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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I can't wait for this game.
  2. Frostbite games have destructible environments... but not Anthem.. There's absolutely NOTHING in Anthem even close to the same level as CP.. And when comparing the environments, I was specifically referring to the vegetation and rock formations... Those are instanced and not very computationally expensive compared to the sheer vastness and variety of the objects and textures found in CP. I didn't buy into the hype more than anyone else did... What they showed is pretty much what I expected.. The city is massive and dense... and vertical. This isn't some Novigrad shit... which the console
  3. The amount of options you have during gameplay. Destructible environments.. The incredible open world CITY with WAY more unique geometry than the instanced terrain of Anthem, with tons of AI routines running at any given moment. Completely seamless world... The visuals.. the sheer density. CP2077 is on another level than Anthem during gameplay... In Anthem you have an open world... but with barely any AI.. It looks great graphically.. but it looks like Mass Effect gameplay with Robot suits. You have enemies which will attack and take cover and the basic shit like that.. but it's
  4. Because CPU wise CP2077 is doing shit this game could only dream of..
  5. It looks insane graphically. It always did though.
  6. Still playing Guacamelee 2. This game is awesome. God damn some of these areas are just GORGEOUS looking. Very similar to the original but when you really start to look at the tiny details, this one is head and shoulders above the first. I fucking love playing as the Pollo
  7. Guacamelee 2. What an awesome game so far. It's also beautiful as hell
  8. Alright. Hopefully everyone's cool with that, otherwise you could change it back and I'll just deal with it. I didn't realize it wouldn't be possible to change the order without removing them completely. Thanks breh
  9. @Alphonse Hey man, all the emojis and shit is cool, and I really like how they are organized.. but from the drop down menu can you put the SW smileys firs in the list under the recently used ones, and then the other emojis after? Having to scroll all the way down to the bottom, especially with so many emojis now is kind of a pain.
  10. Oh yea, I think I remember you talking about that before. Yea I guess if you have certain phobias they do a good job at using them against you. haha
  11. Seriously? It doesn't seem like it would be all that scary to me. Though I haven't played it yet... but it's basically a roller coaster ride and you already know shit is going to jump out at you. What about it makes it so scary?
  12. Yea.. I feel that's what a lot of people have done without giving the game a proper chance. The fact that the game doesn't hand hold you is just one of the things I love about it. People these days just have no patience for anything if they aren't rewarded immediately.
  13. Not sure why, but it will go there eventually. Don't even worry about that though FH4 will be there day 1. What a fucking godly service really, when you think about it.
  14. Oh my dear child... how wrong you are. I played RE7 in VR in week ONE. And Lone Echo is something not even RE7 matches. There's more games like this on PCVR than PSVR. Oh well, you're beginning to see the light. Better late than never
  15. No it doesn't. You're so fucking clueless LOL... Life is gonna hit Jerry HARD. I guess when you view things like Jerry... it kind of makes sense why he hates white people. Everything is JUST SO UNFAIR!!!
  16. It doesn't matter if it has happened before... lmao. I love how you insinuate that if it's happened once, that means it can/should always happen. Life doesn't work that way... and your argument is worth less than the paper your coupons are printed on.
  17. And it doesn't matter how many people tell him this... he's perfectly content to live in his ignorant assed little world.
  18. No.. because the statement I made would actually supposedly prove YOUR side. Notice how I'm always saying how YOU aren't asking the questions when I make these statements? You keep saying, well perhaps this and perhaps that... but aren't interested in asking where the proof is from the woman... or where the proof is from the store owner. At the end of it all... you can simply say "Well, it's his right to fire them for whatever reason he wants anyway" Which just shows me you don't really give a fuck and are purposefully being ignorant.
  19. Nah... I've seen enough... I'm really looking for something that helps YOUR argument... if you couldn't tell.
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