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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I'm not really expecting too much from this in the form of surprises or announcements tbh, just more on stuff we already know about.
  2. That too. They're better off actually lowering the prices of their hardware that's out now, redesigning them to be smaller and more cost efficient. Microsoft should just stop designing proprietary console hardware and just release Xbox branded small form factor PCs instead. Make a nice gaming UI frontend mode for Windows which will run on it.. and then just put all their focus into building PC, cloud, and mobile. I think a PS5 Pro is a mistake for Sony as well, but they might just go ahead and do it. I personally think if they do that they'll be putting too much hard
  3. Matt Booty said on the podcast with GiantBomb that if they released the game today it would have the fewest bugs of any Bethesda releases at launch. https://www.dexerto.com/starfield/starfield-xbox-series-x-s-performance-confirmed-full-fps-details-2173395/ We'll see about that Matt.
  4. So has anyone tried this yet herre? Is it all they make it out to be?
  5. I wasn't even talking to you... lmfao.. and at the end, I never said either of those things..
  6. LMAO even Lynux3 is eavesdropping/stalking anyone from here who posts there! What is wrong with you guys? According to the banned list he literally JUST got banned... and he instantly ran back here to "report" it to the other pathetic fucks that still post here. That's so fucking pathetic
  7. Damn, the resolution and performance is pretty bad. Game looks nice other than that though.
  8. Jerry spoke about map size... like as if it mattered. And it doesn't. I was responding to him initially, not you Fact is this. Starfield's scope is so much grander than Zelda's... and to act like it isn't, which is what Jerry did, is just idiotic. As for the ambition, like I said, Zelda is ambitious in a different way... which IMO has nothing to do with the size of anything. It's simply how they give you tools and you're free to use/exploit them however you want. Creating a game that doesn't break when you allow people to do that is what's impressive.
  9. Yea I did. I already explained it by making the comparison of MGS5 and a traditional MGS game. Same parallel can be said about Zelda TOTK, and a traditional Zelda game. MGS5 was ambitious because it allowed you to enter and approach the situation from any angle giving you the tools and game systems. Same goes for Zelda. You could make MGS5's map 20x bigger, and add parachuting and cave systems underground.... and that will not change anything. Because what made the game ambitious stays the exact same.
  10. God you're a fucking clown. Like as if Starfield is going to be better than Zelda... or as if I've said any thing of the sort.
  11. Who are you even talking about? There's like 3 people who are considered lemmings on this forum Jon probably trashes Sony games for being cinematic because that's mostly what all of their games are. You even do the same.. When Xbox has a cinematic game, it's like FINALLY MS is making one..
  12. It's not the size of the game world. They could cut the size of the world in half, and it wouldn't make any difference. The only thing impressive about the size of Zelda's world is that it all fits on a Switch game cart lmao. The ambition comes from the freedom they give you to approach anything in any way given how the various systems interact with each other. To build a game that can function like that takes an extremely different design approach compared to traditional games. A game like Metal Gear Sold 5 is far more ambitious in how they allow you to approach the target in
  13. LOL size of the map has nothing to do with the ambition of Zelda... Zelda isn't ambitious because the map is big... it's ambitious because all of it's gameplay is based around systems which can co-exist and function under the games laws of physics without breaking. Starfield is so much more ambitious in so many different ways... so yes, let's not compare them, because Zelda will lose in each one of them.
  14. Well, it's more ambitious than most games so it's to be expected. We'll see how it goes lol
  15. Yea. I'm just fucking around anyway.. 30fps will be perfectly fine for this type of game.. as long as it's locked and not dropping to the 20s like some of those clips looked like lol.
  16. The PC Gamer Show wasn't bad enough to make me run away from the forum for 2 weeks like Firecoward and the PS Showcase OMFGLOL Nobody is running to THAT show for anything
  17. Now he's crying that it's not accurate LOL. GamePass grew on PC.. and they just expanded to more countries. Cry harder bitch
  18. You going to talk about Forza? Or say what I was wrong about? Or are you just going to jerry-go-round this thread in which you supposedly agree with me?
  19. There's been 3 PC gamer shows sweetie... nobody gives a shit what you thought about this one
  20. You said I was wrong about something. Still haven't said about what
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