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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yea, you're right, and I think it's extremely unlikely... but Activision themselves REALLY do seem to have a strong desire to get this merger completed. They have extended their agreement with MS until the end of July, allowing the CAT hearing to proceed instead of just walking away right there. There's probably even more shit behind the scenes with Kotick which may risk coming out after this merger, potentially damaging the company further, that would be my guess. They all want their payouts, and this is the best they're likely going to get. As for the shareholder stuff, I'm su
  2. You're such a fucking clown when it comes to discussing anything about something you don't like. You're like a child and let your feelings get in the way. It makes it impossible to have a conversation with you. It's basically a waste of time. There's such a thing as laws... and regulators have to follow the laws despite their feelings. First of all, I didn't actually say they have the authority to block it globally... I said that they believe they can. This deal very specifically stated that they need approval of the FTC, CMA, EU, and I think China. Now, by proxy they absolut
  3. Yes, they absolutely did. That's not even refutable at this point lmfao. The CMA absolutely believe they have the ability to block this merger worldwide: Microsoft can't separate Activision specifically for the UK market... but Activision absolutely can independently stop their gaming business in that market and move somewhere else... like the EU. You kinda have to put the CMA as a stipulation of the contract if you're already doing business there and want to continue to do business there Like I said... the way
  4. Ironically Sony just played down the threat of cloud gaming to their console business to the Financial Times lmao https://www.ft.com/content/4b410761-78d8-4bec-a48b-79f1373d42e1 I would not be surprised to see MS bring this up at some point as well. It further cements the complete misunderstanding of the cloud gaming market by the CMA.
  5. Playing the hell () out of Diablo 4. Level 30 currently. We've been running around doing tons of side quests and just exploring everywhere. Game is so good.. and the hours literally just melt away... it's kinda fucking scary.
  6. There's going to be some more big performance updates coming too. The best way for Nintendo to combat this shit, is to make a powerful system like PS5/XSX. Just basically brute force it so that even if they wanted to emulate, the experience would be so shitty on even the most powerful PCs that they wouldn't risk losing any sales to it. Hell, the people developing these emulators would probably just give up themselves.
  7. It does forbid them to acquire or buy stake in the company. The law also requires companies to continue to act completely independent right up until completion of a potential merger. So for MS to do any of this, Activision would have to independently withdraw from the UK and set up shop in the EU... and they could still distribute their games to the UK through an independent company which would import them. MS could complete the merger as Activision would no longer be doing business in the UK, and UK gamers could still have access to Activision games. The catch to it, is that there could b
  8. You don't realize how big of a step up Street Fighter 6 is until you compare the character models side by side with SF5 (or maybe SF5 just looks far worse than I remember it looking lol)
  9. Well then, I guess the the game is destined to fail lol really though... SquareEnix always have some stupid expectations for sales figures. The game will do fine.
  10. God damn, this game sounds like it's going to be amazing. I love pretty much everything they discuss here.
  11. That's what happens when you take your exclusivity deals. Go cry to Sony about it They took Sony's deal... they'll probably take Epic Game Store's year exclusivity deal... and then by the time it hits Steam, nobody will give a shit anymore
  12. Blasphemy! Ramza.. how did we lose these people? Clearly us Frenchies have superior tastes in games... but god damn.. this is depressing.
  13. Activision would move out independently first, before completing the merger. MS could then close the deal and sell Activision games in the UK through a distributor.
  14. I'll jerk the fuck off to whoever I want David! Best belee I'm getting my $60 worth out of that bitch
  15. It's on the Nvidia Leak. That means it's 100% coming Except it's probably a remaster like Tactics Ogre was. Still though... all I want is for FFT to be on PC.
  16. FF7R is pure trash I think FF16 looks good.. but we'll see. If they fuck up Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster/Remake though I'm going to be pissed.
  17. No... absolutely not. MS went far above and beyond what they should have needed to. The CMA doesn't even have the right understanding of the gaming market. Since they clearly demonstrated that they don't... literally EVERYHTING they did, was meaningless. If you can't properly define the market you're supposed to be deciding over, then you can't make a proper decision, period. And bud, sorry to break it to you... but the CMA already looks like the laughing stock I'm not defending the megacorp... the CMA just literally doesn't understand what the fuck what the marke
  18. Yes they can. MS could give them a way to accept an expanded behavioral remedy which would allow the CMA to look like they still "won" something and that their concerns were ultimately addressed.
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