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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Well, I can certainly say it's stunning looking. Very clean and vibrant.. and the juxtaposition between the cell shading and certain textures which are exceptionally detailed looks beautiful. It also feels nice to to just run around and use the menus... so THAT'S a plus for an 80+ hour game...
  2. And I guess when you think about it... if DF could be wrong here... they could have been wrong when they FIRST checked the game... so it all works out in the end.. they're comparing against themselves after all.
  3. It'll run better than your xbox.. that's for sure lmao. I don't know how it is now though. They've released some performance updates so it's probably better now than before. Everyone plays this shit on very low anyway lol
  4. I never said they lied... I said they were wrong. Big difference. They could be wrong here too... lmao. It's fine by me if you want to think different.. idc
  5. That's also one of my favorite themes in all of gaming. God damn Overture I have to imagine Truno is out there somewhere playing this game.
  6. Yea, Dragon Warrior owned.. but nah, you probably wouldn't like this game. Maybe though.. you have been giving games chances lately... But I don't think you're willing to put 80h into this game Maybe though
  7. Downloading it atm. Definitely looking forward to this one Dragon Quest
  8. Uh, not when you consider that the E3 demo was running at 1440p... On average it appears to be SHARPER than the demo. Also, while I agree the puddle scene looks better overall in the demo vs the final... the overall game and gfx appear to be improved. Nothing drastic.. but I think they've made some nice artistic changes to the lighting and shadowing. Not to mention the traffic actually does appear to be more dense in the final build. But cutting out all the crap... it's a great looking game... I mean damn. Very cinematic too. Some of the texture work is sublime, an
  9. The flat out say the lighting and shadows look better.. and while the puddle scene composition looks better in the 2017 demo, the puddle wasn't removed for any technical reason but rather likely an artistic reason due to the amount of time it would take to do that for every scene... so instead they fall back on screen space reflections and less accurate cube maps so that reflections are consistent throughout. That's hardly saying what you guys were in the other thread that it was "downgraded" implying that the hardware wasn't capable...
  10. Biggest MP game of all time... as if that wasn't implied...
  11. I own it and played it for a bit. I'm not a MP shooter kind of guy anymore though. I've spent maybe all of 15 min in Fortnite though... definitely not my shit. I just dl'd it to try it because it was free. Still doesn't change the fact that while both are insanely popular, Fortnite is much bigger.. appeals to more people. You gotta give EPIC credit for what they did with that franchise. They turned a certified flop into the biggest game of all time. I like shit like that.
  12. I don't play that shit. I don't play PUBG either.. dumbass.
  13. Shut up idiot. Nobody cares about gfx.
  14. So they're at 9 million already on Xbox and about 60 million on PC. That's impressive as fuck, god damn. There's room enough for 2 or 3 of these kinds of games imo. Fortnite is on another level though.. they're probably over 150 million across all platforms at this point..
  15. Forza Horizon 4 at the end of this month
  16. lmao, what an idiot. Serves them right for pre-ordering these ridiculous collectors editions in the first place
  17. Phenomenal game... leading up to an incredible ending combined with the perfect tone for the ending credits theme. What a fucking GODLY ending Way to Fall
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