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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Samba De Amigo announced for Quest 2/3/Pro
  2. BulletStorm VR announced (Quest/SteamVR/PSVR2)
  3. The Quest 2 and Quest Pro are also getting software updates which will increase performance on Quest 2 by about 20%, as well as the ability to enable DRS. Damn, nice upgrate!
  4. Gonna put in a few hours tonight
  5. lol try +150core if it's a base model at least.. Memory can probably go up +700-1000 easily too.
  6. What do you guys think about potential "Pro" mid-gen consoles? Do you think this generation has barely started due to Covid and that they should delay them further since the current consoles haven't really been pushed with exclusive content thus far? Do you guys think that with the shrinking improvements gen to gen in visuals, that mid-gen updates would make the jump from PS5/XSX to PS6/XSXL far less impressive and actually hurt the full next generation? Do you guys think from now on consoles should just be incremental updates released every 3 years? Also, about the software.. w
  7. Nope. I already proved 5 or 6 of us do own Decks... and there's not 10-12 regular posters here sweetie Deck whoopin that Jerky ass... but go ahead and buy an Ally, maybe convince Gouki to as well.. you might get close
  8. They do. The majority of us active users DO own Decks. The majority own Decks over Ally's too. You're welcome to try and change that by.... buying one
  9. The majority have Decks dummy.... and I invite you, Goukosan, and anyone else to buy an Ally to win this argument
  10. Add anotha one to the list of people who have handheld PC gaming devices on this forum
  11. Bubu you don't have a better GPU than my 3090 tho LOL I somehow missed this. Jederpy wanted bitcoin mining to explode, because he wants to use his 3090 for something (since he's not gaming with it) and then be able to sell it for a high price years later LOL
  12. I love how even in his apparent response to my post, he shows a screenshot from way back then of me even calling him out for trying to gatekeep PC He was telling DynamiteCop that a 6900XT wasn't a top tier card... LOL I love it when this clown's bullshit comes right back and slaps him in the face
  13. Bitch was talking down to everyone with a PC here. Coming into any thread about PC trying to fuck it up and Jerry-go-round..... just like he's doing right now... except now he doesn't have the best GPU on this forum anymore so he can't say shit about that
  14. Shut up you retarded bitch. You came into every thread about PCs or PC gaming and boasted about your shitty 3090 while talking down to everyone else... it's right there.. "bubu second-class" LOL shut your ass up, son
  15. Jederpy is just mad that Samsung wouldn't have a hope in hell of being successful with a $3000 headset... but Apple just might. If any company can do that, it's Apple. And Derpy knows that.
  16. I remember when he got his 3090 he was trying so hard to boast about it and talk down to every hermit on this site. LOL arguing with Substatic... not believing that he owned a 3080... then he smacked him with proof and guess what.... Jerry just tried to move onto the next thing. Notice the trend? He accuses a person of not doing what they say they do, such as playing games, not having what they say they have, and then when that fails he moves onto the next thing.... all to keep his bullshit Jerry-go-rounds going and not ever admit that he's constantly wrong. And he does all that
  17. Look at Derpy continually claim that you don't have the things you say you have, and have proven you have. What a pathetic CHILD! He does this so he can keep Jerry-go-rounding every thread all the time. No matter what you do he will never admit that he's wrong. That's why there's no point in engaging with him, and instead of the mods here shutting that shit down, he feels like he has free reign to do that in every single thread, just because he doesn't like you. It's pathetic shit for sure.
  18. I'm not Jerry-go-rounding with you about this moron. It's clear to anyone with two eyes that visits this forum. Your arguments are ALWAYS pathetic as fuck. You try to tell people what they do or don't do... or you're claiming they do or don't own a product to begin with. That's LITERALLY what your entire schtick is.. and then you Jerry-go-round about it for as long as you possibly can because you're a pathetic fucking loser. That's not my problem, it's yours. You're also the biggest hypocrite fake ass gamer bitch on this forum who hasn't touched his PS5 in 3 fuckin
  19. Get a fucking life dude, seriously. Your arguments are pathetic. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about.. and all you try to do is tell people what they do or don't do with the products they own.... that is if you're not accusing them of not actually owning them in the first place Piss off moron and maybe go follow Firecoward to whatever part of the internet he's sulking in right now
  20. Another thread of cows and fake sheep crying about the fact I made a thread about a PS game coming to PC "bubb we don't care!! " Sure you don't
  21. After a couple of these big games creative people typically want to move on and do other things. When you're of a high enough profile, you can make a lot more money, and companies like Netflix, Amazon, and Comcast can bully their way into gaming because they're big enough.
  22. Oh, speaking price-wise I 100% agree with you. It's not there yet, but that's more to do with the companies strategic decision to target specific price/performance levels, than it is that it's something that's not already possible. Also I don't believe it has anything to do with the difficulty for the average person to use. I think ease of use is already there for the ROG Ally. Sure they can always improve their software and front end experience.. but support-wise it's all there already and if you know how to use a PC.. you can use these devices. The Steam Deck has more work to do obvious
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