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Posts posted by Remij

  1. 1 minute ago, FIREPOWER said:

    You retarded lemshits deserve all these Ls you are getting. We tried to warn you morons this is what you'd get for not buying games and choosing to only subscribe to a shitty sub service from the lying snake Phil :kaz:

    For the last time you fucking idiot.  I game on PC.  I buy my games.  I'm not subscribed to GamePass.  Xbox... JUUUUUUUUUUST LIKE SONY... is nothing but a 3rd party publisher to me. :hest: 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    Imagine out of the blue losing access to a platform you poured years and thousands of dollars into because of politics.


    That digital only feature isn't looking too hot is it hermits? :wonder:

    That could just as easily apply to any platform... digital or not.


    I just checked this news... and apparently.. it's because Steam is getting too popular.. and it's causing anxiety for domestic publishers? :tom: 



    • Haha 1
  3. Just now, FIREPOWER said:

    :kaz: Look at this retard coping. Up until Starfield came out and became the flop of the gen you were still believing MS would come out on to. You’re a fucking retard with zero business sense and that’s why MS was able to fleece you and your retarded lembros for years.


    Phil has taken you regarded lemshits to the cleaners and you have nothing to show for it but flops and all your games going to PS5 and Switch. GTFOH clown. How anyone can still be defending the soundness of GP business model after such a spectacular failure is beyond me. Only a retard like you can still be arguing that GP could have been sustainable after what we have seen. You are a lemming Lemij, save the lies and Copium for your fellow retards. No one believes you’re actually a hermit  :hest:

    Nope.  Again, I've said... and admitted.. when MS has dropped the ball, every single time. 


    If they had actually executed their plan and done it well... we wouldn't be having this conversation.  GamePass would have continued to grow.


    You're an absolute clown.  We've seen your twitter bro... we know how seriously you take this shit.. we know how you label anyone who disagrees with you about something as a Lemming.  It's a mental disorder and honestly not healthy for you.  Get help. 

    • dead 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    Says the retard that argued for years that GP was sustainable in its current form. GTFOH you moron, retarded lemshits like you were championing Phil up until this year when everything at Xbox imploded. You have no room to talk with your idiotic posting history. You are clueless moron, and that’s why Phil was able to take you for a ride all these years. Everyone kept telling you lemshits that GP wasn’t the answer and that Xbox would go belly up but you foolishly went full speed with Phil until you hit an iceberg  :kaz:

    GamePass IS sustainable in its current form retard... the problem is MS not releasing quality games in a competent and timely manner...  Jesus christ how many times do you have to be told that... and how many times have I said throughout this entire thing that MS was continually dropping the ball.  Fucking moron.  Not my fault you never listen to the words I say and can't get the lemming you imagine I am out of your fucking head.


    Idiots like you can't separate the model from the idiocy of Microsoft and their studio management issues, because you're THAT much of a fucking psycho fanboy retard.  If they had actually had great games come out at a consistent pace... there would be none of this conversation moron.  THAT is the issue with MS.. STUDIO MANAGEMENT ISSUES... not GamePass. :lemming: 


    And dipshit... I game on PC.  The only thing Phil did to me... was give me all of Xbox's games... just like Shawn Layden, Jim Ryan, and this new guy.. are going to give me all of Playstation's...so fuck off :cruise:  

  5. 40 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    50 million subs? LMAO. Don’t make me laugh. 50 million is nowhere near close enough to fund AAA games nowadays that can cost anywhere from between $100-200 million to make for one. The price of individual subscriptions would have to be extremely high to support a service with a constant stream of AAA games. It would be so high that it would nullify the whole point of having a subscription in the first place.

    Keep in mind, you not only have to pay for your own AAA games in such a service but you’d also have to pay third party studios and publishers enough money that they would want to publish their games in your service day and date. The price of such a service is just too much. No way 50 million subs can cover the cost especially at the current price GP costs now.

    You're retarded.  50M subs is absolutely enough....  Do you realize how much money that is per month..  MONTH... not year.. :drake: 

  6. 1 hour ago, Goukosan said:


    The richest company in the world could not sustain gamepass.  No other company will be trying a gamepass like model for videogames for a very very very long time. 



    Great 1st party games and consistency is what GamePass lacked.  It could have worked.  Yes not every company could have got it off the ground, but that's when you consider the position MS was in, and how terrible their studio management is.


    I think Sony could be very successful with that model.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    The timing is also bad because no matter how good hellblade 2 ends up being, it’s going to be overshadowed by this news and people will be extra critical of it when playing it.


    Hellblade 2 isn't going to sell what MS wants it to.. guaranteed.  They haven't marketed the game at all (though they're supposed to start next week or something lmfao)... like what the fuck are they thinking?


    Ninja Theory should be very concerned if that game doesn't do well... 

  8. 9 minutes ago, lynux3 said:

    Sony and Nintendo following any day now. :pavarotti:

    The entire industry will be subscription at some point... that's simply how these things go... like literally every other form of media out there.  So yes, they will.


    Sony's own leak shows their own problems.. and razor thin margins.  They're a house of cards too and you're an idiot if you don't realize that.  If Xbox made better games that more people wanted to play... GamePass could have worked.  All of these issues aren't because Gamepass can't work... it's because of core development issues which MS haven't bothered to fix.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Twinblade said:

    The amount of people shitting on MS right now on my twitter feed is just insane. I know many studios have been shut down recently but MS is not going to live down these closures anytime soon.

    I was just about to say this :D 


    People who I never expected would ever talk shit about MS are saying "fuck it I'm done with them"..


    Richest company in the world... closing down studio after studio..

  10. Now that I'm home and can actually type something, I can honestly say... FUCK Phil Spencer for this shit.  What a fucking bitch.  He talked a lot of shit about "oh we're looking for Japanese support" and wanting to have representation in Japan... and yet he closes their only actual studio based there.... who made one of their best games this gen... and has tons of potential..


    Like just FUCK RIGHT OFF.  They don't stand by their studios at all.. they don't grow them and foster good talent and it shows.  They don't give any IPs time to fucking grow and become beloved.


    Phil has to go. :mad: 

    • Like 1
  11. 54 minutes ago, FIREPOWER said:

    Only Xbox is fucked. Stop your “everyone is screwed” cope because MS are total failures and you’re trying to get everyone in the same shit pool they are in with Xbox.


    Hifi Fush was the perfect template for success according to you lemshits. It’s a cheap AA game perfect for a subscription services like GP. It was launched on PC and Xbox day one, and also brought to PlayStation and Switch, and Tango still got folded by MS. Hifi Rush didn’t cost MS $200 million to make like Spiderman 2 did for Sony and it was being supported by the richest company in the world and they still got shut down. This is a uniquely Microsoft problem. They can’t manage studios to save their lives and even when they manage to release good games like Hifi Rush they don’t sell because Xbox as a brand is fucked and MS don’t know how to market and sell their games.

    No.. the entire industry is dipshit.


    It's amazing how you've learned nothing from the Insomniac leak..  the fact that Sony is disappointed in Bungie... and how they've said there would be a studio closure from them this year :drake:


    MS fucking sucks too... since I know you need to hear it :tear2:


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