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Posts posted by Remij

  1. 6 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    doesn't mean that the information is not on steam.


    So what you are saying is...................GABE NEWELL and Valve Incorporated HAS WITHHELD INFORMATION FROM YOU during this particular process that you are describing???????????????


    Oh boy................maybe you should take legal action against GABEN?????????? Dontcha think???????:bena:

    Just because it's on Steam's store does not mean people see it.  They can't enforce that rule unless people actually bought it specifically from Steam's store.  If they bought a key from an official site, and then were only informed of the requirement after the fact.. then they're within their rights to a refund.


    Except... many people bought the game, added the key... and played.. due to them circumventing their own requirement... never knowing that a PSN was required to play... and it was like that for 3 months...


    They NEEDED to list that requirement EVERYWHERE.. 


    They fucked up.  It's OK to admit that depry..  They'll make it right.

  2. Just now, jehurey said:

    No, that is not any violation of the USAGE and Behavioural terms


    The TOS even says that you are limited to the games/content of that partiular PSN store "in the country you registered to."


    And does not make your residence be a requirement to the PSN store "country you registered to"


    That phrase is all over the TOS multiple times.

    If this issue was so easily adverted... Sony would simply tell the studio to have their players in unsupported regions make accounts from elsewhere.... except........





    They're not telling the studio anything... because they know they have a monumental fuck up on their hands...  



    One of two things is going to happen here... either Sony OFFICIALLY instruct people to choose a separate country/region from those affected places... or they refund everyone affected.  Plain and fucking simple.

  3. Just now, jehurey said:

    Only if you used false information to intentionally do something that is against TOS.


    Do you have trouble reading the second half of sentences, sweetheart.


    Its in your OWN screenshot.


    [Remij just went back and tried to use scissors again]



    Yes, like intentionally buy games from a country from which you do not reside :drake: 


    OMFG :pavarotti:

  4. Just now, jehurey said:

    yet its redeemed from the ONLY launcher in which you can get the game.........and it DOES have that requirement right on that page.


    Sorry...........but this is just a pathetic reach.


    Its sold and ONLY REDEEMED on Steam.


    The requirement is clearly listed there.


    What are you saying....................that PC gamers DON'T KNOW HOW TO READ INFORMATION OFF OF STEAM????????????


    :hest::hest:think about how stupid and desperate his arguments are getting :hest::hest:

    From the client... not from the store dipshit.   LOL You don't see the store page at all when redeeming game keys.... because you've already visited a store page which is supposed to list the requirements :drake: 


    Look at how stupid he's realizing he is right now :mj: 

  5. Just now, FIREPOWER said:

    Keep coping, you’re the one begging for Sony’s ports and waiting with your bowl waiting years for their scraps. At this rate you will die of hunger waiting for the Bloodborne PC port. Your fellow Hermit Karens have ruined whatever chance you retards had of getting Sony’s main games day and date :sabu:

    Gonna play Ghost of Tsushima in a couple weeks :rofl: 


    Going to play any others too... no shitty PS5 required :rofl: 


    And nah... you've got it wrong.  This will just cement Sony's realization that they need to hit day and date to get ANY sales from PC. :hehe: 

  6. Just now, FIREPOWER said:

    This whole fiasco proves that a lot of hermits are actually illiterate retards that don’t read before they buy a product. Whenever I buy any product on Steam or PSN I always read the requirements. The PSN requirement for this game has been there since before the game launched and has remained there highlighted all this time. Why anyone who has a problem creating PSN accounts would buy a game that clearly states “PSN account required” is beyond me :cruise:

    This game is sold on stores which don't list that requirement dipshit.


    Buying a key from an official seller, such as Sony themselves... doesn't even list the requirement.


    Not to mention their own FAQ website for the game said it wasn't a requirement. 


    Nobody has an issue creating PSN accounts....... people have an issue with Sony legally fucking up.

  7. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    NNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope, you ARE indeed selecting a region.


    It clearly says so right here, clearly given as a parameter and thereby not having "country" as the only requirement:




    Notice how you're entire narrative....................is just false.


    And i'm bitchslapping you with the actual truth? :hest:


    I definitely notice :situation:

    Show me which region poland belongs to.  Show me right now where you select the region.... if the "region" isn't........ Poland :drake: 

  8. 1 minute ago, FIREPOWER said:

    Lemij is gonna keep doing mental gymnastics so that he doesn’t address this elephant in the room that destroys his whole retarded narrative :kaz:



    :lawl: Crying PC Karens have destroyed whatever goodwill they had with Sony. Bloodborne PC port is going to be delayed for another decade at this rate, LMAO.

    Sony has destroyed whatever goodwill they had with PC gamers.... because they fucked up and sold their game with the requirement of a PSN account in countries where it doesn't exist :rofl: 


    You're so stupid to not be able to understand that because you're suck a massive fanboy cocksucker :cruise: 

  9. Just now, jehurey said:

    if you select a PSN store in your "region"





    :RISITAS: Its like I'm playing Rock paper scissors with an idiot


    [Remij]: Oh............yeah? Here's SCISSORS!


    [Jehurey]: Ok.........I'll select a Rock


    [Remij:]: Oh.............uh...........if you have a rock, then here's PAPER


    [Jehurey]: "You do know that scissors defeats paper, right?"



    No.. because you're not selecting a region.. you're selecting a country :drake: 


    Country=region in this case.. moron.  You don't have any way to see which region your country belongs to..... and you're falsifying information, which they reserve the right to ban you for :drake: 



    My god, the stupidity :rofl: 

  10. Just now, jehurey said:

    Than the PC, which the Switch 2 will easily have.


    As we can tell by this chart which utterly destroys your entire nattative about the size of the PC gaming industry:






    Nope, that's not it at all.


    And you even know it, and couldn't come up with anything resembling evidence if you tried.


    The issues were server based issues, and wait times.


    He is in no position to permanent remove PSN login requirements


    The Publisher is.

    LMFAO Sony running to other platforms for growth..  Yes, we know that derpy :mj: 


    Sony fucked up so bad and blew up their 7th biggest game by revenue (just 3 months after it lauched) which it entirely owes to PC :kaz: 


    They're so fucking stupid.  They could have handled this 10000x better and got the same result with no issue... but instead they fucked up their biggest game this year... their first GaaS hit from their entire GaaS incentive... and pissed off the PC community for no reason :cruise: 


    People will study this monumental unnecessary fuck up for years to come :rofl: 

  11. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    To go to a platform that has MORE consumers?


    LOL almost all of your indie devs go to Switch, and several of the prominent ones have posted publicly that Switch sales are better.



    Yea, Sony needs to go to other platforms.. with more customers :rofl: 


    LMFAO this is where he's at :mj: 


    Jesus, since you're so full of hopium you better hope the dev team isn't so pissed off about Sony fucking up their success like this that they'll go find another publisher and release the spiritual successor to Helldivers 2 on Steam and Switch 2 in the future :mj: 

  12. 2 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    And those terms WILL require PSN login.


    And if there are no sales..........then its not worth it for them to port the game, especially anywhere near launch.


    For an IP like Helldivers, which isn't known with the Playstation brand at all..........and knowing that the Switch 2 will sell a quick 20 million units, and Nintendo doesn't give a shit about additional login requirements (as long as its not a paid subscriber service like GamePass).........I wouldn't be surprised in Sony decided to throw a GaaS multiplayer game on the Switch 2.



    They're down to hoping that Sony expands to Switch now :mj: 


    God damn, if that doesn't show you how desperate Sony is at the moment, I don't  know what else does :hest: 

  13. 1 minute ago, FIREPOWER said:

    It’s very clear the retard is coping :kaz:


    :cruise: He never brings any facts or figures to his arguments, just emotions. He’s your typical lemming and that’s why MS is exiting the console space after all these years even though retards like Lemij told us they were doing better than ever. He’s in a constant state of Copium and denial lol.

    Dude, you're full of shit.  The facts of this issue are clear.  Stop being a clown fuck and defending Sony for something that is very clearly their own mistake. :tom: 


    The fumbled the biggest bag they've got all year, and nobody pushed them :cruise: 

  14. 1 minute ago, FIREPOWER said:

    Shows you that Lemij has no fucking clue what he’s talking about. He’s just like the other retarded bandwagoners hopping on a rage train for something they have no fucking clue about. 

    I have 5 different PSN accounts, all for different regions that I created 15 years ago. I’ve made purchases with them, played multiplayer games with them, and never gotten banned. I have friends that live in countries that don’t have official PSN support and they made US accounts and have never gotten banned. These friends have owned their accounts for almost 20 years without issue. When Sony’s TOS talks about banning your account, they mean banning you if you create a burner account with the intent to use to break their other TOS. 

    If creating a PSN outside of your region was a ban able offense outright millions of gamers wouldn’t be able to get on PSN on PS5 because most countries where PS5s are sold don’t have official PSN support. These whiny PC Karens getting meltdowns over this nothingburger are just shooting g themselves in the foot.

    Shows how much of a clown you are that you don't realize the issue here.  It's not about making a fake fucking account moron... it's that Sony knowingly sold the game in places where you can't officially make an account without "making a fake account".


    Jesus christ how stupid can you be :lemming: 

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