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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Absolutely. It's brain dead. Hell even Uncharted offers better climbing mechanics than this game. There used to be actual platforming in God of War... sure it wasn't ever anything special, but it was a lot better than what's here. And remember what you said about how they've essentially made it brain dead obvious with glowing markers where anything interactable is? It really is just very bad in this one. There's no other way to say it. They don't have any confidence in your ability to try things and be wrong about things, and risk you getting frustrated. They're trying to ke
  2. Honestly, I hate certain aspects of this game sooo much. I hate the stupid yappy NPCs, I hate now braindead the puzzles are because of it. Honestly, some of the levels, while absolutely beautiful... are not that well designed and fun to explore. When your side content is better than you main content, you have an issue... As you guys have said, the combat gets old and doesn't feel as good as the first game. I think some of the dialog is just terribly odd at points. I think cramming as much into the game as they wanted to so they could finish off the story really hurt certain as
  3. PC keeps winning and inventing new genres
  4. http://playwarside.com/#crowdfund Looks awesome though
  5. I don't think there will be "Pro" consoles for this generation. Not anymore. The gen is starting late enough as it is already, and there's no real "new technology" adoption push to be made. With the Pro consoles it was 4K TVs pushing that adoption. With this generation, you don't have any of that. 8K is still far away from the market adopting it, and with Ray Tracing the tech already exists on consoles. Sure, it's not great on consoles, but RT requirements ramp up very quickly.. and even AMDs biggest and baddest GPUs aren't great at it. I think you'll see "slim" revisions and
  6. So a programmer on twitter opened the game up in RenderDoc to see how it draws and constructs its frames, and they looked at the rat swarms. The game issues ~10,000 drawcalls (no wonder FPS drop LOL) Turns out in high LOD that the game renders the rats one by one. Rats can each be anywhere from 522 to 10K polys depending on the LOD. In the scene they tested there was ~8300 rats rendered. Lower detail LODs are instanced in the mid-far region, and distant rats are merged meshes with textured blobs. Pretty interesting stuff. It's quite the vi
  7. Been checking out Spider-Man: Miles Morales on PC. Awesome port. The RT Shadows are MASSIVELY taxing on the GPU and CPU though when maxed out. However, DLSS3 really does come to the rescue. Nvidia just released a driver update which fixes vsync on Gsync/Gsync compatible displays with DLSS3. So now there's no additional input lag for using DLSS3.. and not only that, but improvements to DLSS3 have made it more performant and higher quality. So DLSS3 literally feels as responsive as the game should. It's a massive improvement to the initial release.. and with RT shadows.. it's damn near es
  8. We already determined that game doesn't scale well above medium..... 7fps is like 15 - 20% btw... and that's almost 1/3 of the consoles entire framerate... with very little visual compromise.. And I never said it would be possible in EVERY game. The fact remains, that in MOST games, you can easily EASILLLLLLLY.... hit 4K 60fps. Be smart with your settings.
  9. Oh I forgot you're ONLY going to play new games with your GPU. Only games that release AFTER you buy your GPU in fact... And AGAIN... you're not getting any sympathy from me when you know those games are terribly optimized, and you're running them at Ultra settings, when you could easily drop some settings, see almost no change in visuals... and get massive performance improvements..
  10. You can play TONS of games at 4K 60fps. There's graphically demanding ones which you can't... but you can then drop needless ultra settings and do it. Then there's RT... where you have DLSS.. and you can still drop some settings..... You're basically talking a lot of shit, because you simply want to run Ultra settings... knowing that it's often vastly more demanding with very little visual return. Your pathetically childish attitude of "but I dun wanna! " when it comes to dropping any settings below their max is what makes me call you out for stupid shit. Consoles co
  11. And which graphically demanding games don't support DLSS/FSR Twinky? And no... it isn't impossible... you ADJUST THE SETTINGS. And yes, it's unreasonable to claim that consoles are great.... at medium settings 30fps..... and then bitch and complain that PC sucks because you're not getting double the framerate at Ultra....
  12. That is NOT what I'm saying... jesus christ I'm the one who's been posting benchmarks here dude.... No shit you can make any GPU buckle with retarded settings. You're out here acting like you can't play any games at 4K 60.... which is far more misleading than what I'm saying... Again, NO SHIT you're not going to be playing with maxed out Ultra settings and ultra RT on the latest games at 4K 60. But you CAN adjust settings and get there. Settings which can have a large impact on performance with very little visual return. You were JUST commenting about how A Pla
  13. 4K 60 for that card is PERFECTLY reasonable... if you adjust some settings.. And again, DLSS2 is in most graphically demanding titles that release now...
  14. It's not hard to believe. Arceus looks like shit too and had performance issues at launch.
  15. Turn some settings down dummy. No shit you aren't going to run DL2 with RT maxed out at 4K 60... And LOL Sonic, Star Ocean, SteelRising, and Syberia aren't graphically demanding, they're just terribly optimized And again, in the above post.... we're not even taking DLSS2 into account. 4K60 is doable on your card... especially at console settings. You're just being a dumbass.
  16. That's pure BS lmfao... Dude I had a 2080ti.. I know what it is capable of. Like I said, drop a setting or 2 from ultra and 4K 60 is easily doable.
  17. RT obviously changes things... but let's not act like you can't play games at 4K 60fps. Have you even ever tried? I played a lot of games 4K 60fps+ on my 2080ti.
  18. Yea I'm hoping the combat and guns feel good. Game looks awesome to me.
  19. A 3070ti is perfectly fine for 60fps 4K gaming. If you really have to, turn down a couple settings a single notch and you're easily good... and that's without DLSS... 1440p and 4K average FPS -
  20. Yes, that would be awesome! That's basically my dream Kain game. Essentially the first game, but with the environmental level design and puzzle designs of Soul Reaver, and of course completely updated combat. You're right, the design was so good. Ahead of its time in so many ways.
  21. I don't think that will happen haha... but holy shit if it did I'd be heart broken. It's hard to say what shape/form a new Kain game would take. Maybe it's a sequel, maybe a remaster, maybe a remake, or a reboot.. but sadly some of the key cast memebers of the series have passed away.. notably Tony Jay as the Elder God, and Paul Lukather as Vorador. Vorador is my favorite character in the Kain series... although there's a few of them that are also right up there with him. I fucking love these characters, really. A remake of the original game would literally be a dr
  22. It looks like a shitty Unreal Engine 4 game that's running on a PC without the shaders being precompiled How does that shit even pass QA and get greenlit for release? And it will print millions and millions of dollars for them
  23. He's right. Console is mostly flat/shrinking, PC remains mostly flat, up some years and down others, and Mobile continues to grow. If you want to survive in this business, you're going to have to have a large presence in all 3. Mobile is just too much money. That's why Sony and Nintendo are both pushing in the direction of Mobile. For the long term stability of their business, they need to have a strong presence there. Activision and King for Microsoft would be MASSIVE for them. COD Mobile is absolutely huge, and of course Candy Crush.
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