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Everything posted by Remij

  1. -Says a load of pure bullshit -Smiley after every line -Oversized meme pictures at the end Literally every post... the same shit.
  2. Nothing about that post of Jerry supposedly playing GT7 proves it's him... lmfao LOL Jerry fails to meet his own standards in bets... as per usual
  3. Super impressive for Switch hardware. Imagine what these guys could do on modern hardware!
  4. Look at him -Admits to following me and looking at my posting history on IconEra... LOL -Hiding by using the same "Remij" username I use here... OK LOL -Smiley in every line of his post -Large oversized meme at the end LOL FIREINFORMANT
  5. It's not about the amount moron... it's the type of threads you make. And you WOULD think I only came back after the EU approved the deal... that's the dumb shit you idiots tell yourselves. The Activision deal is dead.. the CMA killed it. Nothing is going to change that now. If you had a logical thought in your brain, you'd realize if I had ran away from this place because of Xbox losing... it would be even harder to come back now... and yet here I am ... and that's only because I came back to laugh at Sheep for Zelda being best on PC before it even released.. Xb
  6. For a laugh... Topics FireTard has made: https://systemwars.net/bb/profile/17717-firepower/content/?type=forums_topic Topics I have made: https://systemwars.net/bb/profile/17516-remij/content/?type=forums_topic LOL look at those... and ask yourself which one has a problem and needs a safe space
  7. ^this idiot loser types all that and wants you to believe he doesn't check what Xbox twitter fans and dedicated forums think and post
  8. I look at your PSN profile, which you have posted in your profile here, moron. And only because you talk shit about what other people are playing... meanwhile you don't play any of the games you stan for. I comment on PS games, and PSVR2 games and impressions... from myself and people I know. I don't post tweets from PSN fanboy accounts and don't constantly talk shit about PS here... or anywhere else. The entire reason why PS fanboys hate me isn't because I talk shit about PS... it's because I simply defend Xbox from time to time And LOL you of all people aren't go
  9. You very CLEARLY follow lemshit news... Dude, do you think you're slick? You followed me to IconEra, which is literally a safespace for cowshit retards who either got banned or ousted from NeoGAF and ResetERA for being absolute fanboy losers who want nothing to do but to shit on Xbox with impunity. That's why it was so fun to fuck with them You constantly post tweets and things from Xbox fanboy personalities.... You literally know everything that's said about Xbox or Playstation from those idiots Every single thread you make here is followed by a (
  10. Anyway lol.. that's pathetic. The funny thing is if you watch that clip, the guy's like "They're not going to give Starfield 9s or 9.5's even if it's the greatest thing in the world.... and then brings up how reviewers gave Halo a 9... lol Pretty pathetic damage control for sure.
  11. Nah. They literally offered Valve a 10 year deal for COD... which Valve declined because they think MS should be able to do what they want and don't care one way or the other. Microsoft's entire angle with this Activision merger is bringing the games to more platforms and players. Of course they're not going to guarantee games in perpetuity.. they need to keep their options open.. but I think they've accepted that they have to offer both and that it benefits them to continue that for the foreseeable future.
  12. You're literally melting down because I'm not buying a PS5 and playing PS5 games on PS5... get a life you fucking loser
  13. I have moved on from owning Playstation hardware... and it's YOU who can't seem to accept that reality
  14. You're the biggest fucking clown period. You just say the opposite of whatever I say so you can jerry-go-round every thread about the same shit... just like you're doing with Ghostz and "his nephew's PS5, Xbox Series X, PSVR2, and accounts" He could prove in every reasonable way that all of those are his... and yet your retarded bitch ass would never accept it... and the other moron on this site Firepower follows you regurgitating the same shit and you morons flood every thread with it. It's all you idiots do. Make up bullshit and jerry-go-round it to death. We
  15. So he admits I'm right. And where am I lamenting about Sony not following MS day 1?? I said they'd do it by the end of the gen... LOL these fucking idiots are tripping over themselves trying to make up stories trying to get some win against me... It's the most pathetic shit ever. I'm fine with waiting fuckhead... YOU are the idiots that seem to think I require these games day 1
  16. Yes it is going to work. That's the answer because it's the truth. You're just mad you didn't actually think of that perspective, idiot. And you're not going to Jerry-go-round all saturday night about it. That's the fucking answer and you lost, clown bitch. Now fuck off
  17. Complete bullshit. I never said they'd be doing day and date by now.. I said by the end of the gen there will have been at least one day and date game. You fucks seriously can't have an honest argument with me... and that's how I know I have you really butthurt. And what makes you think I'm salty? I'm simply pointing out that Herman Hulst has stated differently... and sticking to what I said before about them eventually going day and date. They can't just "do it immediately".... because games take time to develop... and even then I would never expect it immediately b
  18. If Nintendo's handheld was a PC, and ran through a translation layer on a completely different operating system to which the games and client were never meant to run on.... I'd be understanding... much like how I am of the Steam Deck. Moron. LOL, look at how easily his pathetic attempt at a "gotcha" was to smash back in his non-gaming bitch ass face. I can also laugh knowing that Nintendo's handheld NOT having those issues still doesn't make YOU play yours.
  19. Except they are going to do just that with their live service games... though whether these games are free to play or not remains to be seen. Some will likely be F2P, but others will be full priced or close to it. Not only that but you admit Steam sales are "relatively small"... which means there's relatively small amounts of harm that would come from it. Do people really think that out of the 10/20M sales Sony first party games are generating on consoles... that 5M+ of those people are going to completely drop Playstation consoles and buy these games on PC?
  20. I'd argue ~2 hours if you limit the power output to 15w is useful enough for most of us. With the Deck and the Ally that's good enough for 720p medium/low and 1080p/medium+ respectively for bigger games. If you want to play smaller less graphically intensive games you can get ~4-5 hours.. which is more than any adult will be doing without having access to an outlet I'd say. One thing to keep in mind too though, is that by default the ROG Ally charges much quicker than the Steam Deck with it's 65w adapter and the ability to super-fast charge. The Deck will only charge at 45w even
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