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Posts posted by Remij

  1. 42 minutes ago, Carlos Vela said:

    Compressed 720p with an additional 66ms input lag.


    66ms input lag is the equivalent of playing natively at 15 FPS lmao


    Enjoy away hermshits 

    I just tried it... it basically feels exactly like what I remember BB feeling like... It's a 30fps game after all :tom: 


    Of course you get used to it after a bit... but it's REALLY jarring coming off of Dark Souls 3 on PC at 60fps. :shrug: 

  2. 17 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Well I expertly disagree, also Battlefield's playerbase is always tiny on PC in comparison and falls off extremely quick. This isn't the Battlefield 2 glory days anymore, there's way more interference. 



    Who plays this shit long enough for that to even be an issue?  If your game is good.. PC players will play that shit forever... if it's not then we got better shit to do :shrug: 


    The shit console gamers dream up :hest: 

  3. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    It won't be best on PC, aesthetically yes but it will have cheaters and the playerbase will be tiny in comparison. Also I'm no shaved tail louie, I played competitive FPS at a high level for over a decade, I was an ACS admin in a league, I've dealt with cheating on all tiers of the spectrum so I know exactly what's going on. 


    PC gaming is more popular than ever, it's appealing to younger and younger 21st century demographics who have less impulse control, less grasp on consequences, and less ability to handling failing. All of these things have astronomically increased cheating in PC games, it's always been a minute problem but within the last few years it has scaled out of control. 

    It's not nearly as bad as you say it is... and the game is factually best on PC.  The player base wont be tiny in comparison to either console.. lmao what are you smoking?

  4. 6 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    He's got a point, cheating on PC is out of control, it's the worst its ever been. 

    The argument was made that it was best on PC.. and he replied "not yours" signifying that he acknowledges that it can be.. given the spec of the PC.  There's no denying that BFV is better on my PC than it is on any console.


    And nah... he doesn't have any real point.  He's not going to be good enough at the game that he's gonna be calling out cheaters from the non cheaters... lmao.  He's gonna play the game and die repeatedly just like most other people.  It's a bullshit excuse... and grossly overstated because people just want to blame others because they suck.  A lot of people CLAIM there's massive cheating in PC games... Most of the time it's nothing that genuinely impacts a persons overall experience.  Sure, of course there are cheaters out there... but it's not everyone you encounter... or even a fraction... as much as you guys love claiming it is.


    Battlefield 5 is best on PC... it's a fact. :reg: 

  5. Just now, Ramza said:

    Maybe you should buy a PSVR headset first you dumb fuck. 


    PSVR2 is not going be to backward compatible and if by any chance it is (it's not happening you stupid Russian pervert), you'll still need a PS camera and PS move controllers. 


    Support VR gaming on Playstation now you worthless sack of shit. And stop buying so many shitty games just because they got a physical release, I bet you don't even play half of the trash you bought, you retarded mongrel. 


    Fuck you.


  6. 1 minute ago, TLHBO said:

    Basically....you flip-flop when it benefits xbox. Like all lemmings do.

    Nah.  Basically you just misunderstand shit as it pertains to everything that "non cows" say just so you can try to make some argument.  The problem with that being that you're always just setting yourself up to lose :tom: 

  7. 40 minutes ago, AdrianWerner said:

    I'm playing Yakuza 0 on PC. First entry in the series I tried and Jesus Christ... I didn't realize how much my life was missing without this.




    It's awesome.  I haven't had much time to get deep into it though.  Now I've got other games I'm getting through tho.


    Yakuza 0

    Guacamelee 2

    Dragon Quest XI


    Valkyria Chronicles 4

    Shadow of the Tomb Raider

    Forza Horizon 4



  8. 2 hours ago, TLHBO said:

    Roff this clown. Constantly talks shit about PS being 1440p, suddenly when it comes to his beloved Forza 1080p is "gud enuff"

    If it comes down to 2x the fps in a genre where higher fps are important... yes you fucking idiot :cosby2: 


    And I don't constantly talk down about PS Pro being 1440p...  There's nothing wrong with that resolution.  There IS something wrong with marketing a device that largely only hits that resolution as a 4K device..


    God damn.. you really suck at trying to own me. :hest: 

  9. Just now, Bodycount NX said:

    and PoC can't steal the exclusives :wow:


    The future is here




    What do you mean?  Nintendo is the one dev that PC DOES steal the exclusives from.. lmao.


    It's only a matter of time before the Switch emulator is running games at 4K :hehe: 


    It will be interesting to see how well DOOM 360p Switch looks compared to the other versions at that resolution LOL

  10. 8 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    I've had trouble getting the bar in the right spot, but i just unlocked the flourish ability so ill switch it up to that to see what happens.

    Oh, I see what you mean now.  Before you're really shown that there's different ways to raise the bar, you're kinda left wondering why you can't get it perfect.  That makes sense.  I can see why you thought there was something you were doing wrong, now that I think about it.


    But nah, you get different abilities which change how the bars raise.  It's basically just a puzzle where you kinda have to figure out the right number or patterns of hits to get them perfect.  But it's not something that's meant to happen all the time, or be easy to have happen.  More often than not you're going to have an imperfect craft.. at least as far as I can tell right now.  I'm extremely early as well and there's bound to be more abilities later on.

  11. 1 minute ago, Twinblade said:

    oh, so its basically completely random? thats kind of lame if ill be honest.

    No... it's not random.  When you bash or flourish, the bar raises a specific amount.  You then look at how much it raises, and then figure out if you should do the same action again, or change it for one that will raise it more or less.  The idea is to fill the bar to the green for general success, or the specific notch in the bar for perfection.


    I don't see how this is that confusing to you lmao...

  12. 10 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    You shouldn't have . It's one of the best looking games ever made . I'm surprised they got it to 60 at all .


    Wonder if any other graohcial effects are sacrificed in that mode .

    I thought 1440p would be doable, with some minor tweaks to the settings.. so this makes me think that they they didn't want to sacrifice any effects for that mode.  That's probably why they just dropped it all that was to 1080p to give themselves more than enough headroom so that even under the most demanding scenarios it'll hold 60.


    That's the right call to make in a racing game.  Nobody wants the fps lurching between 40-60.. and FH games even at 1080p look good due to their AA.

  13. 15 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    The classic camera is the way to go for battles, definitely recommend switching to it.


    While the fun size forge is neat its kind of confusing. When exactly is the best time to strike during the hammer's animation? I feel like im missing the sweet spot a lot.


    But yeah the game is really good so far....definitely seems more promising than Ni No Kuni 2.

    It has nothing to do with pressing any button during the animation... whether you bash or whether you do a flourish it always raises the bar a set amount.  You basically have to guess the right combination of hits to get it in the sweet spot.  Initially I thought that getting it to the highest end of the green section was the best.. but nah.  You want to have the bar stop where the notch is along the top of the bar.  If you get it perfect, it will highlight and then you move onto the next section.  I managed to get that Gold ring quest perfect after 2 attempts.  It turned into a Gold Ring + 3.


    It can affect the stats of things pretty drastically, so it's good to get them as perfect as possible.  What a neat mechanic :) 

  14. 1 minute ago, Goukosan said:

    The seasons in Forza 4 bro, that makes it inherently a different game from the other Forza's that release twice a year :grimaceleft:

    Once every 2 years.. and it's kinda dumb to hate on the one racing franchise (Horizon) which consistently and demonstrably improves itself in both visuals and gameplay with every release.


    Seasons do change everything :wow2: 

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