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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yes, this is exactly what this thread is for. Glad you were able to figure it out on your own
  2. This. When FH4 comes.. all this other stuff takes a backseat (that pun )
  3. Still working on Shadow of the Tomb Raider. This game is seriously gorgeous at times. I think it very well has the nicest jungle environment I've ever seen in a game. The environments are lush. The only thing I have negative to say about the gfx is that at times the textures can appear low res on certain objects. Obviously some areas have more work put into them than others.. but visually.. this game is stunning. Looks amazing in HDR maxed out. The Tombs and Crypts are definitely the highlight as Twinblade said. Coming out of a narrow corridor or ar
  4. We don't need a new thread every time Aza or anybody wants to vent about shit nobody cares about. So let's do that here. :)
  5. Yea I was being a dumbass. I still disagree with him about Uncharted, but Twinky never said anything that wasn't true to an extent about TR. Truth is that he's pretty objective and usually tells things like it is. I guess I just don't find the collecting shit as tedious as most others would. I'm loving Shadow so far. It's much better than Rise for me.. but I'm still relatively early.
  6. It IS the best gaming platform in existence. Any controllers you want, extremely fast network, tons of great games.. No more censored bullshit. Valve, despite their inability to stick to a single fucking task and get it completed in a timely manner, is always the most forward looking. There's no other platform that offers the features, amount of games, speed and quality of network, and openness of Steam. That's a fact.
  7. The best gaming platform in existence
  8. Yes most idiot. 1070 some... None are 1080 level. LMAO comparing shitbox to PC benchmarks maxed out I just debated it... lmao. Go ahead and prove me wrong.
  9. With the Battle Royale shit they realize how important it is for them to get the PC audience if they want to compete with games like Fortnite and PUBG.
  10. A 1060 is comparable to the X1X...in most games. A X1X is comparable to a 1070 in a couple... and it's not even close to a 1080... as you guys said it was.. lmao. You're retarded. You're still waiting for me to debate something... that I'm not debating You really ARE slow as fuck man.. jesus And that PC does more than an Xbox... much more. It's a better value over all
  11. The Xbox One X IS a budget $500 PC... that sadly can't play half the games that release for the PC platform. LOLL You bought an $800 PC... to apparently NOT play games... or you did... you just don't want to admit it. Who knows? Who cares? Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you bought it just to compare it to your Xbox One X and claim that you're having so much problems with it and hate it... lmao Idiots like you wasting your money. That's why I'm answering the way I am... nobody into PC gaming would buy a $500 PC... they would save their money and buy a good PC whe
  12. No... one is graphically superior to the other. I definitely see more clarity in one vs the other... and when the other displays at 2x the fps... it's quite easy to see which one looks superior in motion.
  13. You don't... you save that money until you can buy a real system... you DEFINITELY don't go spending it on an Xbox One console
  14. The ability to upgrade when you have the money to buy a real system. You're not stuck with garbage
  15. It is correct. Is the rendering of the image handled by the engine Dynamite? And I find it hilarious you're arguing the angle that you are... you spend an extra $500 on an Xbox for exactly that... rofl. And the fact that you're arguing this when you know that PC versions of games have better quality settings for various aspects to the graphics... alongside higher resolutions and the ability to display many many more fps. On X1X.. you're getting a $500 experience... sub native half the time... less quality settings than the PC versions... and 2-3x less pe
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