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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I think you just need 4 of them because I don't have them all yet and I was able to get in.
  2. The later B-sides are crazy. I swear I've died about 200 times on just one screen. That feeling though when you finally get it... you're like "I'm the greatest motherfucker to ever play this game!"
  3. There's 8 worlds. After world 7 you beat the game, but there's an Epilogue which is proving to be a bitch.
  4. I'll be waiting for you up on the summit. This game is 10/10. One of the best 2d platformers ever made imo. I've died 4000 times so far. The B-sides / C-sides are next level.
  5. I just died 766 time in Celeste on Chapter 6 B-side.... A lot of admittedly dumb deaths. Wasn't really trying to focus, but still.
  6. Then wait my friend. And make the decision after you've played D3
  7. I think the remake is very well done. I bought it, but don't know when I'll get around to playing it. Too much other good shit right now. March: Sea of Thieves Final Fantasy 15 PC Ni No Kuni 2 Farcry 5 The Silver Case: 25th Ward DMC5 Ghost of a Tail Warhammer Vermentide 2 Plus I'm still working away on Celeste and Divinity OS2
  8. Yea, I'm gonna wait till it's on sale. I trust your opinion on this game. I also have lots of other shit to play atm. Still sucks though
  9. I was considering it at some points, but nah. I got this far already.. I can do this
  10. Yea there are, and they are painful and require some crazy precision.
  11. Celeste is the best platformer this generation. Yes, it's better than Super Mario Odyssey. I fucking LOVE it.
  12. I just beat Chapter 2 B-side.... 374 deaths on it alone.. I bet you I could beat it in less than 50 deaths now though.
  13. Dude, I never heard about Golf Story until you had mentioned it before. I checked it out and it looks awesome. What a cool take on an RPG. Will definitely check that out sometime.
  14. God I'm loving the fuck out of this game. The OST is just perfect. The beginning, leading into 2:11 then to 4:23, and then the chase sequence at 5:50. So fucking perfect... considering the theme of the level you're playing in. This is Danny B tier stuff. Fucking awesome.
  15. I got 13/20 strawberries in the first chapter my first time through, then my second time through I found 4 more and the b-side. It was pretty cleverly hidden lol. And yea, it's no fucking joke. It's way harder.. but I'm pushing through it pretty well so far. I'm definitely dying a lot searching for everything though. Basically jumping off and dashing into everything to see if it's a false wall or something. I had 97 deaths in chapter one... and after completing the b-side I'm at 324 LOL. This game is going to kill me, but it's compelling me to 100% it.
  16. Just started playing Celeste. What a great game so far. I just know this thing is gonna start kicking my ass at any minute. I love the music. It's so calming and nice. You guys that beat it, how much stuff did you get and how many times did you die?
  17. damn I've been too busy playing Divinity OS2 to even have picked it up. I guess I'll just wait for a sale. That's disappointing. I've been looking forward to it since completing the first game.
  18. Playing Divinity: OS2... and it's incredible. Like.. seriously.
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