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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Except I already addressed the yen issue twice in this thread before you stupidly came in here and asked if I had heard about the yen... Yea, I said it would explain prices remaining the same and not dropping... but not increasing $100 4 years later... because that's.............ridiculous.
  2. Nah not yet.. but I haven't played it yet today. Probably in an hour or so I'm going to try for a bit lol.
  3. The idea that you're paying more for a console 4 years after it released on store shelves than it cost the day it launched IS ridiculous... The idea that the world has changed so much and that statement is true is ridiculous. Can you understand that? It's like someone saying to someone else at the grocery store "Man, it's ridiculous how much food costs these days eh?" as a general remark, and then someone who works at the store says "Well achtually there's tons of economic reasons for it that you may have missed let me explain".... like dude... you having an explanation for it DOESN'T MAKE
  4. His response is basically "well Sony doesn't want to lose money on a console sale anymore" and that "the world has changed" lmao. Yea, annnnnnd... it doesn't make it any less ridiculous
  5. I'm expressing the idea of such a thing happening as being ridiculous... not that I don't understand that there's potential reasons for it.... Like I said, economic reasons attributing to the inability to reduce the price over the years...ok sure, but raising prices $100 four years later... is still ridic.. that's all.
  6. Previous gens dropped prices dude.... this gen prices haven't dropped.. and now they're going up. Yes, that's unique to this generation... doesn't make it any less ridiculous.
  7. Previous to this generation of consoles dummy.. And yes, it's just as ridiculous when MS does it as Sony.
  8. I didn't miss anything dude... I know the situation with the yen... and I know how inflation works. The thing you're missing is how ridiculous it is, regardless of the situation. Playstation can take losses on hardware.. it's literally the means to the end of their entire business... you price people out of the point of entry, then you're losing far more. Nintendo has been mulling a Switch price increase for literally over 2 years now... and they never did... hmm imagine that. And yes, I'm well aware that Japan is a major market for Nintendo and apparently not for Sony... it's g
  9. I edited my post because I realized I wasn't quite sure if you meant Nintendo makes the game, or they make the game for Nintendo lol. But regardless, I'd rather Konami be able to do this shit on their own and build themselves up again across all platforms. Their games can be popular again everywhere.
  10. Right, then the world where Sony sells 120M units also wont exist anymore. And where's the Switch price increase? The problem is that Sony CAN take a loss on hardware... they just don't want to anymore. Which is fine... raise the prices all you want... but it's going to cost them more in the long run in Japan when you have Nintendo locked in and PC gaining ground every year.
  11. I already responded to that multiple times in this very thread... It's absolutely ridiculous that a product which is 4 years old, and should have dropped price by now... is actually increasing it's price over what it was when it originally launched.. As I already stated in this thread, I could understand the price having dropped, and then having to raise it back to what it originally was because the yen is shit... but this is an actual price increase on the product. Want to cover your losses? Raise the price of your subscription services. Nobody buying your console m
  12. Damn, on Sony's tweet about the price increase, Japanese gamers are upset and a lot of them are commenting things to the effect of "might as well buy a PC then".. https://x.com/PlayStation_jp/status/1828311481265394102
  13. There was some questions over whether or not we'd be able to play these versions with the "Classic Rebirth" mods, but I can confirm that it works as simple as ever. These are absolutely the best ways to play these games now. I'm so fucking happy GOG got these games.. even if Capcom does decide to make a collection for consoles + Steam in the future.
  14. Yea, I mean on a big screen, I think the layouts they have are great... at least they give you multiple layouts, but it would have been nice to also have a button combo be able to switch between both screens in fullscreen. I wonder why they didn't think or bother to do that? It would be simple as fuck to implement.
  15. Yes, but it's a 4 year old product that has gotten cheaper to produce over time. Prices should have been dropped and the yen dropping should mean prices increased back to where they were.. aka stayed the same... not an actual increase 4 years later. This is just crazy. PRO price might be higher than expected as a premium product to claw back losses too.
  16. Yeah, but that might explain keeping it the same price 4 years later, but not raising it.
  17. https://x.com/Genki_JPN/status/1828318867766247871 What the fuck? With the PRO coming you'd think prices would be dropping.. This doesn't bode well for the price of the PRO. Unless there's something I'm missing.
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