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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No.. it's a win situation, if they follow the very simple guidelines of REmake and RE0make. Plain and simple. No RE fan hates those games afaik.. They could also make the 'alternate' controls better than they were with RE0 and REmaster. The fact that it's RE2make, comes with a certain expectation. People are expecting this game to be of the classic style. Whether they choose to play around with it a bit, that remains to be seen, such as 3D panning vs 2D pre-rendered backgrounds. But I'm of the opinion that whether it's 3D or not, they will focus on still camera shots and panning cameras
  2. Me too! Man, I hope it's everything I want it to be. They're finally doing this, and with Resident Evil 2, there's so much potential to make this one just as good if not better than REmake. After the HD remaster, I actually have faith that they know what their fans want from this game. I hope they pull it off. If they hadn't done the REmaster and 0 HD REmaster, I'd be more skeptical.. but they did a good job with what they had.
  3. Fuck, imagine how godly it would be if Sony and Capcom showed something from REmake 2 tomorrow
  4. Stop acting like your name wasn't really "The Lemmings Have Been Owning"
  5. Yea I don't think I remember you either. Welcome tho.
  6. You remind me of one of those nerdmits that actually STILL HAS the PC from their sigs in the old days
  7. You'll HAVE to fuck around with your mobo now if you want to upgrade. They don't make shit anymore for that old ass socket. If you're not going to upgrade everything, don't even bother.
  8. You're not contesting my point. You're just whining because I said your CPU is a piece of shit. How many years old is it? 7 or so? LMFAO. The fact that your old as shit CPU plays all these games is a good thing.. but stop saying it requires a MONSTER CPU because your old ass CPU stutters sometimes. It doesn't require a crazy good cpu. It requires something made within the last 6-7 years. The 6700K is a really high end processor for gaming. You could probably get something much cheaper that will still do the trick. And stop bringing up the point about money.. and how you'd "hav
  9. It's an OLD ass CPU. You know this.. you're just being stupid. You can get a 6700k on amazon for about $300, and it DESTORYS that shit CPU. These aren't expensive things.. you don't need TONS of cores. CPUs these days run at 2x the frequency of that old hunk of junk, as well as performing way more instructions per clock. The fact that you're running the emulator mostly fine on such an old shit CPU speaks volumes as to how you don't need a monster CPU. Get with the times lol
  10. You really DONT need a monster CPU to play Dolphin games completely maxed out. Not anymore. And people would always bitch when I said that most games on Dolphin emulate pretty much perfectly. Mario Galaxy is an example of a game that is quite factually best on PC. No waggle controls... waggle motions can be set to a single button press, and of course, the visuals in 4K+ look beautiful. CEMU is gonna be the same thing. SM3DWorld is virtually perfectly emulated at this point. In 4K the game looks like a dream.. and you can use pretty much any controller you want.
  11. All are making this really hard for me. Danganronpa V3 is gonna have to wait until after Mario for me.
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