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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea, there's areas which are definitely less impressive than others... and the animation is still typical for this series. Not really improved at all imo. But Aza.. there's some really jaw dropping shit at times. They could definitely work on their consistency, that's for sure.
  2. It absolutely is. I've had some pretty hilarious shit happen.. they're not even close to Naughty Dog in this regard.
  3. Yea. Everything here is extremely clever. Developers and these scientists that create this shit are fucking real life wizards.. seriously.
  4. Long post is long First off.. I get that people here don't care about this.. I'm fine with that. I love you all. Anyway, I'm just posting this shit because it's super fucking interesting to me, and maybe some of you will also find it a bit interesting as it really does have implications of the future of 3D rendering and image processing. I made posts before about Ray Tracing, but the Turing architecture is so much more than just that.. which people don't seem to realize. Nvidia unveils a new alternate shader pipeline with Turing This series of GPU absolutely IS
  5. Couple pics I took from the demo.. This game is fucking glorious Crazy to think that we have an open world racing game with full time-of-day transitions and all 4 seasons. I took a bunch of pics that are much better than these but I can't access them because I did them in with the photo mode... which we aren't able to share or access yet. Hopefully when the game launches all those pics will still be there ready to share.
  6. Ultimate Edition all the way. I think the Pre-load went live today as well. I'll grab it at the end of the week.
  7. There's nothing wrong with how I phrased it. The Switch online service has always existed... and Nintendo charging for online ISN'T a new service... nobody said it was. Cheating has been an issue in Splatoon 2 for a while... but NOW it's relevant and important to discuss because now people will be paying for the online service. That's what the thread means... "starting off with a bang" ... because despite the fact that they introduced Anti-cheat, cheaters are still prevailing... and this is being announced RIGHT BEFORE they start charging people.
  8. That's my point... Now that they'll have paying customers for online... the onus is on them to provide a cheat free experience... Nintendo added measures to the game a while back to combat this... what this is doing now, and what the timing is saying is "Hey Nintendo... we can still cheat... and soon people will be paying for the privilege to have to deal us..." That's why it's relevant.
  9. The service IS running... it's their network.. Games already use the network... Now they are simply starting to charge people to use it. The whole reason why this is of relevance is because RIGHT BEFORE they go to start charging people to play online... this happens.
  10. It has something to do with the service... because now this happens just as they are beginning to charge people to use it
  11. What do you mean cutting out? lmao.. that sounds like a Jonb issue
  12. Yea, I think Eidos will continue on with the franchise. I think they'll look at the next stage in the evolution of Tomb Raider as a chance to reflect on what works and what doesn't and use this as motivation to improve and change things up further. If they're thinking of releasing another trilogy with this same gameplay loop.... even as a huge fan of these reboots... it will be dead in the water. I'm pretty sure they realize it by now.
  13. Yea, I know it's unlikely.. but I don't want to see these guys bleeding money. I want them to have good success with this franchise. I'm very pleased with how Eidos has handled this game honestly.. If they took over the franchise I wouldn't mind at all. Of course CD would be fine as well...
  14. Yep. The problem with designing a trilogy of games with very much the exact same gameplay loop is that people get worn out and stop caring. They had a huge launch with the reboot... but some people realized that it wasn't there thing... many of those people decide they are done with the series right then and there. Rise comes... stumbles a bit out of the gate, and launches exclusively to Xbox... again.. it does well enough... but due to being the same gameplay loop as the original, it's not drawing in new people and growing the franchise.. By this time... people may have been let down by Ri
  15. Well those games aren't done selling yet... Those numbers come from massive sales later on in the games life. Rise could eventually reach TR2013s numbers, Shadow could eventually reach Rise's numbers. Shadow could be doing much better than these numbers suggest already. And I said with a "series like this"... typically games like these usually cause series fatigue where they don't change enough between releases.
  16. It's currently #1 and #6 still on the Steam Global Top Sellers list. Steamspy has it at 200-500K, although it's only been released for 2 days, so the numbers will be very inaccurate and usually on the low end. It usually takes a week to get a decent sense of what the first few days sales are like. Tomb Raider 2013 has sold 5,000,000 - 10,000,000 Rise of the Tomb Raider has sold 2,000,000 - 5,000,000 Shadow should get between 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 easily enough. Pretty standard falloff for a series like this.
  17. Nah... Origin doesn't report speed correctly and neither does XBL. Battle.net is slower. Steam >>>>
  18. Let me ask you a question.... so uh... how do you know a game is good or not when you haven't played it?? You read reviews There's an Explore tab which essentially gives you recommendations... there's curators... You have the ability to ignore all games by certain publishers/devs, genres, tags... ect.. so that you NEVER see them. You literally DON'T have to look around much at all to find good games... lmao. Good games are everywhere on Steam.. and it's VERY easy to ignore the thousands of shitty games. It's literally more work for yo
  19. Oh noes.. I can't find what I'm looking for in this sea of garba--- oh wait there it is. Steam shits all over any other platform. No other client on PC matches it... no other gaming platform on earth rivals it. Censoring developers... ROFL. Sorry you can't put your game on our platform because we have to be family friendly LMAO... Imagine if bookstores like Amazon Books curated and decided who could release books on their store... all the great books that people would miss out on. They don't... and there's a reason why they don't. How is this any different? Oh noes
  20. I know.. I played for like 5 hours straight this morning. Gonna jump on in a bit again. It's the same thing for DQ11 I find... I stopped for SotTR because it's shorter and I can hammer through it and then switch back to DQ11 until Forza gets here.
  21. That it's in a completely different performance bracket which would require extensive costly retooling to design games around... to the detriment of the game experience in most cases. It would be fine... and IS in many cases.. however many developers wont be willing to bother... especially when you consider the stigma Nintendo has when it comes to 3rd party games. Indie games and higher quality niche games are great to port over and do well on the system. Right now that's Nintendo's bread and butter in between their own releases. You start bringing over compromised high end ex
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