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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I always drive everywhere and go for them as one of the first things I do in these games. I like learning the layout of the map and grabbing all that shit along the way. A few of them can only be gotten after you get to a certain level of Danger Signs though... which is what set me back, otherwise I probably would have been done it even sooner lol. I like getting all the fast boards right away so it's free to fast travel. .. that way I can really start knocking races out quick as well as speed trap/zones and drift zones scores.
  2. Best game period, or did you mean VR game? I could believe both
  3. Moss is an excellent example of 3rd person VR platforming.. and I'll support it all day long. However, as good as it is, you're right to be cautious about the price. It IS a short game, and really abruptly ends just as is really gets going. So I say wait until the 2nd book comes out (or unless you can find a good sale price now) and then play both book 1 and 2 together. Also, in a post Astro bot world... I know they are different kinds of games with different focuses, but Moss (Book 1) for you might not seem as shiny as AB. That's kind of a sad reality about VR games atm is tha
  4. I got the Founders Edition. I'm sure I must have been one of the first people to hit that fucking button
  5. I'm wayyy ahead of you man. And yes, I've gone through the whole checklist 5 times. 1. Anti-static wrist strap so I don't fry my components when I touch them 2. Extra case pads to stop my PSU from short circuiting when coming in contact with the case 3. Extra thermal compound on the IHS for better heat transfer 4. DIMMS all in the sockets closest to the CPU for faster bandwidth 5. Fans all mounted with longer custom screws that reduce noise 6. PSU fan facing inward so it sucks in cool air from outside the case and feeds it directly to the GPU above it
  6. It wont in all likeliness. I'm not going to bother with it any time soon. I'll grab it cheap off a sale somewhere down the line.
  7. You're really dense sometimes man. Yes... one PS1 remaster port uses this... The reason for this patent is REMASTERING old titles through emulation... It in no way means "backwards compatibility support" PS4 has PS2 games ported through emulation (Rogue Galaxy).. PS1 games ported through emulation.. (Parappa the Rapper) PSP games ported through emulation (Castlevania)........ Is the PS4 backwards compatible with those systems' games? Of course I believe the PS5 will have PS4 backwards compatibility... but this points to simply being a way of porting games
  8. LMAO But you're gonna come crawling back.. guaranteed
  9. This. Exactly. The Parappa the Rapper Remaster USES THIS Aza....
  10. Yep.. definitely tweaking and updating FM7 to help it last the extra year or so until FM8 comes with next gen. I'm sure they are building a new engine and remodeling/texturing everything.. as well as revamping their physics and tyre model. It should be a proper next gen game, completely new and not have anything taken directly from the current gen games. Considering Turn10 are undoubtedly always working in the background building new car models, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the work was already done and they're well on their way. The extra year or so will help greatly.
  11. Yea. Reading it.. it basically sounds like a method of remastering an emulated piece of software by being able to inject new assets in the place of the old ones. This is pretty much what they did with Parappa the Rapper Remaster. This doesn't signify in any way a backwards compatibility patent.
  12. Yea I agree with Aza. It's surprising how people can essentially play, what looks like to us the same game year after year. It does make me wonder sometimes... but even just the roster updates and various tweaks are enough for the diehards. Dynamite made a good point though that these games continue to sell in third world countries well after these games.. and the systems they're played on, come and go here.
  13. I'm not 100% sure.. but those numbers are physical + digital.. whichever the case may be.
  14. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2018-10-05-fifa-scores-at-launch-on-top-of-emeaa-charts FIFA 19 took #1 and Spider-man held #2. This is really impressive.. considering that the only version of FH4 that was counted for sale at this time is the $100 Ultimate Edition. That bodes really well for the standard and deluxe releases. Also of note is that this doesn't include UK or Ireland sales, which is the strongest Xbox market in Europe.
  15. Good... the charade ends here. It was tough keeping that up for that hour or so.
  16. I know right. I look at what Ready at Dawn has done with Lone Echo, and I just love that they're making a second one and doubling down on it. When I was playing that game I remembered thinking to myself how crazy a high budget Sony first party game could be on more powerful hardware. I bet you that it's going to be much simpler than the current PSVR to set up and get into. I'm confident at this point that the PS5 will have a USB-C Virtual Link connection and will be a single wire that comes from the console. The base stations will likely be wireless like the Vive. That one thi
  17. For sure. I almost guarantee that other developers are watching this closely and if this game is successful, will give them the courage to try their own take on it. More games like these with 3rd person viewpoints will come for sure...the latest round of games are without a doubt proving that it's perfectly viable and there's all sorts of new gameplay ideas possible when you consider VR. I think Sony is going to do some ground breaking shit with story games and VR on the PS5. They'll be able to create some truly impactful stuff... I believe anyway.
  18. Lord help us if Sony now has a AAAe platforming franchise... They're straight up killing it. Some people have been saying that it's as good as any Nintendo platformer.. which is high praise indeed. Hopefully the game sells really well and blows up. It will be a great thing for platformers and VR in general.
  19. I kinda see where you're coming from. I was never really into Giantbomb over the years. The one thing they do that I love are the E3 interviews. Gerstmann is in his element in those kinds of interviews where he can get a little more personal and speak a bit more candidly than normal about things. Also you can tell a lot of people respect him. It's cool to see developers and higher ups in some of these companies make the time to go and have a talk about their stuff. Most of the time though, they come off to me as bitter and disinterested in a lot of what they do. It's understa
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