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Everything posted by Remij

  1. So they didn't think it was worth the value it would bring... which also adds to MS' argument, and of course Sony's ability to grow in that timeframe without it
  2. NO GAMES... AND NO CONSOLE GROWTH DUE TO LACK OF GAMES I been done telling you the reason
  3. Holy shit that completely destroy's Sony's foreclosure argument They grew when Xbox had COD marketing... and COD was more important back then.
  4. Yes it did. Gamepass sees jumps when there are big first party releases. It has stagnated because MS hasn't had any releases since then. Sony estimates it to be ~29M right now.. without any new releases in that time.... Oh... how crazy of me to think that it would have reached 30M had they kept releasing big games The console market for GP is stagnating... which makes sense because there's no new releases... and their console market is small. Add to the fact that they aren't releasing big games for years now... means people don't have a reason to buy the console... which means
  5. Forza Horizon moved the needle, so did Halo. GP sees bumps when these games release no doubt.. and seems to have settled in at between 25M and 30M without any major new releases. The problem is that there's no cadence to MS' releases... they have a couple.. then you go years without anything new... that's a problem, and people know it. Subs continue to fall off in the meantime between big releases. Call MS' own games mediocre as you want... Xbox fans with the consoles are obviously into them... and they help drive GamePass subscriptions. Starfield will be massive for
  6. ^ listen to yourself.. so mad because I posted that it was coming with authority You're even trying to make the argument about WHEN it will become true... and not whether or not it is... LOL don't think I didn't notice that. I also didn't say a damn thing about any time it would "bear fruit" "You have no idea if it's twue" Ah, ok so you're arguing against the Nvidia leak The funniest thing will be Jerky coming back into this thread and dingle-berrying your pathetic posts. I can't wait for that
  7. LOL he's laughing because I posted about it coming.... I never said anything about when it was coming... And I already did post proof of you arguing about it you dumb bitch... you're doing it right in this very thread LOL It's not a consideration, if they're already doing it... so either the leak is wrong, as you're arguing... or they aren't considering it and are actually doing it...
  8. That's what happens when you don't release new games to get people to buy into the service... while simultaneously removing old ones. If they consistently released first party games, they'd be doing far better.
  9. Yea, it's time we see something. But there are rumors out there that Microsoft ain't showing up to TGAs in a very big way, because they're trying to downplay any big announcements or showings until after the Activision/Blizzard deal.. lol
  10. I mean, surely this is the year we see some of these games they've had cooking for years. Perfect Dark This has to be shown at this point, right? We haven't seen a single fucking frame of gameplay.. we don't know anything about it... The Initiative was created in 2018... so they've had at least 2-3 years of solid time to build something to show... so where the fuck is it? Fable Same thing... This game has been known, and in development for years and years, and we've seen absolutely nothing from it. Not one slice of gameplay or even in-game visuals.. They c
  11. Oh yea I've heard about people that use that bing shit to essentially do what you've done. That's legit. Play the system breh
  12. You just did in this thread. You said they're just considering it... Considering it would mean that the Nvidia leak is wrong... because if they were considering it... it wouldn't have existed way back then OMFG So either you agree with me that it's coming based off the merits of the leak... and that what I said in this thread isn't wrong at all.... or you're saying the leak is wrong.
  13. You're always getting butthurt about these threads... every fucking time That's why it's "anotha one"... It's you and Jerky being the joke... every single time. I literally said in this OP that I can't wait for you guys to get here and whine about it. LOL Imagine just making a thread called "GT7 is coming to PC"... after all the other games that have been released.... and knowing that you two specifically will come in here and whine about me/this thread and the fact that I stated something obvious. I mean... they're just considering it Rem!
  14. All it takes is a thread saying that a PS game is coming to PC, and Gouki and Jerky lose their fucking shit. BUBU it'z jus a consideration REM! Stop begging!
  15. Yeah you have. You back up your boy Jerky every single time. You're just like him in that you can't avoid any threads I make about PS games coming to PC. I've always laughed at how TIME AND TIME again, the leak proves out... and you guys STILL continue to get butthurt about these threads. Desperation? Silly arguements? So silly to post that a PS game is coming to PC... isn't it? How dare I... I never said anything about it being "any day now" for them adopting Gamepass exactly... and I never said any day now for day and date with PC and PS5 AAA blockbusters....
  16. Bubu I don't care GT7 comes to PC yearz latur OMFG REMI MADE A GT7 THREAD!! GOTTA COMMENT!! Trust me, I'm laughing harder and how you can't help but come into these threads and whine about them.... especially after so many games have already released... it's just ANOTHA ONE And we know you don't play GT7... nobody expects you or Jerky to play the games you whine about coming to PC
  17. You're in every thread about it fool... LMFAO acting like you're separate from him in this You get just as butthurt as he does about these threads. Bubu it's a consideration No it's fucking not... it's coming, and was leaked ages ago... and this thread just triggered the fuck out of you clowns... as usual It's ALWAYS just you an Jerky
  18. Yes you do... you OBVIOUSLY care about it... since you come into every thread made about them And you didn't play GT7... just like Jerry
  19. Going ape shit? You've gone more apeshit about me making this thread than I ever did about it... Bubu Rem he's just considering it!!@! He screams... as anotha one is checked off the Nvidia leak
  20. GotDAMN Remember... making a thread stating that something is coming to PC... is begging for it! When Sony starts releasing their live service games, and they're day and date with PC and I make a thread about them... remember that we begged for those too! Cows have been so completely and utterly owned... because I remember when these SAME motherfuckers were laughing at the threads/posts I was making about Xbox games coming to PC when DynamiteCop and Jonb were trying to tell me it wasn't happening..... and there were no talks about it being begging back then f
  21. I get off on you thinking you're laughing at me, when I'm really the one laughing at you... You literally can't help yourself but come into these threads... every time I think you've mostly been maintaining butthurt all this time... but hey you do you
  22. Xbox has won the most head to heads overall, and they've been winning them more consistently recently as well. Tools came in late The things PS has done better is demonstrate certain aspects of their hardware off far better than MS has been able to this gen so far. The loading times mostly. Even if they are just really pretty last gen games, Ratchet and Horizon: FW at least show quick loading and nice visuals. On Xbox things have been.... dire. MS has failed to demonstrate any of their architectures strengths as it relates to their own games. No Sampler Feedback
  23. It was on the Nvidia leak He's saying yes... without actually saying yes because he can't officially yet. And yea, I do bust a nut knowing how you and Jerky will react when I make these threads. I get off on it because you literally can't help yourselves...
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