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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Pretty much. If Starfield fails to do anything substantial for them... it's pretty much over. It will just show no ma Xbox has fucked up almost every possible thing they had going for them this generation. Literally every single fucking thing. Fucked up the Series X launch by not having Halo ready Fucked up with Halo by not having features or content ready Fucked up continuing GamePass momentum going in to 2022 Didn't release any games in 2022 basically... Fable, Perfect Dark, Everwild, Avowed all announced years ago with nothing to show for it...
  2. Don't worry, McFlhurey will come up with one
  3. I'm happy for Nintendo. They should have no problem continuing to make games.......which are best on PC.
  4. LOL either Goopy signaled for Jederpy to come and save him.... or Jerry's instincts kicked in that something was wrong and he dropped everything Enjoy your day fellas
  5. Nah, you said it would. Both actually. And yea, you also said MS would publish games on Ditch... So you do remember. "bubu see I can admit when..." lmfao shut the hell up
  6. LMFAO Ditch sucks so bad for Zelda people are literally trying to overclock it like a PC to make it more playable
  7. Yea, you do, and lots of people care. Nintendo also cares. It'll be ok though. Nintendo will continue to make more games with that money... which are best on PC
  8. Would this be a convenient time to remind you that you said GamePass would be on Switch? Remember that Goopy? MS would be 3rd party and GamePass and Xcloud would be on Ditch? That was going to happen, wasn't it?
  9. It only matters if I gave a specific timeline of when it would happen dipshit... Every time I spoke about that shit it was always in the general sense of where the industry was going...... LOL you've been trying so hard to rag on me for being a "lemming" all this time that you can't see anything but that point of view from every one of my comments. Again, that's a you problem
  10. Oh, I'm quite sure he remembers you and the rest of the clowns here spinning what I said. Did you think that was going to prove your point or something?
  11. Yea you did. You cared because you went into that thread and tried to shit on PC Then you went on a tirade about me because I came on Zelda's launch and laughed at the fact that it was best on PC before the game even launched on Ditch. Game sold 10M... and that's 10M copies which are worse than the game is on PC... And your mistake is thinking that anyone in SW who was laughing at sheep about Zelda being best on PC... gives a shit what "almost everyone" thinks... You clowns were seething
  12. Doesn't matter when it happens. It will happen. That's where the technology will go. But you can be butthurt about that some other time. Point is, I never said it would happen any time soon.... so piss off Goopy
  13. I never said it would happen this gen, or right away. Again, couldn't make an honest argument to save your life You're so buttblasted by me you have to spin shit I say in any way you can to try to win an argument
  14. No I didn't proclaim anything. I said it would be hard. Again, pure BS. And no, I never said Sony or Nintendo would copy MS by releasing first party games on a gamepass clone..... this generation. Go ahead and show me where I said that they'd start doing it instantly... I'll wait, clown. I said they'd follow eventually because that's where the industry is going.. and it will, eventually. I have a lot more than you. You're clearly a butthurt bitch about me, probably because you felt abandoned for the last ~5 months... But that's a you problem and not me.
  15. "Probably has a used 3rd party controller connected to his phone" - Jonb "nO! I hAvE aN XbOX EliTe CoNtrOLLeR WiTh a liCenSEd cLiP-oN tHing MeaNT fOr iT!! SwINg and mISS!!@" - Jederpy
  16. Why stop there? Just trade in all the games he's got which he hasn't and wont ever play.... he should be able to extend his nephews GamePass subscription for years to come!
  17. Just you and the usual suspects here.. who spent all weekend crying out it on this forum Jeherpes hasn't even played it yet
  18. Why are cows such cringy motherfuckers... lmfao. Clown ass cows on various forums posting "Phase two of the Playstation 5" ............ these motherfuckers acting like Sony's going through phases of their cinematic universe I bet FIREPOWER is exactly the type of clown ass bitch to post shit like that all over his twitter and retweet that shit
  19. Where did I ever say Sony wouldn't hit their goals? LMAO you're so butthurt by me you just invent lies or attempt to conflate things I've said with things other people were saying. And nobody said Sony or Nintendo would be abandoning anything. LMAO you couldn't have an honest argument to save your life. Too much dickriding Jerky got you like that.
  20. Yeah. He's always been a hypocrite motherfucker, telling blatant lies about people. Well we know Jerky has no intentions of ever playing or beating Zelda.. so there was no chance he was ever going to contribute much to that thread. LOL Yep. Next time just ping them and you'll be able to triangulate my whereabouts if you want to find me
  21. He says as he's mid jerry-go-round with Substatic and Ghostz... repeating the same shit over and over and over and over.... LOL a forum with 8regular active posters.. of which there are three who actually play and talk about games (Twinblade, GD, and Ramza), a couple others who just hang out, then there's Firetard, who needs a doctor, you.. the fake ass poser who doesn't game, and Goukosan who sucks you off while posting NPD charts "He's the problem" he says
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