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Everything posted by Remij

  1. MS knows this. They have one more generation of traditional console hardware in them... and then they are done.
  2. It's hilarious how you say that PC hasn't affected Xbox sales and game sales at all...it's a drop in the hat... yet there's this huge stigma which is apparently hurting the xbox brand? LOLOLOL It's also hilarious how you think that MS offering their games on PC devalues the Xbox console... but them literally offering their games on any device connected to a screen for $10 a month doesn't do that x100 This is complete delusion my man. Their PC effort isn't fruitless lmao... this effort will lead them to not be dependent on hardware or creating and selling hardware which makes th
  3. The delusions of a desperate fanboy
  4. Because MS hasn't put out fuck all... lmao. Half of their console efforts within the last 3 years have been fucking backwards compatible shit... The best way to look at it is that EVERY MS game released since the start of their PC initiative has come to PC... We have games in development from MS that are EXCLUSIVE to PC... and Xbox is left out
  5. How nice of the Xbox division to decide to make their games for PC. They weren't forced to or anything... nope... not at all. They are in complete control of where they release their content. They're just looking for ways to completely alienate a huge market the MS is dominant in... Come the fuck on man I also love that in the very article this thread is based on.... the rumor is that MS is looking to bolster their PC DEVELOPMENT... MS and the entire streaming venture is their way of getting out of the console hardware business. So they don't have to
  6. Remember... PC is nothing for Xbox gaming... pushing adoption of their Windows Store initiative and user engagement across Windows isn't a priority at all. It could vanish tomorrow and not affect Xbox at all...
  7. Hey PC gamers... hope you liked the recently released Forza Horizon 4 and look forward to all of our other announced games including Gears 5... but starting with Halo Infinite that's it from us and you'll have to subscribe to xCloud if you want to stream our games to your PC. Thanks.
  8. And he got the courage to say all of this... because Halo Infinite's web page doesn't have a Play Anywhere icon on it
  9. lol shit... how can someone be so clueless as to what MS is doing is beyond me Hardware is the fat that MS is trimming idiot. MS has no stake in developing PC hardware... they have the biggest PC gaming platform in the world. Consoles are what are completely redundant and unnecessary. PCs will exist no matter what... because the companies that design these consoles are PC HARDWARE companies who's very business depends on selling GPUs to consumers that dont make the cut for their server and professional markets. You don't get streaming to a point where it's acceptable for the
  10. Don't be so sure he says.. lmao I could say that because the Play Anywhere icon isn't there that MS might just be streaming the PC version to Xbox One consoles.. it works both ways So you think Halo Infinite isn't a play anywhere title because Project xCloud... and you think that means that the PC version will be streamed and only Xbox will have native code running locally? LOL Yea, this is the delusion I'm talking about
  11. I'm simply saying what the article says They probably want to engage more with their PC players and build up a bit of trust after all the bullshit they've done with Games for Windows and shit like that. Phil has stated many times that there are games that make sense on PC first and foremost. None of that is new... but considering the developer they are supposedly purchasing... they are a very PC centric and it makes sense that if true, they will work on PC games designed to improve user engagement with the store. They'll make their way to console, eventually... because everyth
  12. Apparently MS is looking to bolster their PC development. LMAO Bodycount It really makes sense, considering that in the future they will only make PC versions of their games and stream them. We also have Gears Tactics coming exclusively to PC.. lol.
  13. Well, in my case, MS was never the issue.. of course they'd want it everywhere possible... however my reasoning is that it makes no sense for Sony, which gets all the same games, to help MS sell games and grow the Xbox user base... and Nintendo would have issues with people using their hardware to play games that they have no control over. So I'm sure MS has spoken to many potential customers.. but whether it means anything or not is the question. Anyway, console lemmings HBR.
  14. They can't appeal to everyone. REmake pretty much did the same thing. It drastically altered the lighting from the original version and made it darker... Obviously not so much that you need a flashlight everywhere, so don't get me wrong, I get your complaint. It's valid. I think it's a fair thing to say. But I think that it makes sense given the state of the department in this new version. They wanted it to feel like the department actually went through hell after the incident. And as for combat, I think it looks clunky.. which is pretty much how these games have always been.
  15. I actually like what they've done with it in regards to much of it being in the darkness. I also think at some point we'll have to restore power to certain areas. I do think though that some of the recent footage looks too washed out.. as if they need to turn the brightness down and up the contrast a bit. I think HDR is going to work wonders for this game as well.
  16. Everything except the US is irrelevant to the US. Deeno fitting the stereotype perfectly
  17. That makes no sense. MS games are already on my platform of choice. Xbox as a console could die in a river and I wouldn't give a flying fuck
  18. The costume DLCs. That Sebastian from The Evil Within nod "Noir costume" for Leon. Clair looks good too I wonder if they'll do other DLC costumes for them.. such as Leon's classic RE4 costume and the original Claire costume?
  19. You said you prefer the original on PS2... yet hate THIS version because it "looks like 100% garbage" ... and now you're saying it's good because you can emulate it... so it looks... like this.. which I remind you again you said looks like garbage. Next time just say you're not interested in buying the same game again. Dummy.
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