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Posts posted by Remij

  1. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    No dude...………...you're just butthurt beyond redemption and are looking to try and say that I'm dumb. lol


    You don't know the interaction with these people, and you are trying really hard to make this an open and shut case.


    Which exposes your pathetic biases.


    That's your shortcoming. Not mines.

    Yes, I'm sure the black woman was treated horribly... 


    Wait... they said that she recorded video of it.. where is this video?


    Is there a reason why this video hasn't been shown anywhere???? 



  2. Just now, jehurey said:

    Well I don't see where the conflicting story is, unless I'm missing another quote from the owner.


    But it would be odd that the owner is making things much more complicated for himself than he needs to be in order to fire these employees.

    He could have waited, and fired them after for whatever reason that wasn't about this.


    It's SO FUCKING OBVIOUS that this motherfucker is using this shit as a platform to push his PRO minority agenda...  Making an EXAMPLE out of these white people and at the same time making himself and the business look so PROGRESSIVE!




    Jerry, you're literally dumb as fuck bro.

  3. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    Does their policy teach them to treat a black women differently?


    I love how you keep on clinging onto the closing time as "Policy"


    Its like I'm speaking to a child at his first debate. lol



    So I dunno... Were they NOT supposed to follow policy?  Were the TOLD to not follow policy????



  4. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    If you fucked up one day...………….then you fucked up, period.


    You must not know what work is like. Because that's all it takes.


    Its a service job....………….you're quite replaceable.


    Look at how this is making you melt down, I feel like I'm in a 9th grade ethics debate class. LOL

    Did they fuck up... or did they follow POLICY JERRY?



  5. Just now, jehurey said:

    And you don't know if the store has admitted people after closing time before.


    Therefore...…...you are in no position to determine if the employees were fired unfairly or not.


    Once again...…………..THIS...………..SIMPLE...……...POINT has been explained to you multiple times.

    Now you're really the one sounding like you've never worked before.. LMAO.  Every day is different.  I'm sure they have before, and will again.. SO? 


    That's how life is moron.  Are we supposed to cry racism every time that it happens?  Sometimes people feel good and let that last person go... other nights they gotta get out and can't.. or they are just not having a good day and DON'T.


    So fucking what?


    I LOVE how you think the argument goes one way but not the other.  But then again... it was white people.. so here you are with this.... argument . :tom: 

  6. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    I have.


    And I've gone to stores and been allowed in.


    The question is whether these employees treated this black woman differently.


    I love how I've explained that SPECIFIC PHRASE about 6 times to you...…………...and you pretend to IGNORE it every...……..single...……..time.


    You've all but assured that you know you can't win this argument.

    I know.. you've been saying "IF" at the beginning of every "point" you've been trying to make.


    And yes, she was treated differently... she was later, the store was closed, and she was told to go.  AS PER COMPANY POLICY.... remember Jer... the employer EVEN SAYS THEY FOLLOWED POLICY. :lemming: 

  7. Just now, jehurey said:

    He's now completely RUNNING AWAY from his argument.


    …………...and revealing his true feelings.


    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Sinkuh!:blessed: poor guy thinks that making of fun of black people is somehow going to affect me. LOL He doesn't know what to do.

    Was I responding to you in that post?   No, I wasn't.  WRONG again Jer.


    That was a general statement about this whole stupid thing.  You don't think he should diversify his employees? :wonder: 

  8. Quote

    In a public statement of apology, bakery co-owner and general manager John Blomgren described the event as “absolutely egregious” and stated the shop had fired the two employees who had informed Lillian they could not serve her because the shop was closed. “We are doing business in a gentrified neighborhood in a racist city within a racist state of a racist country,” Blomgren wrote in the Facebook post, noting the incident reveals the shop has more work to do to dismantle racism. (RELATED: New York Times Columnist Declares Trump A ‘White Supremacist’)

    “Back to Eden Bakery is 100% committed to … dismantling the white-supremacist heater-patriarchy,” Blomgren wrote. He indicated in the apology, however, that firing the employees was not enough and that more action must follow, inspiring him to write a second statement of apology on May 11. The bakery must dedicate itself to becoming more “pro-Black” and accepting of “Black, Brown and Indigenous People,” he wrote in the lengthy apology.



  9. Just now, jehurey said:

    It does.


    If the boss has told you to allow customers at or after closing time before...…….and specifically sees you treat somebody else different, then chances are you're gonna get fired.


    Why are you acting like somebody who has never worked before?


    Do you think constructing an argument out of NAIVETE is going to help you here??? LOL



    Jesus... you're whole argument is fucking RUBBISH. 


    This all coming from the idiot that was asking about starting a fucking Cyber Cafe business :tom:  

  10. So Jerry's argument is that they were fired because they were closing up while there were customers still wanting to do business after hours.... LMFAO.


    Sorry guys, you were following policy, but since you were turning down business... you're fired!



    So race no longer has anything to do with this..... right?


    I love with  all the evidence provided that Jerry simply can't see what the fuck really happened here.  He's ignorant as fuck when it suits him :D 

  11. Just now, jehurey said:

    No...…….they don't.


    Especially when its small, independent businesses.


    Your FLAW...…….....and it is a FLAW...……...is that you think this is a McDonalds or some other corporate chain.


    I'll say it again....


    I like how you think that being an independent small business means sweet fuck all to your point... when it's not THE EMPLOYERS themselves working and closing up at night.. 


    Talk about flaws in your argument  :D 

  12. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    No...……….not for an independent small business.


    You actually think they TURN AWAY paying customers...……………...at small, independent business...…….like they do at your corporate McDonalds or Starbucks?


    This is your CONTINUING FLAW in your argument.

    They do at CLOSING TIME you dumbass... :cosby2: 


    I like how you think that being an independent small business means sweet fuck all to your point... when it's not THE EMPLOYERS themselves working and closing up at night.. :lemming:


    Talk about flaws in your argument :D 

  13. 4 minutes ago, JonB1 said:

    Some people have kids and family to get home to . And stores have policies .


    It was wrong for the people to get fired . The employees did nothing wrong . Anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong , or racist .


    The end 

    Jon... did you see the part about the store paying reparations back to minorities.... It's OBVIOUS AS FUCK that this store has an image to maintain... and this poor black woman was ready to tarnish the FUCK out of it if they didn't fire these employees for "unintentionally seeming racist".  I mean, by their own words they did nothing wrong.. but it could appear so... so FUCK EM.


    Jesus :D 

  14. 25 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    You don't know that they were "following policy" because if they have ever ALLOWED anybody into the store at closing time before...……..then that policy is now at the mployee's discretion.


    You...…………….don't...………...KNOW...…...any of this, or how any of this went down.


    You know exactly what I have been saying these past few posts...…….you're just trying to play dumb. lol

    You don't know either..... and it's likely policy to allow the people in the store to finish their orders and close the shop down for others.  So this black woman sees some white people in the store and then assumes she was neglected because she was black..


    WHERE Jerry, does it say that they've seen these employees treat black people differently before??  Where.


    And you still haven't asked the question or establish how they treated black people during NORMAL WORKING HOURS?


    It's funny how you chastise me for going by the information provided when YOU are the one that's assuming the employers have seen this bad behavior from them before... :tom: 


  15. 10 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    No...….once again you are assuming things you don't know.


    I love how you are AWARE that you are purposely making a naïve argument, based on technicalities that may be irrelevant based on what may have happened...……...and you're doing it specifically to fight me about it.


    I love seeing you jump these hoops.


    If the Employer has SEEN how these employees have treated OTHER PEOPLE at closing time...……...and know that they treated this black woman differently, that's all there to it, sweetheart.  And you know this.


    But I'm not gonna stop you from your butthurt motivations. Never have. lol

    So they've seen them treat other BLACK people or just OTHER PEOPLE differently??? :bena:   This is a case of "They saw them treat white people better at closing time" and not "They saw them treat black people the same as white people before".... riiiiiight?


    I like how you're talking about naiveté when it seems obvious that the ONLY fucking reason why they were fired was because the woman was black and the store just didn't want to even risk seeming insensitive EVEN THOUGH the employees were following POLICY and ANNNND the employer "doesn't consider them to be racist"... LOL

  16. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    Except employees still interacted with this customer past 9pm.


    They still represent the company, in this scenario.


    I mean...………..why are trying to play naïve, you know exactly how these employees could still fuck up in this scenario.


    The thing is that the customer would have to successfully demonstrate that you treated them in a way that was out-of-the-ordinary compared to how they treat other people. As we can see, the Employer certainly seems to think that's the case.


    Dude...……...the mere fact that you are assuming so many things based on a GHOST post, with NO SOURCE, lol jesus.

    Telling someone you're closed IS representing the company... and FOLLOWING policy.  People realize that when stores CLOSE it doesn't mean that employees are finished working :lemming: 


    "Impact outweighs intent"... I know you didn't INTEND to seem racist... but that's what it looked like when you were following our policy... so sorry... you're FIRED....


    "Back to Eden Bakery"... lmfao you'd swear it was "Back to Africa Bakery" ....  What a bunch of TomFoolhurey :tom: 

  17. 10 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    No, it does matter how you interacted with them.


    If the Employer KNOWS how the employees have treat OTHER people at closing time, and notices that they treated this black lady differently...……..then they could determine that they did it because they judged her based on her color.


    I love how you are trying to include me wherever possible...………..the butthurt is so real with you. LOL

    Facts don't care about your feelings.  The store closed at 9... sometimes people forget to turn off their "open" signs.  You gotta stop a some point.  And the employer KNOWS and ADMITS they aren't racist... just that the poor soul who didn't get her last cupcake of the night felt bad :cry: 


    But regardless of all that... Jon asked you what you would do if someone was suing you for how you treated them at your little store.  Well, if they were suing you... it's because you made them feel bad... so REGARDLESS of how you THINK you treated them... you made them feel bad.  You'd be asking yourself what you did wrong, and why you were being sued.

  18. 1 minute ago, JonB1 said:

    If anyone thinks this is fair , they flat out hate white people and are racist .


    It's the same thing as me watching people try to justify Roseanne :D y'all racist 



    I like that even if you're following company procedure and guidelines and having problems with a potential customer, if they happen to be of a different race (let's be real here, white and black) then there are "racial implications"... such as... the white person is racist and the black person is innocent... and the white person should have thought about that before hand... :tom: 

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