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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It's incredible... but there's also another one that's incredible too.
  2. Overwatch was, wasn't it? But yea, point taken.
  3. Diablo's marketing has sure been something Honestly, everywhere I look I'm seeing advertisements for this game... no wonder it's already become the fastest selling game in Blizzard's history.
  4. I didn't read the article, but $20M? Why the fuck even bother?
  5. I like how pretty much everything they're doing has already been done before... and yet they act like they just invented it
  6. It's stupid that it's taken this long for them to do anything. Apple doesn't want it because it means they don't get their 30% unless they're on the Apple store.
  7. Just realized the prices are "starting at" $3500... That implies there will be more expensive versions out there lmao.
  8. They're both the same aspect ratio lol And yea, it's disappointing.. but at least the final version of the game allows you to disable the 30fps limit on cutscenes. And yeah, the bosses can be nasty on WT2 depending on your class/build. Don't be shy about re-specing your character over and over until you find something that works better.
  9. They aren't trolling. Enjoy it By the way... HOLY SHIT at some of the cinematics in this game
  10. Definitely not. That price is just laughable and puts an end to the conversation right there for 99.8% of people.
  11. Heard from a friend that it's amazing, and possibly the best Marvel film of all time. Definitely going to have to find time to go see it!
  12. LOL it more likely than not dropped because they didn't announce anything AI related.... ..but that price tag certainly didn't help things either though
  13. Jesus fucking christ Apple Vision Pro $3500 6+1 external tracking cameras, 2 color cameras for pass through slam + structured light (with its own camera) + LiDAR depth 4 eye tracking cameras Roughly 3400x3400 per eye 2 hour battery life
  14. lol there's a VR mod for this game.
  15. It seems fucked up but don't even think of it as an "up" button.. think of it as jump. Starts to make more sense like that. There will definitely be a learning curve to it though.
  16. It should have prompted you and ask if you wanted to do it right at the initial boot after you select your language. If you skipped that, there's an option in the menu.. but as you say, if the FPS was still shit after the stuttering stopped, then it is what it is. Even on the highest settings, it's ugly as fuck. Everything just looks goofy and bland as hell in that mode... and there's nothing that even comes close to justifying the CPU performance lol Sounds like it's better in your case to go for the console version anyway. As for the game itself, I lov
  17. Yea, that's essentially what it is. A lot of people swear by them though. Makes putting in certain inputs a lot easier for people who can't use a stick well. I know for myself personally I'll still fuck up sometimes and jump+forward when I was just meaning to move forward lol. I'd rather use one of these though than a keyboard. On a keyboard it's too easy to hit other keys instead.
  18. Sounds like maybe you didn't pre-cache the shaders. There's an option in the menu to do it. But yea, even considering that, it's weirdly demanding on the CPU for no reason lmao... and yea, ugly as shit.
  19. lol it's a hitbox style controller. Instead of the stick it has 4 buttons for each of the directions. A ton of the highest level players use these things.
  20. Yeah, it's weirdly demanding. I get 120fps average in world tour, but it definitely drops down to 90fps at times... oddly when there's fuck all seemingly happening. The GFX in World Tour mode are ugly as shit too Anyway, I'm thinking of also trying out one of those hitbox controllers. My arcade stick I got with SF4 still works perfectly, but was just thinking of trying one of these out for fun. Anyone else used them before?
  21. I still haven't picked it up because I'm playing the hell out of Diablo 4.. but I put in about 10-15h into the betas/demo... so I know with 100% certainty that I'm going to buy it. I really liked what I played.
  22. Dude, I was attempting to have an actual conversation with you about what's going on, and you're just bitching about Microsoft, as usual. You're not even talking to any of the points I made, you're just letting your feelings get in the way. I personally believe the deal is dead, and in most circumstance it absolutely would be done right after the CMA blocked it.. but this case quite obviously isn't "most circumstances".. it's becoming more and more apparent just how important this deal is to MS that they'd even consider trying to go around the CMA. You're not interested in discussing the wa
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