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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I like that even if you're following company procedure and guidelines and having problems with a potential customer, if they happen to be of a different race (let's be real here, white and black) then there are "racial implications"... such as... the white person is racist and the black person is innocent... and the white person should have thought about that before hand...
  2. Well, when the customer is always right, it really doesn't matter how you interacted with them. And besides, this is all a joke anyway... lmao you building a Cyber Cafe and actually having customers ... lmao talk about hypotheticals.
  3. Jehurey doesn't care.. he hates white people. He's mad jealous as fuck in all actuality.
  4. He's married to the chick that plays Traci. Detroitre loves this game so much he's watching streams of it
  5. You're reading the impressions here and still need it spelled out for you? lol.. cmon man. Yes, buy it and enjoy it.
  6. Yea, that's fucking stupid. At one point, with all the main characters and secondary characters on screen at one time, I was like how the fuck is this all being rendered without any performance issues. Reviewers were definitely hating and making whatever excuse they could to score it lower.
  7. All 3 stories are great so far. I can't decide which one I like best The fucking graphics...
  8. Ok, Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon is cool. I'm loving the music and it's just like NES Castlevania 3. I fucking love it. In all honesty, it's actually making me more hyped for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. Which is obviously what it's meant to do. Hopefully RotN turns out better than I think it will. I'm still playing a wait and see with it. I would have preferred a pixel art game like this, but we'll see how it goes. Oh and I grabbed Dark Souls Remastered as well. It looks and runs beautifully. The temporal AA does an awesome job and thank
  9. Don't wear yourself out too much tho breh, that ain't good for nobody. Everything in moderation... even work.
  10. It's on my wishlist so I don't forget about it. I definitely want to give it a try though.
  11. Just beat God of War. Final review - 9.75/10 Can I just say, that Atreus is BY FAR the best AI companion character in any game ever? They fucking NAILED it. Like holy shit. And his arc throughout the game is just awesome. Final Battle spoiler Oh and then of couse (huge final spoiler) So god damn godly. This is the best game of the gen so far. God damn Atreus.. I remember being a bit worried that he would be annoying.. lmao
  12. Ye sucks hard. I'm actually craving the fuck out of the game. Can't wait to jump back it. Sucks hearing all the impressions now that people here are farther ahead than me I'll be back on the grind soon enough. Was going to go today but it'll have to wait until tomorrow.
  13. I heard Donald Trump is going to build the wall with all the 10's GoW got
  14. Yeah I already checked it all. Done pretty much everything I can think to do. She's dead.. and I'm pretty frustrated because I really was looking forward to playing more lol. Everything was well ventilated, but I could tell shit was running loud with really demanding games. It's old now (launch model) but I haven't used it very much at all in the grand scheme of things. I guess this is the Universe's way of telling me to get a PRO. I just wish it would have waited until after GoW
  15. For FUCK SAKES!! I'm pissed off right now. So I went to go and play some more God of War... and my PS4 is fucking DEAD.... No power at all. I went to turn it on and there's literally nothing from the system. No lights, no beeps, no nothing. I guess God of War killed my PS4 Now I'll have to go buy another one
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