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Everything posted by Remij

  1. So no spoilers obviously, but what do the rest of you guys think about Atreus and his AI? He's been pretty fucking awesome for me.. definitely not a nuisance at all, especially as you begin to get some upgrades. Also, the kid who voices/acted as him did a pretty phenomenal job.
  2. Guys stop trying to get me hyped, I already know the last boss sux Game is fucking PHENOMENAL
  3. I'll be completely honest with this game. If it falls off, I'll say so. The beginning and the first boss fight is just crazy.
  4. I'm quite shocked the entire thing is running on a base PS4. If that sets the stage for the rest of the game... I just don't know what to say. Fuck.
  5. Yep. I want to say something, but wont, not even in spoiler tags because I'm not sure where you're at exactly. If you haven't seen it yet, you'll be there in a matter of minutes I'm sure. The whole thing was absolutely crazy.
  6. Yea, I'm not a fan of the skirmishes either. Suikoden >> NNK2 lol
  7. For sure. How many hours in are you now? I'm about 7h and once you unlock Evermore it gets better... but there's definitely disappointing aspects to it.
  8. I'm 2h in and it's definitely solid.. but there's a few things nagging at it. When they decide to voice act vs not voice acting is weird as fuck in some places. Like half way through a cut scene of just text boxes... then all of a sudden a character will say something... not even that particularly important... and it will be voice acted.. and then go back to text again after. The voices for the characters are great, and sorely missed when not in use. But the one problem with them is that since seemingly random lines are dialogued, the voice acting some times seems a bit too ac
  9. Can you stop talking about The Witcher 3 for one second of your life? I MEAN GOD DAMN
  10. Well, I could have beat the game WAY quicker if I was just playing the story missions. You could probably do it in 30 if you tried.
  11. Yeah, it took me just over 40h to beat the game. That's not including any of the DLC such as the character episodes and comrades. Though I plan on playing Gladiolus' episode sometime today. Obviously since I already knew the game I was able to do it in relatively short amount of time. I was doing lots of side questing in the beginning to build my levels up fast. Was always resting at Galdin Quay for the 2.0x experience boost and cooking meals to get advantages to beat stronger enemies.. that kind of thing. I just got Armiger Unleashed last night, and am working on m
  12. Finished up Final Fantasy 15 on PC. Got the Regalia Type F to fly around with and now I'm working on hunts and other side quests.
  13. I don't know if you're doing the b-sides as well or not, but have fun with Chapter 6 b-side. I had over 700 deaths on that one fucking level. My stats so far: 140 strawberries 4/8 b-sides complete 0/8 c-sides complete 4350 deaths 15/24 hearts Now I know a lot of those deaths are simply from half trying and many just goofing off testing walls and areas for strawberries.. but still, that's a lot of deaths. I estimate I'll be around 7000 deaths by the time I 100% the game. I think if I was to go through it again, I could do as
  14. Oh.. my.. fucking.. GOD! In Celeste, when you beat the Chapter 8 B-side, there are 25 more "golden strawberries"... There's one in each of the levels 8(Chapters) x 3(Level +B,C sides) is 24.. and there's one special Golden Wing Strawberry. To get these golden strawberries, you have to make it through each of the levels + the B and C sides without dying at all. You collect the golden strawberry at the beginning of the level and it only unlocks once you've beaten the entire level without dying... ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!! I couldn't imagine beating the B and C sides
  15. I think you just need 4 of them because I don't have them all yet and I was able to get in.
  16. The later B-sides are crazy. I swear I've died about 200 times on just one screen. That feeling though when you finally get it... you're like "I'm the greatest motherfucker to ever play this game!"
  17. There's 8 worlds. After world 7 you beat the game, but there's an Epilogue which is proving to be a bitch.
  18. I'll be waiting for you up on the summit. This game is 10/10. One of the best 2d platformers ever made imo. I've died 4000 times so far. The B-sides / C-sides are next level.
  19. I just died 766 time in Celeste on Chapter 6 B-side.... A lot of admittedly dumb deaths. Wasn't really trying to focus, but still.
  20. Then wait my friend. And make the decision after you've played D3
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