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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Dude, I never heard about Golf Story until you had mentioned it before. I checked it out and it looks awesome. What a cool take on an RPG. Will definitely check that out sometime.
  2. God I'm loving the fuck out of this game. The OST is just perfect. The beginning, leading into 2:11 then to 4:23, and then the chase sequence at 5:50. So fucking perfect... considering the theme of the level you're playing in. This is Danny B tier stuff. Fucking awesome.
  3. I got 13/20 strawberries in the first chapter my first time through, then my second time through I found 4 more and the b-side. It was pretty cleverly hidden lol. And yea, it's no fucking joke. It's way harder.. but I'm pushing through it pretty well so far. I'm definitely dying a lot searching for everything though. Basically jumping off and dashing into everything to see if it's a false wall or something. I had 97 deaths in chapter one... and after completing the b-side I'm at 324 LOL. This game is going to kill me, but it's compelling me to 100% it.
  4. Just started playing Celeste. What a great game so far. I just know this thing is gonna start kicking my ass at any minute. I love the music. It's so calming and nice. You guys that beat it, how much stuff did you get and how many times did you die?
  5. damn I've been too busy playing Divinity OS2 to even have picked it up. I guess I'll just wait for a sale. That's disappointing. I've been looking forward to it since completing the first game.
  6. Playing Divinity: OS2... and it's incredible. Like.. seriously.
  7. Cmon bitches.. let's talk about how godly the PC is or any questions we might have List your specs: Tower: Nvidia GTX1080ti @ 160+core 400+mem i7 6700k @ 4.6Ghz 32GB DDR4 RAM @ 3200mhz Asus Maximus Gene VIII Motherboard 2x500GB Samsung 850 EVO SSDs 4TB HGST 7200rpm HDD Asus ROG Swift PG279Q 144hz (165hz toggle) 2560x1440 monitor
  8. Hey GD, The Room: Old Sins (The Room 4 basically) has released on IOS. I'm waiting for it to come to android then I'm gonna get it.. but it's apparently awesome http://www.fireproofgames.com/games/theroomoldsins
  9. no.. holidays are different from "the holiday season"....
  10. I see. But could "the holidays" refer to, Black Friday, and Christmas holiday? I don't see him saying the "holiday season" which would signify November and December. I don't remember him stating that Xbox would take the entire month of December.
  11. You have the right to your opinion, but man, I don't understand how anyone can't be disappointed with how they handled Luke Skywalker in this movie. They had the perfect chance to make something great here.. but they botched it, hard. Kylo sucked as well. There was no good lightsaber action. The fight choreography was terrible. Ugh.
  12. So I saw Last Jedi last week, and I've got to say that was the worst Star Wars movie I've seen in a LOOONG time. I didn't appreciate ANY of what they were trying to do. Completely fell flat on it's face.
  13. May I ask what about Horizon's quest design is better?
  14. It's insane how good the voice acting was in that game especially for its time. Balthier
  15. This is where you basically just say there's a Yakuza for everyone.
  16. All I want, is for RE2make and the eventual RE3make to be godly and do justice to what they did with REmake. If they can do that, and deliver the original trilogy in HD, with godly REmake quality or better gfx. I will be happy. The day they release a collectors edition box set of those 3 remakes, I will buy that shit and cherish it for the rest of my life. RE0 and CV are fine games as well as B-tier RE games. While 4, 5, and 6 are the C-Tier, action romps. All the others are just the side games.
  17. Yea, it had potential, but they kinda botched the execution.
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