic resolution...  I know that it's MORE likely that it means what I think it means than what you think it means.  If it didn't... then it wouldn't need to be there to begin with.... Again, I already told you that at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if it does or doesn't... but if it DOES... then it EXPLAINS things...  just as it did with FC5... But noooo you simply can't let that go... lmao.


    And congrats... I read the same comment that you did...  LMAO  This was the same excuse that was used for Far Cry 5... "bu but maybe it changed since when DF looked at it and VGTech.. :roll: 


    Believe what you want man.. I don't care... it changes nothing. 

  5. 1 minute ago, madmaltese said:

    Ain't that the truth. 

    I just think it's hilarious the angle that he's playing in this thread... like I'm hell starved on degrading the X or something... like as if I don't speak highly of it 99% of the time... ROFL.  He just got insta-bitchmade when I posted the NXGamer numbers.  This motherfucker telling me I'm scouring the net looking for ways to hate on X1X... rofl... this is the same guy that emailed Gamespot asking the reviewer why Xbox One wasn't listed on the review page :kaz: 



  6. 7 minutes ago, madmaltese said:

    The guy's entire existence currently relies of the small performance boost of the X, he and the other lems make nothing but DF threads, he has all the other systems and literally just doesn't play all the GOTY contenders they make because he's such a fanboy. Just give him his DF thread bro, he needs it more than you. 

    Yea, well when your consoles misses out on tons of games and has no exclusives... you basically have nothing left other than that tiny bit of resolution :mjgrin:

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  7. 2 minutes ago, Aza Team 2019 said:

    Like there is some sort of noticable difference between 1800p and 2000p. You people are insane.

    I use it as an explanation to account for performance differences.. which make sense.  Dynamite's acting like saying it drops res is the end of the fucking world.. and that I'm saying X1X is weak or some shit because of it.. lmao.



  8. 2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    You reacting like this with all this reaching, scouring the net for something opposing, it's getting so funny watching you meltdown.


    "Consoles aren't encroaching on PC!"





    "All this reaching and scouring"... lmao 


    "This is what NXGamer said"  - Remij 

    Dynaflop goes berserk and defaults to the "console vs pc - you're threatened - encroaching" shit :mj:


    The only thing Xbox is encroaching is 3rd party status shithead :ovolol:

  9. 7 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    This other source that they clearly acknowledge and go on to say that they got no dynamic scenes regardless of how much they tested? You're threatened by a console and run to alternative sources when high'ish end PC's get ass raped by them.


    This is the same thing as FC5, the second people started talking about the GTX 1070 you did this same shit and ran to VG Tech. You're insecure beyond belief because of a fucking CONSOLE...


    :hest: get rekt shitbird 

    Dude... you're losing it :tom: 


    NXGamer said... not me bitch.  Cry to him about it...  DF has fucked up before and... likely have again.  They tend to do that with TAA, which John self admits that he has problems with.


    So the only thing you can think to say is "bu but you're threatened" lmao.. you're a clown man.  I knew you were gonna say that shit as soon as I brought it up.. You have a problem with accepting ANY other source when it doesn't paint the Xbox in the light that you want it to be... you're the definition of a fucking fanboy bitch LMAO.


    Stop putting all your stock in Digital Foundry dumbass... and besides all that... I said what I said in this thread based on the DF video.. I didn't even see the other one until now... So NOTHING about what I've said has changed... Meanwhile you're trying to act like I'm running... LOL Fuck off Dynaderp :lawl: 


    The X1X has terrible fps drops... terrible screen tearing... terrible input lag...


    It's fucking garbage.. get over it :reg: 

  10. 4 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Cool and DF says at no point in any part of their tests did they get a dynamic result clearly speaking to NX's results which they're contesting. You're fucking mad as shit lol :hest:


    The peee seas are gettting salty, consoles are encroaching fast, next gen is going to drive you insane

    I'm not mad lmao..  I thought this would be a NATIVE 4K game on X1X... LOL.. you're the one that gets buttraped every time DF gets corrected :hehe: 




    Funny how NXGamer got the same "average" resolution that DF did... except said that it drops... LOL.. yea, he MUST be wrong!!!


    I love that you think you have some angle that bothers me here... :mj: 

  11. 2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Here you go again, butthurt and running to alternative sources.

    lmao... dude.. you're fucking ridiculous... By that measure the benchmarks Carlos posted are alternative sources and he has to wait for DF to chime in..  :roll:


    Stop being an idiot when someone challenges you.  The FACT is that NXGamer said it's dynamic and drops to 3200x1800p... If you're mad about that then too fucking bad... ROFL  You can believe it doesn't all you want... it doesn't change anything I'm saying LOL.. but it sure explains a lot :hehe: 

  12. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    The difference between High and Very High (Ultra) on Rise for example at this resolution results is about a 20% impact on performance. It's a decent impact but not huge. You've got a GTX 1070 and 980 Ti sitting at a average of basically 34 FPS and 28 FPS as a low on Ultra settings at only 3440x1440 Shadow. That's essentially the Xbox One X's performance profile if it were running an uncapped framerate, it's very sameish. Then you have to factor in the X is running a resolution which is 46.4% higher than that. The resolution increase in Rise from 3440x1440 to 3584x2016 is about 25%. 


    Me saying the X likely sits between the 980 Ti and GTX 1070 is not some unrealistic assertion, it seems quite accurate and you're being a buttmad PC nerd about it like a dumbass.

    I'm not being butthurt about anything... I'm disagreeing with you and giving very obvious reasons as to why that is.

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