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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Zelda being first and best on PC has really done a number on this dumb bitch.. For you I've reversed the stopwatch because we'd need to travel back in time more than two months to get to the last time you played your PS5
  2. LOL It's Jerky timing himself starting up a game and quitting it
  3. It's pretty sad how utterly hard Goukosan is falling on that "bubu you got banned on another forum" angle in an attempt to try to shame me I went to go start a secret, fresh new life on a different forum after running away from here because after 14 years I couldn't handle it anymore... apparently. They stumbled upon it and "found me out" by seeing my username "Remij"... and simply couldn't believe their luck! Yea, it's all a massive deflection because their shiny new game was on PC first, and was already best on there before they even got a chance to tear the sh
  4. What does Gamepass have to do with playing either of those two games? I cancelled my GamePass and yet his is still going strong. Likely has it paid up to 2024
  5. Stop talking to me moron. Nobody gives a shit what you think
  6. ^aww Goofy is mad! My secret hidden identity "Remij" was thwarted on another forum after I tried to run away from the big baddies of System Wars and start fresh! He wants me to go and run to another forum evidently so him and his two pathetic dipshit sidekicks can keep tabs on me and report back to each other here and circle jerk from "owning" me
  7. Yea. It's tough, because both this game and Breath of the Wild have very nice techniques for rendering grass on the Switch. The grass can be very long, and is constantly reacting and moving due to the physics in the game... so you have a worst case scenario where all these blades are constantly moving, thus accentuating the low shadow resolution.
  8. The game's art can look great at time, when it's shown at a proper high resolution and not constantly scaling from low res to even lower resolution... But yea, Nintendo gets a free pass with a lot of that shit. Still though, despite the pathetic image quality which isn't done any favors by FSR1.0.... this game is technically impressive for the Switch in ways. The physics are great. It's nothing mindblowingly complex, but everything has consistent physics applied across the entire game. On a device like the Switch with as weak of a CPU as it has, it's impressive. But it's obvio
  9. The shadow aliasing is eye searing. Everything is just constantly scaling/shimmering as you move. Also extremely noticeable when you stop moving and the resolution changes noticeably right before your eyes.
  10. Yes, you guys did throw a complete tantrum You're throwing one right now too. You'd probably ban me if you could...
  11. I never mentioned you guys said anything about Redfall in this thread specifically you stupid fuck. I said I came on here (system wars) to laugh at you pathetic fucks on Zelda's launch day.... and you (idiot sheep) IMMEDIATELY brought up Microsoft and Redfall Durr what name should I use to hide my identity on this forum so I can start fresh and hide so the SW guys will never know??! Oh right! Remij!
  12. "I came here on Zelda's launch day to laugh at you idiots..." follow along retard. I didn't run from anything.. lmfao.. listen to how much of a pathetic desperate loser you sound like right now trying to spin that as some "win" A guy posts on a game forum for years and years, constantly arguing about the same bullshit with the exact same 5 people over and over.... one day he stops and just steps back... "OH LOOK HES RUNNING AWAY!!!" You 3 guys are truly fucking pathetic.
  13. Durr what name should I pick for my fresh start on this forum I'm gonna hide on? Oh, Remij... again! Dipshit Trust me, nothing is more pathetic than you, Jerky, and BackFirepower following me from forum to forum
  14. Yea, it's a solid unit. Coming off a Switch the analogs are just on a completely other level.. and yea man, the OS has come a long LONG way since it launched. Still lots of improvements to be made, but they're getting there. When you have a library of games the size of mine, it's kind of overwhelming just how many games you suddenly have instantly playable in a portable handheld.
  15. Yea, that's kinda weird. Maybe also try different FOVs if the games allow it.
  16. He wouldn't know. He hasn't played either of them, and has no plans to. Posehurey
  17. LMAO he's bringing up that one time SEVERAL YEARS AGO when I made a thread about MS potentially buying Platinum..... and trying to link it to Redfall somehow... a game I've never talked about! LMFAO the desperation
  18. Oh yea... I left... to try to get a fresh start.................................and used the same username... lmao the shit you idiots tell yourselves for your circle jerks Imagine thinking I got clowned when the founder of the site, a MASSIVE PS fanboy, gave me a paid "Extra" membership after I made a few posts... and then I went and trolled Playstation in multiple threads No Gouki.... I didn't come back here because I got banned. I came back here because Zelda is best on PC and it got the game first
  19. Yea, you're a Firecoward.. stalking me and running back here like a little bitch to run your mouths and jerk each other off about it I don't even remember talking to DynamiteCop on that forum. But I knew it was your retarded bitch ass when I saw "FIREK2029" and it was a guy was bragging about his 4090 and how it played everything perfectly
  20. I came here on Zelda's launch day to laugh at you idiots because "your" game is best on PC.. and was before it even launched.. then you threw a predictable tantrum and started blabbing on about Microsoft and Redfall... like clockwork
  21. Came in and replied to things said in it...... And I've never spoken about Redfall..lmao miss me with that shit Trike
  22. LMFAO Gostalkmesan I'm not crawling back. I came back to laugh at you idiot Sheep that your shiny new game is best on PC and was there first too.. lmao pathetic
  23. LOL Midmaltese thought it was a good idea to come in this thread and admit the game runs great.. lmfao TSHBR Jerky and Firecoward talking about Redfall... like I ever spoke about that game... lmfao. Why don't you retards speak to Madmal about that... he's the one literally playing it Dude is subscribed to GP just like Jerky is That clown is in here acting like he games and hasn't touched his PS5 in months Look at all these bitches in System Wars starting their menstrual cycles right at the same time.. LOL they definitely need a break from each o
  24. You should play it on Switch, where it drops into the 20s But we all know that's not going to happen Enjoy being butthurt all night while the rest of us play and you don't.
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