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Everything posted by Remij

  1. You're the one looking real fucking stupid MS are under NO OBLIGATION to bring anything from Bethesda to Sony Playstation. Anything Matt Booty had said, is meaningless, because both Matt Booty AND Sarah Bond at the trial have already stated that Phil Spencer makes those decisions. And Phil Spencer got up on the stand and pledged to the judge after she asked him, that COD would remain on PS provided Sony sign the contract... when pressed about other games like Diablo.... the judge LITERALLY cut off the FTC and said "I'm cutting you off, I don't need that, move on" So
  2. OMFG the FTCs own witness from Google said that Stadia competed against console and PC, and that it wasn't it's own market They're fucking DONE!
  3. https://www.ign.com/articles/metal-gear-solid-4-finally-freed-from-ps3-as-part-of-leaked-metal-gear-solid-master-collection-vol-2 Finally free from PS3, and PC emulation. Good shit Konami. It will also apparently include MGS5 GZ and TPP, and Peace Walker.
  4. If I was saying the FTC was winning this case you idiots wouldn't be saying shit about my knowledge of teh lawz
  5. No, I said the judge already dismissed the case from which that document was brought up originally... if it didn't make a difference in that case, it's not going to here. It's literally the same judge.. and the FTC failed miserably to grill Matt Booty about anything, MS's lawyers were easily able to explain it away on redirect It came and went like the fart in the wind that it was... and you guys were acting like it was a smoking gun
  6. It was over a million in October of last year.. lmao... and it makes perfect sense, as they only had a limited capacity during the pandemic and it was not sold at retail. It's also not the only device of this type... there's plenty others out there.
  7. Well that's one way of looking at it. On the other hand if you're a PC gamer with a big library already it makes even more sense.
  8. Anywhere. Couch, bed, on the TV, in the bathroom, out on a trip. AA and indies are the perfect kinds of games for that... and these things are still powerful enough for AAA games at 720p 30/40/60.. which on the devices themselves looks excellent. Will be interesting to see how Ratchet and Clank runs on these devices.
  9. Like 5+ You'll be able to play games for years and years on these things. Obviously not the latest AAA games at full quality... but AA and indie, which comprise most of the best games out there IMO, will continue to release.. none of that is going away. And dude, you'd be floored seeing an Ally or Deck in person when it's on the screen in front of you.
  10. You're simply wrong. These things will stand the test of time just as good as anything else... There will always be new games released on PC which will work on these devices.. and by the time it can't play relevant games anymore, if you're into these devices, you'll have upgraded to the next one.
  11. He didn't get drilled at all And your tweet literally says a decision hasn't been made yet. Maybe if Xbox gets Activision they'll throw Sony a bone
  12. That's 100 planets with life on them... Obviously not all planets will have life... that's not even close to realistic... and they've already stated the majority of planets are for resources among other things.
  13. It's hilarious to see you guys get your hopes up... over shit that's already been dismissed by this very judge The other arguments that the FTC are making, are beyond pathetic, and the judge is going to see right through it.
  14. There's nothing NEW about them. We already knew every angle they were taking with this case Your "new evidence" is literally shit that was from the gamers lawsuit and already dismissed by this exact same judge... and she JUST fucked them again, as they were trying to join in on this PI hearing
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