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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea, it was pretty much my most anticipated game since they announced it. I pretty much had Friday and Saturday set aside to play it. Sunday I wanted to play but we went and visited with family... lol. The progression in this game is just so much more in-depth than FH3. I was doing a lot of clearing boards and getting familiar with the world layout. I went hard on road races, but now I'm doing more dirt and cross country races. There's a $2 million home that grants you fast travel anywhere on the map, but like FH3 you have to pay until you've destroyed all the fast travel boar
  2. Well, the technology CAN work very well. Nvidia's Geforce Now proved that to me when I got in the beta for that. It's really VERY close to native.. assuming your connection is good. It's still a ways away from being fully adopted and "replacing" traditional native gaming. But things are in motion and these problems are being worked on by pretty much everyone. Look at the work being done: Cloud infrastructure is growing and expanding rapidly all over the globe... MS is really putting a lot of effort behind their cloud networks and subscription efforts
  3. That is awesome! It's tied with Lone Echo for highest rated VR metacritic I think. I might have to pick up a PSVR sometime.
  4. Of course its the future. I've been saying that for years.
  5. Absolutely it's better in many ways. I'm gonna do a full review for this mahfucka when I feel I've seen most of it. The Goliath race is Man... when the track editor comes... I'm gonna be making some godly shit. There's a few tracks already that I really REALLY love and I'm going to try to incorporate a few of them together into a bigger circuit That's not to say there's not some things that I wish were different, or better though. There's still lots to improve... and I know exactly how they can make the next one feel completely fresh
  6. Lemmings like him only get the courage to peek their heads out when they get a high profile............ multiplat
  7. Fucking every Xbox game you own is COD.. holding on to it dearly like some past-his-prime asshole who nobody cares for or even recognizes anymore What a garbage system. TL&BCHBFR
  8. All consoles are secondary... they serve their purpose with the odd exclusive. LMAO fuck consoles
  9. Playing the XO version Get fucked
  10. I'll play the PS4 Pro Beta Edition until PC Remidemption Edition comes
  11. I fucking told you that when you listed it as a reason to get the PS version over the PC version PC version supports 8K and unlocked fps..
  12. lmao.. no. Unless you completely fuck yourself purposefully by continually trying to circumventing their systems, you don't lose access to your games. You get banned from a specific game for cheating or game violations.. and have complete access to the rest of your games. For valve to completely deny you access to your games... you need to have fucked up BAD... and deserve to lose everything. On the side of physical games... a fire is just one thing. There could be floods.. tornados.. people could break in and steal them.. ect ect. There's a much higher chance of thi
  13. @Bodycount NX Shut the fuck up turncoat Your console is trash, you have no exclusives, your faction disbanded, Xbox is last in sales, MS keeps promoting Phil just to spite you, and Phil keeps giving you the middle finger right to your face... it's so fucking embarrassing. How you can even show your face around here is a mystery to me.. It's gonna be great watching you try to crawl back at the beginning of next gen.. Fuck the Xbox console. Xbox is Best on PC™
  14. Take a SS and post it. I wanna see
  15. Also I just thought I'd share that ice builds up on the cars in FH4 in the winter time when it snows.. I don't remember this in FH3 Blizzard Mountain anyway.. (not my pic.. from ERA) That's fucking godly. Actually, the dirt, wetness, and snow build up in this game is awesome
  16. LMAO yea... who the fuck thought of that LOL. That whole mechanic of hiding in the seaweed and shit is just stupid
  17. For what it's worth.. I felt that way up until the last bit. It fell apart for me after a certain point. It's a very good game though.
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