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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I love how the monitor is the compromise for me... and the console itself is the compromise for you
  2. I have an Xbox controller, Playstation controller, Switch controller, Steam controller... whatever fucking controller I want.. No console required
  3. And I'm clearly talking to you... You paid $500 for what is essentially just a GPU upgrade with the X1X.
  4. Which GPU? Oh.. is this where you guys pretend everyone has $1000 GPUs and that you NEED one?
  5. The $500 X1X can't lock TR to 30fps... and that's with the settings ALREADY turned down Xbox LOSES
  6. Yes... just as clear as only X and Y devs were going to do it...right? ...except now Z devs are trying it too... This is EEEEAAAASSSSYYYY money for developers. If these games do well enough... they'll broaden the scope. You'd be stupid to think that they wont.
  7. No.. it's inbetween a 1060-1070. It's spending $500 vs spending $500... Not everybody needs to upgrade their entire PC every time... that's the benefit. You spent $500 on and Xbox One... and then 3 years later spent $500 on what is essentially just a GPU upgrade... it's got the same CPU...
  8. Yeah, I've noticed that's the narrative they're pushing towards.
  9. The 2070 will cost $500 and it will be faster than an Xbox One X... easily. LMAO no... God you guys are fucking deluded. The X1X doesn't come CLOSE to the 1080. It's not even a fucking 1070. It's pretty much a 1060 with SOME games performing like a 1070.... that isn't overclocked at all. These benchmarks are all maxed out... lmao. Change these games to "console" settings and the fps jump a lot. There's no god damn contest. X is roasted... and that's on games that run native... the other half that dynamically adjust or have a lower base resolution ge
  10. $1000 on xboxes and you couldn't lock half your games at 30 ffs Garbage consoles.. And these benchmarks aren't even with DLSS... that's another 20-50% increase in performance. 9 more games were just announced to support it as well Hellblade: Untouchable Edition, Hitman 2, Darksiders 3, FF15, PUBG.. 70mil+ edition
  11. I wouldn't be so sure anymore.. and if it does..it'll be in 2020
  12. Xbox $600 for nothing... less than 3 years use.. Money Wasted. You could have bought a better Dell which would last you the entire gen and next
  13. Aza's trying to remaster his argument now Rightmij Remastermij
  14. E3 2019 Specs, PSX 2019 reveal... Spring 2020 release. #TeamRemi Rightmij
  15. Aza inventing things against me so he can claim he wins
  16. My god he fucking murdered him Em still got it when he decides he wants to lmao
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