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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Not sure why, but it will go there eventually. Don't even worry about that though FH4 will be there day 1. What a fucking godly service really, when you think about it.
  2. Oh my dear child... how wrong you are. I played RE7 in VR in week ONE. And Lone Echo is something not even RE7 matches. There's more games like this on PCVR than PSVR. Oh well, you're beginning to see the light. Better late than never
  3. No it doesn't. You're so fucking clueless LOL... Life is gonna hit Jerry HARD. I guess when you view things like Jerry... it kind of makes sense why he hates white people. Everything is JUST SO UNFAIR!!!
  4. It doesn't matter if it has happened before... lmao. I love how you insinuate that if it's happened once, that means it can/should always happen. Life doesn't work that way... and your argument is worth less than the paper your coupons are printed on.
  5. And it doesn't matter how many people tell him this... he's perfectly content to live in his ignorant assed little world.
  6. No.. because the statement I made would actually supposedly prove YOUR side. Notice how I'm always saying how YOU aren't asking the questions when I make these statements? You keep saying, well perhaps this and perhaps that... but aren't interested in asking where the proof is from the woman... or where the proof is from the store owner. At the end of it all... you can simply say "Well, it's his right to fire them for whatever reason he wants anyway" Which just shows me you don't really give a fuck and are purposefully being ignorant.
  7. Nah... I've seen enough... I'm really looking for something that helps YOUR argument... if you couldn't tell.
  8. I love how you apparently want to get the facts... but don't care to ask these questions... LOL
  9. Yes, I'm sure the black woman was treated horribly... Wait... they said that she recorded video of it.. where is this video? Is there a reason why this video hasn't been shown anywhere???? LOL...
  10. He could have waited, and fired them after for whatever reason that wasn't about this. It's SO FUCKING OBVIOUS that this motherfucker is using this shit as a platform to push his PRO minority agenda... Making an EXAMPLE out of these white people and at the same time making himself and the business look so PROGRESSIVE! Jerry, you're literally dumb as fuck bro.
  11. I love how the EMPLOYER SAID THEY FOLLOWED POLICY... So I dunno... Were they NOT supposed to follow policy? Were the TOLD to not follow policy????
  12. Ah, so the guy was obviously just looking for an excuse to fire the white employees so he could hire more people of color then. Interesting.
  13. Now you're really the one sounding like you've never worked before.. LMAO. Every day is different. I'm sure they have before, and will again.. SO? That's how life is moron. Are we supposed to cry racism every time that it happens? Sometimes people feel good and let that last person go... other nights they gotta get out and can't.. or they are just not having a good day and DON'T. So fucking what? I LOVE how you think the argument goes one way but not the other. But then again... it was white people.. so here you are with this.... argument .
  14. I know.. you've been saying "IF" at the beginning of every "point" you've been trying to make. And yes, she was treated differently... she was later, the store was closed, and she was told to go. AS PER COMPANY POLICY.... remember Jer... the employer EVEN SAYS THEY FOLLOWED POLICY.
  15. Was I responding to you in that post? No, I wasn't. WRONG again Jer. That was a general statement about this whole stupid thing. You don't think he should diversify his employees?
  16. If they tell you they are closed.. then they are closed. That's it. WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE YOU'VE NEVER GONE TO A STORE AT CLOSING TIME AND BEEN DENIED
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