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Everything posted by Remij

  1. The costume DLCs. That Sebastian from The Evil Within nod "Noir costume" for Leon. Clair looks good too I wonder if they'll do other DLC costumes for them.. such as Leon's classic RE4 costume and the original Claire costume?
  2. You said you prefer the original on PS2... yet hate THIS version because it "looks like 100% garbage" ... and now you're saying it's good because you can emulate it... so it looks... like this.. which I remind you again you said looks like garbage. Next time just say you're not interested in buying the same game again. Dummy.
  3. I don't think it's clever.. it's just honest. Congrats.. you know you're an idiot.
  4. I'm not... but you post like a fucking kid. Stupid posts EVERY FUCKING TIME. It's like you can't turn off that retard switch. It's sad as fuck
  5. If I didn't say anything.. you guys would have turned this shit into list wars and linkedin job postings. You were not arguing about whether those games would come and be of value to the service... you were arguing about whether MS has the ability to turn things around. Don't bullshit me.
  6. Yes.. You should know where this is going by now if I do... The conversation you two are having is going to very easily turn into bullshit...
  7. No.. it's not. speaking about MS' first party upcoming games and their potential quality have nothing to do with whether MS will offer this service on Switch or other devices. It has nothing to do with the service itself.
  8. @DynamiteCop! @Goukosan get this shit back on topic or I'm going to clean it up. Thanks.
  9. You know I said that... so then shut up. Nobody CARES that you don't want this... THIS already exists... I say that THIS could lead to a NEW Onimusha game... then you come along and say that "NO fuck that noise gimme da new one" Everything you post is retarded. The fact that this one EXISTS... means that if a new one ever comes... then it WAS a prelude to it... You're the worst poster on this shit fourm.. you HAVE to know that
  10. That's exactly what I said... a new onimusha... You have to give the people the ability to play the previous games in the series if you plan on making a new entry and continuing the series. That's probably what they are doing. God DAMN your posts are always retarded.
  11. ... it's a remaster.. not a remake. It's also not full price... and... of course it's not meant to be compared to Sekiro... it's a 15+ year old game.
  12. No fucking way. This is obviously a prelude to a full on new Onimusha game
  13. lmao.. your words mean nothing. Either post the sources or shut the fuck up
  14. https://www.gameinformer.com/2018/10/08/both-guacamelee-games-coming-to-switch-first-out-today Buy that shit sheep. Godly series. The first one is also the Super Turbo Championship Edition with extra content over the original. Guac 2 will come later in the year.
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